專訪香港歌手Dawn Tang 鄧鈞耀

Ar B (阿比)・2016-11-23
1.你對自己音樂怎樣形容? 1.how would you describe your music? If I am asked to describe my music, I wouldn't confine it into only one genre of music but the types that can express my emotions and feeling at the time i am singing or playing it. Telling stories is one of the magics in music performing and I wish to tell my stories to the audience through expressing my feelings and singing from the bottom of my heart. 如果要講我的音樂,我覺得不會限制於某一種類型的表現方式,我的情緒和感覺亦會在我演繹時表達出來。能夠以講故事的方式唱出來是一種魔法,我希望講我的故事同時,聽眾會在我表達中感覺到我是由心底裡唱出來的。 2.你最期待觀眾的反應? 2.what kind of reactions,feed back,or response would you want the most from your audience? I wouldn't expect any reaction from the audience but their attention. Only a breath-taking performance can connect the performer & audience despite the far distance between the stage and the auditorium. The moment we shared is what I cherish. 我不會太注意到觀眾任何的反應,只要有另人驚喜觸動到人,就算聽眾和舞台之間的距離是很遠也一樣,這些時刻都是很珍貴。 3你對自己的音樂目標是什麼? 3.what's your goal in music? In the near future, I hope give it a shot in writing up songs, probably with a number of friends. And I wish to sing more songs from other song writers since being a singer is my dream since I was small. I won't give up music 在不久將來,我希望寫一些歌曲,大概會關於友情,和也希望能夠唱到其他音樂人的作品,這是我很小時候還未成為歌手時已經希望的事,我不會放棄音樂! 推介三首(最)喜歡的歌曲 1. 圓謊 https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=E3X6ZUWEBjw 2.Listen https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=v3G46qaNZ3I 3.Make you feel my love https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=4OoD3iDN-Ok *照片經由dawn本人Facebook提供