作為父母,我們有責任讓我們的孩子為瞬息萬變的世界做好準備。 隨著人工智能和其他技術以前所未有的速度發展,傳統的工作和技能正在變得過時。 我們不能指望讓我們的孩子為過去做好準備——現在是時候讓他們具備在未來茁壯成長所需的技能了。 未來的就業市場尤其需要一項技能:企業家精神。 在工作不斷變化的世界中,創造性思考、發現機會並將其轉化為成功企業的能力將至關重要。 通過強調企業家精神,我們不僅讓我們的孩子為未來的就業市場做好準備,我們還幫助他們培養成長心態、批判性思維和解決問題的能力、數字素養等。 但是時間不多了。 未來比我們想像的更近,孩子的未來取決於我們今天為他們提供的技能。 As parents, it's our responsibility to prepare our kids for the rapidly changing world.With AI and other technologies advancing at an unprecedented rate, traditional jobs and skills are becoming obsolete.We can't rely on preparing our kids for the past - it's time to equip them with the skills they need to thrive in the future.And the future job market is crying out for one skill in particular: entrepreneurship.The ability to think creatively, spot opportunities and turn them into successful ventures will be crucial in a world where jobs are constantly evolving.By emphasizing entrepreneurship, we're not just preparing our kids for the future job market, we're also helping them to develop a growth mindset, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, digital literacy and more.But time is running out.The future is closer than we think and our kids' futures depend on the skills we equip them with today. 【作者簡介】陳康妮 Miss Connie澳門科技大學講師澳洲墨爾本大學主修高等教育管理學畢業澳門資深教育管理學專家澳門教育作家(教育創新)澳門兒童文學作家澳門國際培訓師-從事國際培訓師工作27年全球職涯發展師-澳門斷捨離群組創辦人(群組合共26000人)