


LifeMag Editor・2016-08-18

中秋節作為大中華地區及海外華人的重要傳統節日,市面上紛紛推出華麗的月餅包裝及多款口味的月餅以歡慶佳節,澳門設計中心亦希望藉此傳統節日宣傳澳門設計及澳門製造,本年特別與本地老字號萬豪軒酒家合作,推出名為「登陸月球」的月餅。 澳門設計中心透過月餅盒的創作,再一次呈現出「澳門好設計.設計好澳門」的經營理念。設計揮別傳統餅盒觀感,穿上了具現代感的新衣,以月球簡單呈現團圓的意象,亦希望透過時尚簡約的風格,跳脫了傳統月餅盒的固有印象,引起更多年青一代關注這個傳統節日。盒身幻彩設計,柔和的漸變色彩寓意著美好祝福;表面採用鐳射激凸技術真實還原月球,金色大月亮更代表著團圓美滿,盒內每個月餅均刻上澳門好設計的字樣。 當澳門設計遇上澳門老字號月餅 對包裝的設計追求簡約前衛,而對月餅的品質澳門設計中心力求優質。「登陸月球」月餅採用萬豪軒酒家出品的高級雙黃蓮蓉月,堅持少糖少油,秉承一貫嚴謹的製作工藝,保證從原材料到加工均為百份百澳門製造。 心意籃套裝加入更多本地元素 「登陸月球」月餅更推出心意籃套裝,包括由澳門藝術家陸曦先生創作的兩幅中秋畫作、澳門茶文化協會出品的茶葉套裝、以及紅酒、4色陶瓷碟等,當中茶葉套裝除嚴選雲南特優普洱精製茶葉外,包裝更使用了本地藝術家陸曦及黎鷹的澳門風景畫作,在送禮之餘不忘帶出澳門文化。 月餅及心意籃套裝由即日起可於網上預訂(http://goo.gl/forms/6nzEDnybwkCvIDRv1),亦可親臨澳門設計中心訂購,地址:澳門製造廠5號,查詢可致電28520335或電郵info@dcmacau.com與李小姐聯絡,詳情請參閱www.dcmacau.com

The Romeo and Juliet effect


When I first met Miss M, she was just an 18-year-old girl with upward eyebrow tails. According to face reading, she was an independent and strong-minded girl who would do whatever she wanted. Her parents once did not allow her to leave Macau for studying at a university in Taiwan, but she was still sent to study aboard by Macau government because of her outstanding performance. In the third year of university, she fell in love with an exchange student from Singapore. That boy has a complicated family, his mother was sentenced to 24 years in prison, and his older brother was a local ringleader. Of course Miss M’s parents were opposed to their relationship, but the two lovers determined to break through all difficulties to carry on their faithful love till the end. The more opposition from her parents, the closer they became. When two people in love encounter difficulties and have to break up, it induces "the Romeo and Juliet effect”. Because they were unable to change her parents’ mind, they used “living together” to prove their true love. They thought that was love! Lovers often have a mistaken view about love, they consider the strength of defeating outside difficulties (especially parents’ opposition) as the strength of love, and transform the sense of achievement of defeating parents’ opposition into the feeling of love. This year Miss M came to visit me and told me that she had already divorced. Certainly, there are many reasons for divorce, but I would like to remind you that, the impulsion of love triggered by living together to resist parents’ opposition usually cannot bear the test of setback. Once two lovers come across sad setback, there will be cracks in their love.