

STOMP首演之夜 為觀眾帶來集敲擊樂、舞蹈及音樂劇於一身的精彩表演

LifeMag Editor・2016-09-27

STOMP能量勁爆的表演者於澳門首演之夜在威尼斯人劇場為觀眾傾力演出,帶來震撼衝擊的兩小時精彩表演。這個表演是透過使用一些隨手可得的日用品,如打火機、垃圾桶蓋、廚房洗手盆等,並以敲打、撞擊等的方式來創造出截然不同的聲響的現場秀。 STOMP是集創新舞蹈、街頭表演的戲劇張力及音樂表演於一身的現場秀,自1992年起在世界各地與全球觀眾見面,並曾在2012年倫敦夏季奧運會閉幕式作演出,令在場觀眾為之雀躍及興奮。 最新的表演除全新的音樂、編曲外,被表演者穿在身上又拿來演奏的「樂器」—大量回收的輪胎內胎,更為這場精心設計的表演錦上添花。演出再融合極富感染力的節拍、搞笑詼諧的趣劇、自創新奇的舞步,連同舞者之間心電感應般的默契,STOMP是可讓大家釋放城市人壓力的終極舞蹈及節奏表演。 STOMP迄今已巡迴演出25年,團隊已先後走遍六大洲共53個國家,為全球逾1,200萬名觀眾帶來超過兩萬場演出。全球亦設有多達五個STOMP公司為世界各地的觀眾帶來表演。 STOMP將於威尼斯人劇場演出至10月9日,門票可透過金光票務售票處訂購,票價由港幣/澳門幣180至780元,更可經網站www.cotaiticketing.com或致電+853 2882 8818 (澳門熱線) / +852 6333 6660 (香港熱線) / 4001 206 618 (中國內地免費熱線)訂購。


文創遊樂場 // 米米 Esther Lim・2016-09-19

由澳門青年音樂推廣協會、香港當代無伴奏合唱協會舉行澳門國際音樂盛事將於2016年11月13日開始了;今次參演藝團國際團隊衆多而且水準極高,故此誠意向喜歡音樂的澳門觀衆推介一下,並介紹一下參演團隊: Urban Harmony Singers (新加坡) 由新加坡、印尼、馬來西亞、菲律賓等地最頂尖的資深無伴奏合唱歌手組成,擅唱耳熟能詳的歌曲,幷與觀衆互動,一直深受歡迎。 W.I.T.H.(南韓) 是Walking In The Harmony的縮寫,並參與拍攝KBS TV文化共感節目,後再獲"統營國際音樂節藝術節新星獎",又多番應邀在韓國KT Olleh Square"Jazz and the City"系列中演出。 Water Singers(澳門) 澳門無伴奏重唱組合Water Singers於2014年1月成立,由四位就讀於澳門理工 學院藝術高等院校音樂課程的女生組成。成員林詩涵連續四年入選亞太青年合唱團(APYC),隨團在第十屆世界合唱大會(WSCM)、2013美國合唱指揮大會(ACDA)、中國國際合唱節中演 出並擔任領唱。成員楊斯佳現師從澳門樂團第一長笛翁斯貝,曾作為第一長笛與澳門樂團合作《未來的希望》。成 員雷諾文現師從澳門鋼琴演奏教育家梁劍英,曾在多個青年鋼琴比賽中獲奬,並活躍於戲劇與音樂的演出,於開箱作業2014 《One Night in Macao》中作為現場歌者及鍵盤手開始受關注。 澳門青年音樂推廣協會鄧樹雄Gary Tang是次音樂會籌委主席 亞洲無伴奏合唱節於2011年在香港創辦的國際性無伴奏合唱節,隨著無合伴奏合唱日漸流行, 2016年於澳門青年音樂推廣協會獲授權舉辦是次大型活動,今次參與演出及比賽人數超過80人,他們來自四大洲份十多個國家,合作團體的機構接近三十多個,使無伴奏合唱在本澳能夠持續地發展。 中港澳大專無伴奏合唱比賽於11月13日(星期日)地點: 澳門大學學生活動中心音樂劇院時間:7:00pm-9:00pm、免費入場 無伴奏合唱101工作坊,人聲敲擊工作坊於11月28日地點: 官樂怡基金會畫廊時間:7:00pm -9:00pm、免費入場 Walk in the Urban Harmony 穿梭和聲間,852 x 853 無伴奏合唱音樂會11月29日時間:7:45m -9:55pm於文化中心小劇院參演藝團

The Romeo and Juliet effect


When I first met Miss M, she was just an 18-year-old girl with upward eyebrow tails. According to face reading, she was an independent and strong-minded girl who would do whatever she wanted. Her parents once did not allow her to leave Macau for studying at a university in Taiwan, but she was still sent to study aboard by Macau government because of her outstanding performance. In the third year of university, she fell in love with an exchange student from Singapore. That boy has a complicated family, his mother was sentenced to 24 years in prison, and his older brother was a local ringleader. Of course Miss M’s parents were opposed to their relationship, but the two lovers determined to break through all difficulties to carry on their faithful love till the end. The more opposition from her parents, the closer they became. When two people in love encounter difficulties and have to break up, it induces "the Romeo and Juliet effect”. Because they were unable to change her parents’ mind, they used “living together” to prove their true love. They thought that was love! Lovers often have a mistaken view about love, they consider the strength of defeating outside difficulties (especially parents’ opposition) as the strength of love, and transform the sense of achievement of defeating parents’ opposition into the feeling of love. This year Miss M came to visit me and told me that she had already divorced. Certainly, there are many reasons for divorce, but I would like to remind you that, the impulsion of love triggered by living together to resist parents’ opposition usually cannot bear the test of setback. Once two lovers come across sad setback, there will be cracks in their love.

How can we deal with the negative emotions?


I have been visited many places with whirlpool, and found out that whirlpools have one common feature, which is the width of whirlpool could be seen, with the bottom of whirlpool could be estimated. I have to tell myself, the bottom of whirlpool is our mind. Human are kind of emotional animals, and emotion is the impressive feeling, which could feel through our eyes,ears,mouth and body. All these feeling will be recorded and stored at the consciousness of Cakra. Our mind are without the support of filtering function,and as consequence no matter the good feeling or evil feeling will be absorbed. til this space is fulfilled, we become uncomfortable and get worried on everything, and get lots of doubts on our behaviors and blame ourself from time to time. Muladhara Cakra firstly absorbs The spiritual information, and Svadhisthana Cakra judges our sexual criteria, for example, when a man loves a woman, does he make sex relationship coming to the first priority consideration? After this criteria is made, Manipura Cakra then orientates us into involvement into society, ethical issue and law. Anahat Cakra ,vishuddha Cakra,Ajina Cakr are the combination of management of human's energy and mind and then they controls the human physical activities. What I wanna to emphasize here is Ajina Cakra, which is the master of knowledge of society and spiritual intelligence, and dominate the mental functions. in many marriage risk consultation cases, it was found out many ladies may put negative energy into Ajina Cakra.After they are abandoned by men, with internal hate feelings , this is moving on in term of power.The hate of emotion is kept moving on, the rotational speed is getting faster and faster. If the complain emotion could be stopped at the begging, then suicide may come afterward as consequence. The method of handling this type of cases, the only solution is that to make the reverse effort by spiritual intelligence, example, try to lead the clients to think about what the virtue of their partners are? what the future plan at the beginning are? I hope that people shall not look down on these skills, because I have got many experience in the cases of marriage risk consultation.

「Don't Let Daddy Know 2016」電音起義音樂節澳門站 7月1日熱爆新濠影滙綜藝館

LifeMag Editor・2016-05-16

電音起義於2016年7月1日於亞洲拉斯維加斯 - 澳門舉辦「Don't Let Daddy Know 2016」,我地將會帶給你最瘋狂的一次電音派對體驗。讓大家久等了的DJ 陣容正式出爐:Steve Angello、Showtek、Moti、Borgeous、Dannic、Sem Vox及Carta。 眾所周知 DLDK 是世界知名的電子舞曲品牌之一。巨大的場地、令人興奮的視覺和特別效果,同時叫人拍案叫絕的表演名單!DLDK這品牌從2012年於西班牙伊微沙島(Ibiza)開始,從此聚集了電音界最受歡迎的名字,在國際間得到空前的成功並創造了嶄新的全球化體驗,並且曾於香港、聖地牙哥、曼徹斯特、安特衛普、伊斯坦堡及派對首都伊微沙島(Ibiza)舉行連串活動,而今次舞台將移師去澳門,為大家帶來一次盛大的演出。 請加入我們這個猶如坐過山車般刺激無與倫比壯觀的派對體驗。DLDK為你帶來了派對聖殿,一個沒有極限、一個讓你失控的地方,保證為你帶來非凡的回憶,滿足你的所有要求和欲望。除了音樂外,觀眾亦將享受到包含最出色的DJ、最前衛的舞台設計丶及「Don't Let Daddy Know」裝置的震撼一晚。 DLDK阿姆斯特丹2015片段:https://youtu.be/qgXSyZDobxQ DLDK香港2015片段:https://youtu.be/cRHjISPOq2E 在此購買你的 #DLDK 產品:www.dldkwebshop.con 日期 : 2016年7月1日 地點 : 澳門新濠影滙綜藝館 早鳥門票(售票日期:25/4 – 8/5) $650 (售罄) 優先門票(售票日期:9/5 –30/6) $850 正價門票(售票日期:1/7) $1,000 貴賓席門票(售票日期:25/4 – 1/7)(包括優先入場+香檳一杯) $1,500 立即撲飛: 快達票、K11 Select 及通利琴行發售: http://goo.gl/TF9zwq 新濠影滙網上訂購: http://goo.gl/AFmEv8 新濠影汇网上订购: http://goo.gl/AZD7Of