Previsões Económicas de Macau em 2025 Macau is only a tiny spot on the world map. It is fortunate enough to be free from major natural disasters. When a typhoon is approaching, Taiwan protects it as a natural barrier. Typhoons first pass through Taiwan before reaching Macau, so the storm weakens. Regarding earthquakes, Macau is not located in the Plate tectonics active area. What worries Macau is the world economy. Today, Mickey Hung will analyze Macau's economic situation in 2025 from the perspective of "I Ching." The Beginning of Spring on the Feng Shui calendar is the beginning of the year. It is 11:11 pm on February 3, 2025. 天干地支are 乙巳、戊寅、癸卯、癸亥. , the star of water represents the Macau government in 2025, the star of the earth is the security star, the star of fire is the wealth star, Macau'sMacau's economic pillar is mainly based on turismo and entretenimento, as for Imobiliário, comércio, serviços, retalho, and restauração, Because different "五行" will have a different emphasis, which fields the city will focus on developing depends on the government's decision. 2015's wealth star will be relatively prosperous, so the Festival da Primavera will record the highest number of inbound tourists, and the income from Imposto sobre entretenimento e jogos will be considerable. However, the wealth star will be crashed at the end of the year, resulting in a decrease in treasury income. In the "Five Elements" (no need to translate), water grows wood, and wood is the conqueror of Earth. The official star is Earth, and Earth is the security star. Fire engenders Earth. There are more cyber crimes in the Year of the Snake than last year, so be vigilant with telephone scam calls and financial frauds. There will be some scams in the name of metaphysics, including Feng Shui. Metal generates water, so the financial market and stock trade will be hot in 2025. public participation in the financial market will be very popular. Please be conscious of not being obsessed with it. From the "I Ching" perspective, many people don't have much critical thinking, and some take advantage of the herd mentality to make money. Everyone should be thoughtful and analyze their financial positions and risks before investing. Mainland investors have overheated Macau's property market in recent years, and property prices have skyrocketed. In 2025, the star of the Earth will not be substantial. In addition, the construction of new development areas has accelerated the construction of habitação económica. Mickey Hung predicts that the real estate growth rate will slow in 2025, and the second-hand property market will stagnate. Macao's economy will still face external uncertainties and be influenced by other uncontrollable factors in 2025. However, from a macro international perspective, Macao's relatively small economic scale has the advantage of being flexible. With the support of the PRC government, we can maintain a prudently optimistic attitude toward Macao's economy. The GDP forecast for 2025 is estimated to be approximately 400 billion patacas, an annual increase of roughly 5%. The new executive chef will have many reforms, such as opening a wider road network, technology, and medical facilities. The following year, the government will reduce unnecessary expenditures on celebrations and spend more on people's livelihood expenditures.