值得推介的一首動聽、且為本地慈善機構唱作的一首好曲, 唱出四種語言的一首本地原創作歌曲; 欣賞支持澳門原創作! 您 -- 聽了未?! ARTM 20th週年記念歌曲 " Stand off the dark " " Stand off the dark " 主唱:小肥、Julio 、杜俊瑋 作曲:林進一@Chessman 中 / 英文詞:龍世傑@Chessman 葡文詞 :Tomás 編曲:林進一 監製:林進一 漆黑中遊離 錯過缺失過 獨行力竭筋疲 好彩找到你 拍檔去解困 結伴去準備 無論有冷冰雪山 沿途幻覺不用怕 能同往 能無畏 跨過患難 We can shine like the stars,stand off the dark Break through the storms since we’ve been united Shine like the stars,stand off the dark Let’s make our bond the sturdiest backup Faith will be our strength never falling down Shine like the stars, light up the future path. Divagado na solidão Ignorando a sua doença Até se envenena Não tem que estar escondido Fala com um amigo e vê a diferença é difícil o caminho Mas não o farás sozinho Ultrapassa-o, juntos, Sem receio We can shine like the stars, stand off the dark Break through the storms since we’ve been united Shine like the stars, stand off the dark Let’s make our bond the sturdiest backup Faith will be our strength never falling down Shine like the stars, light up the future path. 我們並肩走過 重重難關 茫茫人海 一致默契想法 並肩面對 迷途時刻 揚帆迎風 一致路向出發 當遇著狂瀾 一起去對抗 並肩同行 找到前方的光 We can shine like the stars, stand off the dark Break through the storms since we’ve been united Shine like the stars, stand off the dark Let’s make our bond the sturdiest backup Faith will be our strength never falling down Shine like the stars, light up the future path. #【得土安】芥未黃教堂# #穆罕默德五世陵墓# 聯絡及邀約: irene801802@hotmail.com