



熟悉蘇蘇的讀者和朋友們都知道,蘇蘇經常在繁忙的狀態當中生活著,既要照顧家庭,也要在辦公室上班,還要出席各類型活動,更要寫稿寫分享,說沒有壓力就是騙你的,壓力就在無形之中一點一滴的形成了。。。 想舒緩壓力,每個人的方法也不同,有人會大吃大喝、有人會瘋狂shopping、更會有人會沉迷酒色,而蘇蘇就喜歡走開數天來一趟旅行,但是如果時間不多,做spa也是個不錯的選擇,舒緩一下緊張的生活和壓力。 做Spa是一種享受,只數大約3小時,既可恬靜心靈,也可鬆弛緊張的情緒、神經和肌肉,對蘇蘇來說是快速又有效回復元氣的方法之一。 早前受到澳門文華東方酒店的邀請,來到他們曾多次獲得亞太區最佳水療服務獎項的水療中心體驗,感覺真的很幸福! 一走進來就看見親切的笑容,感受殷勤的服務,感覺很舒服!! 將資詢表填好之後就喝著一口服務員為我送上來的香茶,對面原來是一個銷售架,放著一些著名香薰品牌的SPA和護膚用品,蘇蘇當然要好奇一下啦! 水療中心忠於其負責任的養生服務哲學,著重採用有機健康產品,選用世界公認優質的 Aromatherapy Associates 天然美體及面部護理產品以及 Somme Institute 美容產品。 好奇之後,按摩師就帶領蘇蘇進入一個大約為時1小時50分鐘的『葡國情懷水療旅程』去。 水療中心內共有八間療理室,設有單人及雙人套房、泰式按摩房,以及配備全澳門首張熱力磨砂床貴賓套房。 打開門的時候,一幕蘇蘇想像中的優閒景像盡入眼簾,酒店安排的是雙人水療套房給蘇蘇,讓蘇蘇可以享受更大的空間感。 套房內那落地玻璃設計,窗外眼望澳門著名的南灣湖和連接澳門與氹仔的嘉樂庇總督大橋(俗稱澳氹大橋) 的美景,加上房間內正播放著柔和的音樂,讓人心礦神怡! 澳門文華東方酒店水療中心所使用的全套產品均採用高品質天然成份所提煉。 其實文華東方集團所研發獨有的文華東方皇牌產品系列均經由榮獲英國多項獎項的香薰治療學會所提供。全套產品包括五款身體護理油及沐浴油和一款同系列的磨砂膏、沐浴乳和潤膚乳。所有產品成份天然,不含任何防腐劑,並於文華東方嚴謹的規格下混合而成,所以可以放心使用。 旁邊的沐浴化妝間空間感也很好,裡面應有盡有。 倚窗而設的按摩浴池配合人體線條呈波浪形設計,完成療程之後可以享受一番。 按摩師先讓蘇蘇坐在梳化上做腳部護理,期間加入了多款天然香料和按摩油幫小腿和腳掌按摩,幫助腳部靜脈血液回流,舒緩腳部壓力。 然後蘇蘇整個人伏於按摩床上,按摩師先用精油幫蘇蘇按摩頭部,中醫認為『頭是諸陽之會』,所以一定要好好保養頭部,舒緩頭部壓力,這樣也可減少頭痛,驅走眼部疲勞,改善頭部血液循環,更可刺激毛髮生長。 再來就是利用天然磨砂粒子為全身去除老化角質層及死皮,沖洗之後就利用浴室內的蒸汽設備幫助全身毛孔張開,讓毛孔內的污垢自然排出。 再用寧神減壓的迷迭香及滋潤橄欖精油等傳統葡萄牙香料塗勻全身,以熱石來按摩。 熱石按摩就是利用已加熱的圓滑及扁平的火山石塊按摩全身肌肉和穴位,促進淋巴暢通,身體血液循環,以達至排毒效果,舒緩疲勞。 在按摩的過程中,由於太過舒服,蘇蘇不時都睡著了,直到每當需要轉換姿勢按摩師才輕輕的喚醒我,之後再睡著,直到整個按摩完成為止,最後房間內有這麼專業的按摩池,蘇蘇又怎會浪費呢? 完成療程之後,也可以去休息室看看雜誌及為肚子補充多一點能量。 澳門文華東方水療護理集古今技術為一體,是稍息靜默的理想地方,給蘇蘇天然無添加的體驗,達致身、心、靈和諧舒泰,不用澳門幣兩千元就可以享受這麼舒適的水療服務,以酒店級價錢來說,十分合理。另外,水療中心還提供美容、脫毛、修甲以及手足護理等服務。


Chrysalids 少爺・2018-10-24

萬聖節好快就到,而位於澳門瘋堂斜巷的婆仔屋今年會舉辦第六屆「婆仔屋萬聖節之夜」的萬聖節派對,絕對是澳門萬聖節活動必去首選。 澳門婆仔屋文創空間每年都會聯同其它澳門合作單位舉辦「婆仔屋萬聖節之夜」。除了有遊戲玩和美食品嚐之外,還設有化妝比賽等精彩節目。「婆仔屋萬聖節之夜」將會在10月27日(星期六)晚上七點正開始,大家到時不要忘記和萬聖節擺設瘋狂打卡呀! 《第六屆婆仔屋萬聖節之夜》海報 日期: 2018年10月27日(星期六) 時間: 晚上7時至10時30分 地點: 婆仔屋文創空間-庭院及D1室 主辦:婆仔屋文創空間 合辦:思華(澳門)創意有限公司,澳門文化體.現代畫會 贊助:澳門基金會,婆仔屋1601 營運:藝竹有限公司 以上圖片及資料來源:「婆仔屋文創空間」Facebook 專頁 坐標:22.197425, 113.544399 地點:仁慈堂婆仔屋 地址:澳門瘋堂斜巷8號 巴士路線:M237社會工作局﹣7,8 M123東南小學﹣17 M270塔石體育館﹣2A,7,8,8A,9,9A,12,18,22,25,25X 巴士路線資料來源:澳門交通事務局 今日少爺返工時,發現婆仔屋內,已經擺放了很多與萬聖節相關的擺設。其中有一些萬聖節擺設上年已經見過。想知澳門婆仔屋上一年擺放了甚麼恐佈擺設,可以閱讀《【慎入!恐佈+多圖+劇透】仁慈堂婆仔屋萬聖節活動》這篇文章。 今年新增了與兔仔和修女有關的萬聖節擺設,所有擺設都設計得很精細,當然不少得萬聖節必有的笑哈哈南瓜頭啦!事不宜遲,大家盡情往下欣賞由婆仔屋文創空間為「婆仔屋萬聖節之夜」而準備給大家的萬聖節恐佈擺設啦! 婆仔屋萬聖節之夜﹣入口 婆仔屋萬聖節之夜﹣左面的鬼怪擺設 婆仔屋萬聖節之夜﹣右面的鬼怪擺設 婆仔屋萬聖節之夜﹣小丑 婆仔屋萬聖節之夜﹣兔仔與鬼怪擺設 婆仔屋萬聖節之夜﹣兔仔與鬼怪朋友擺設 婆仔屋萬聖節之夜﹣恐佈鬼怪大合唱 婆仔屋萬聖節之夜﹣外星人擺設 婆仔屋萬聖節之夜﹣死神與坐輪椅鬼怪 婆仔屋萬聖節之夜﹣右面多隻鬼怪擺設 婆仔屋萬聖節之夜﹣鬼怪恐佈義賣 婆仔屋萬聖節之夜﹣屠宰人 婆仔屋萬聖節之夜﹣恐佈護士 婆仔屋萬聖節之夜﹣死神與女巫 婆仔屋萬聖節之夜﹣大樹和鬼怪們 婆仔屋萬聖節之夜﹣修女與鬼怪狗擺設 婆仔屋萬聖節之夜﹣窗口附近的鬼怪擺設 婆仔屋萬聖節之夜﹣騎馬的鬼怪們 婆仔屋萬聖節之夜﹣南瓜頭擺設 少爺覺得早上來影相雖然萬聖節的恐佈氣氛不太足夠,但勝在每一張相都能清楚看到萬聖節擺設的樣貌;晚上來的話,因為這些萬聖節擺設大多都是以黑色為主,再加上晚上周圍都會開著白光燈的關係,拍攝起來時難免會有反光,增加拍攝的難度,不過勝在周圍都充滿著濃厚的萬聖節恐佈氣氛。相信大家看完這些萬聖節恐佈擺設後,一定會急不及待想來澳門仁慈堂婆仔屋影相打卡的。 【澳門萬聖節系列】必闖!《婆仔屋萬聖節之夜》 推薦閱讀: 【打卡精選2018】澳門十個影到手軟的精彩節目 【澳門手搖優惠】沐白氹仔花城店10月11日開張啦! 【香港必試甜品】嶄新黑色體驗!Lady M 竹炭咖啡千層蛋糕10月19日正式登場 【澳門手搖界傳奇】大排長龍!沐白黑糖波霸鮮奶可以有幾好飲?

陳康妮:如何在元宇宙世界裡談戀愛? AR VR XR幫你實現


【作者簡介】陳康妮 Miss Connie 澳門科技大學講師 澳州墨爾本大學主修教育管理學 澳門教育管理學專家澳門國際培訓師澳門作家(教育/兒童文學)澳門教育專欄作家全球職涯發展師 從事教育管理培訓工作26年 新冠疫情已經持續了兩年之久,影響了人們的生活方式,其中就包括戀愛模式。戀愛是人生經歷的一種,即使是沒有戀愛過的年輕人也能夠通過各種各樣的方式看到戀愛的美好。但是你是否會發問「不接觸也能夠戀愛嗎?」、「戀愛可以在元宇宙的世界裡談嗎?」。不是每個人在現實生活中都能夠碰到合適的人,有的就選擇了在網路上遇見愛情,但是如今疫情之下,見面比較困難,如何能在這種情況下很好地戀愛呢?這讓我想起了一個故事。 琳琳在北京工作,在網上邂逅了一位加拿大男朋友維森,他們都是一款多人線上 VR 遊戲的狂熱愛好者,這款遊戲是一種沉浸式的體驗,玩家通過收集工具去完成任務,來實現不同場景的切換,有時琳琳會在做遊戲的時候遇到困難,維森就會立即幫助她解決,慢慢地點燃了兩個人的愛情火花。確立了戀愛關係之後,琳琳因為疫情無法與男朋友見面而苦惱,但是維森卻不斷安慰她,兩個人在遊戲裡冒險、競速,守護著戀愛的激情,這就是XR技術帶給他們的全新體驗。 AR、VR、MR是當下熱門的三種XR技術。AR (Augmented Reality) 即增強現實,這項技術可以通過算法將虛擬資訊疊加到真實世界中,使用者能夠通過鏡片看到自身所處的世界,擁有一種超現實的感官體驗。VR (Virtual Reality) 指虛擬實境,使用者可以身處一個完全虛擬的世界中,不會受到現實因素的影響。 MR (Mixed Reality) 即混合現實,可以在虛擬的場景中融入現實世界的訊息,與現實世界形成交互。XR這項技術的一大特點就是沉浸,可以讓使用者有一種身臨其境的感覺,通過視覺甚至觸覺等超越現實的體驗,讓使用者有一種前所未有的感受,目前這項技術已經實現了一定的商業化,在未來將會應用於更多領域。 可能在未來,相愛的兩個人不會再受到物理空間的阻礙,可以跨越空間,跨越過現實世界,通過這項技術感受到愛人的懷抱,感受到彼此的心跳,無需再為疫情所煩惱,可以在多種情境下實現與愛人的互動。這種真實世界與虛擬世界的完美融合,就是XR技術的魅力,也是當下熱門的元宇宙的基本概念。在未來,XR技術似乎能夠讓一切都變得皆有可能。



SAN VA SONG 新華順咖啡 CAFE' SAN VA SONG 對於本地街坊來說 風格簡單的茶記係生活必備 對於遊客朋友來說 裝潢精緻的茶記係打卡必去 有一間咁樣的茶記 將新舊相融 用嶄新的面貌捲土而來 1987年開業至今三十年的美食繼續傳承 保留舊有招牌菜之餘更有創新創意菜 佢就係「新華順咖啡」 秘製花雕雞肉瀨粉 一碗滋補鮮甜的秘製花雕雞肉瀨粉係新華順三十年的招牌,採用龍眼肉、紅棗、三黃雞、杞子、薑等材料,每日新鮮熬製的濃雞湯做基底,加上爽口的瀨粉,仲有大雲耳、芫茜等配料~ 用料十足的雞肉鮮嫩多汁,湯底濃郁,一上臺就聞到濃濃的酒香~鮮香兼具,回味無窮! 飲一啖湯再吸一啖瀨粉,鮮到上頭的湯汁同爽口嘅瀨粉兩者混合,感受秘製花雕雞湯瀨粉的醇厚酒香~ 每舊雞肉都浸透濃濃的雞湯精華,連雞骨都入曬味,趁熱食,超滿足! 特製蕃茄酸辣媽媽麵 城市生活節奏飛速,一碗方便快捷的媽媽麵既省時又飽肚,亦成為新華順的另一個標誌性符號! 酸辣蕃茄與經典媽媽麵美好結合,加入新鮮蕃茄、鮮蝦肉、洋蔥,濃郁的酸辣口味暗藏濃濃的東南亞風情~ 湯底的酸辣撲面而來,食慾瞬間被激發的一發不可收拾,無法拒絕的酸辣暗湧口腔,食之回味無窮! 芫茜蛋治 芫茜控請注意!兩片烘烤過的麵包夾著芫茜厚炒蛋,睇落簡單,但只要咬上一啖,必定會深深愛上...... 軟嫩的芫茜炒蛋微微濕潤,搭配上烘烤後微微焦脆的麵包,蛋香奶油香喺嘴裡肆意擴散~ 細緻而微妙的多重風味,營造出層次豐富的醇厚口感,一啖入魂,好食到停唔到口! 紅.檸茶 泰式傳統手工煮茶工藝煮出來紅茶底,鮮艷搶眼的磚紅色,令人視覺滿足感爆棚! 飲之前按照個人喜好加入糖漿,茶香與果香的味道相互交疊,醇厚濃郁的紅茶底中和檸檬的酸澀感,甘香十足,飲幾多次都唔會膩! 綠.檸茶 紅·檸茶係熱情似火,綠·檸茶就係溫婉似水~綠茶自帶的清新與夏天完美般配! 剛入口不及紅·檸茶來的熱烈,到喉嚨後自帶香氣的茶底漸漸散發,整個口腔充斥著清香,茶味馥郁、果香芬芳,質感順滑! 奶茶 樽仔造型係外帶時獨有的包裝,茶醇奶香,入口絲滑,捧著它,喺陽光下,喺街道上,就像捧著整個夏天~ 走進新華順,就像打開一個被美味鎖住的時間膠囊,一碗秘製花雕雞湯粉一杯奶茶,往往能發現美味之外的驚喜,交談之間,一場三十年的記憶接力已經完成。 END 新華順咖啡 CAFE' SAN VA SONG 地址:台山巴波沙大馬路吉祥閣地下AR 營業時間:8:00~17:00(逢週三休息) 電話:65553843 人均:50mop-80mop 圖文 | 肥肥 美工 | 陳真香 攝影 | 他說他叫修杰楷

迷茫的藍 - 《摩洛哥舍夫沙萬》


前言: 等待藍天, 等待守候你我都擁有的陽光燦爛, 藍色天空下一張張健康沒有口罩陰霾下的笑顏, 這一天很快到來, 不會離我們太! 遠 !! 迷茫的藍 - 《摩洛哥舍夫沙萬》 藍城的的天空, 與及城鎮內房子不同深淺藍的色調, 原來藍色不代表是憂鬱, 相反感覺平靜, 也多了一份神秘色彩! 所謂夢幻裡看藍色, 便也是藍城獨特的風情了吧。 藍城 - Blue City –, Marrocos (摩洛哥舍夫沙萬), Chefchaouen 舍夫沙萬總人口還不到四萬人, 它是一個直到1956年才被西班牙歸還給摩洛哥的城市, 因此大部分的居民都說著西班牙語。 我們居住的地球上, 擁有著名的三大藍城,分別是希臘的聖托里尼、 印度的焦特布爾以及摩洛哥的舍夫沙萬。 這個小鎮的前世今生,據說是源於15世紀猶太人開始聚居, 他們覺得藍色代表天堂,於是把房子油髹成藍色。 於是, 一代著名藍色小鎮便這樣相傳髹造出來了。 藍城 - 舍夫沙萬, 也就是摩洛哥一處普通的山間小城鎮, 原本在這居住的居民, 都搬遷到新城鎮了, 古城民居, 營商的營商或出租成為旅遊事業, 這裡, 你能想像或想像不出的藍色調,這裡都能見到。 像迷宮一般的舍夫沙萬窄狹小巷,百轉千回, 每轉一回, 總有驚喜, 總有風景與你擦身, 不要錯過便要在藍色調裡看緊點拍照留為記念了。 縱然巷子繞來繞去,總有不同擺賣的商品吸引你的眼睛, 或者你曾見過的店門前可愛小女孩, 只要埋頭走下去... 每每能遇上不同美麗的籃在這裡演釋了不同深淺層次, 藍調小屋各顯特色, 每個小巷都有其不同風格,偶爾,孩童、小貓三四隻走過,點綴了小巷,增添了生氣。 貓兒,友善得很,任你拍照,來者不拒, 你的畫面不單調, 精彩…。 當地人在小巷間穿梭自如,剛擦肩而遇的,驀然回首, 他們便消失在另一巷子里去了, 留下街燈的身影。這裡散步很舒暢, 不需要地圖,不需要指示牌, 因為總有風景, 在你左近。 夜幕, 淡淡的光,小街,細細的石,房子,依然淺淺的藍。 巷中有巷,別有洞天, 意想不到的景緻, 可能就在轉身陋巷中。 撒哈拉沙漠 相機咖啡館 【編輯聲明】 本篇文章、相片版權屬作者所有,經由版權持有人授權CyberCTM.com發表。

河岸上的耶穌像 隔岸環抱里斯本


特茹河岸旁的里斯本 特茹河 (Tejo) 是伊比利亞半島上最長的河流,從西班牙阿拉貢自治區的山脈向西流經多個西城牙城市,貫穿葡萄牙國土,最終來到葡萄牙的里斯本,通過里斯本最後流入大西洋,特茹河算得上是葡萄牙里斯本的母親河。 特茹河除了帶給里斯本美麗迷人的河岸風光,亦讓葡萄牙一躍而成為大航海時期的先驅者,一艘艘帆海經過特茹河到達大西洋出海口,向世界探索,獲得輝煌的佳績。歸於平淡的葡萄牙,首都里斯本仍舊依在特茹河旁畔,現代化的425大橋把里斯本與對岸的阿爾馬達連接起來,亦見到渡輪穿梭特茹河上,接載人們來往兩岸。 特茹河上的渡河小輪 從里斯本的一端看到對岸的山頂上有一個耶穌像,沒錯!里斯本的確有一個耶穌像,位於塞圖巴區 (Setúbal) 的阿爾馬達 (Almada)。阿爾馬達鄰近里斯本,一般會安排在里斯本的行程中,可以自駕經425大橋跨越特茹河到達對岸,或者在里斯本的Cais do Sodré碼頭乘渡輪到達對岸碼頭,再轉乘巴士到達山頂的耶穌像。 阿爾馬達的碼頭 里斯本Cais do Sodré碼頭乘渡輪黃色線到對岸阿爾馬達區的Cacilhas,從早上5時至翌日早上1時,每小時都有船班次,最少一班及最多七班,船程約15分鐘,在售票窗購買來回船票即可。入閘非常簡單,登船後跑到上層,享受微涼海風,欣賞特茹河秀麗景色,山頂上的耶穌像漸現眼前,這時渡輪亦靠近阿爾馬達 (Almada) 的碼頭Cacilhas)。 耶穌像的101巴士 下船後走出渡輪碼頭,左旁便是火車站及巴士站,在兩排巴士站中找到101號侯車處,等候寫有Cristo Rei的101巴士到來,上車後付車資,30分鐘車程到達總站,下車處便是耶穌像所在的公園。 注意:里斯本的交通咭不適用,需要付現金車資。 里斯本的大耶穌像 里斯本這個耶穌像 (Cristo Rei) 於1959開幕,外形跟巴西的十分相像,整座耶穌像總高度約75米。乘101巴士來到山頂,進入公園向前步行,經過停車場及小食店,眼前的耶穌像背面越來越近,繞過側門來到耶穌像的正門,正值教堂進行彌撒,旅客需止步,轉至側門看到有人付費乘電梯到處耶穌像頂部的觀景台,俯瞰整個里斯本對岸景色。小編並沒跟著人群,退出到門外,欣賞大門上方的細緻的宗教雕像。 "EU SOU A PORTA" 耶穌像下方的這對門吸引了我的目光,黑漆大門只開了左右兩旁,中間有耶穌與羊的雕像,門上方寫有葡萄牙語:EU SOU A PORTA,是若望福音的語句,意思是 - "我就是門",通過這對門能夠跟主耶穌對話呢?非天主教徒的我細想一會,還是改變主意,走到耶穌像外的空地廣場上,欣賞美麗的河岸景色吧! 相比巴西的耶穌像,不論是外形大小或名氣,里斯本的這個規模都較小,但據說開幕時有多達30萬的宗教人士到來參與,顯示出葡萄牙對羅馬天主教是何等的忠誠。耶穌像外的廣場放有多個雕像,是一個極佳的打咭點,除了圍欄旁邊的十字架之外,最喜愛這個面對耶穌像的聖母像,陽光灑在聖母頭上的光環,跟耶穌對望的一刻,發出一道慈愛的光。 4.25大橋 經過聖母像再往前走到圍欄旁邊,這裡有一道好風景,遠眺對岸的里斯本景色,看到特茹河上的一座紅色橋樑,外形活像美國金門大橋的4.25大橋,連接起里斯本與阿爾馬達區的交通,1966年通車的大橋,為紀念1974年4月25日的葡萄牙革命而更名為425大橋,是世界第三長的懸索大橋。 河景旁的葡式午餐 參觀完宏偉的大耶穌像,在公園門外乘101巴士返回碼頭,碼頭旁邊的小街有幾家餐廳。隨意選一家坐在門外的茶座,餐牌上的菜式跟對岸里斯本的差不多,反正來自澳門的我,自少已習慣葡萄牙的菜式,隨意點了葡萄牙地道的菜式,一邊吃午餐一邊欣賞特茹河景色。午餐後乘渡輪返回對岸里斯本的Cais do Sodré,下午的行程可安排到Bica及Time Out Market呢! 更多精彩文章在行走世界記錄

澳門十六浦開業十周年 「$10 瘋狂大優惠」饋客戶

LifeMag Editor・2018-02-22

為慶祝開業十周年,澳門十六浦度假村 (澳門十六浦)特別推出一系列震撼優惠回饋客戶,包括「$10 瘋狂大優惠」讓客戶以震撼價享盡環球美食及消閒娛樂體驗,同時舉行「十周年大抽獎」,送出總值高達 10 萬元獎賞。人氣卡通憤怒鳥驚喜亮相澳門十六浦戶外廣場,在「憤怒鳥大 電影」中的經典場景,幾位主角現身與粉絲們共慶歡樂時刻。澳門十六浦將繼續為澳門市民及旅客帶來更多精彩娛樂消閒體驗,共同成就下一個更精彩的十年。 只須$10 享盡環球美食、消閒娛樂體驗 澳門十六浦為答謝客戶多年來的支持,將會連續十星期,每周推出一款$10 瘋狂大優惠,客戶以澳門幣 10 元便可享盡多款精選美食及娛樂消閒設施,包括澳門十六浦索菲特酒店 So Spa 水療按摩服務、海風餐廳自助午餐、樂軒華粵菜餐廳指定菜式、十六八餐廳燕翅套餐、極速模擬賽車體驗等。 表:澳門十六浦會員專享「$10 瘋狂大優惠」詳情 登記日期:2 月 19 日至 23 日 商戶:雅聚廊大堂吧 優惠:精選雙人下午茶餐 登記日期:2 月 26 日至 3 月 2 日 商戶:樂軒華粵菜餐廳 優惠:金牌脆皮炸子雞 登記日期:3 月 5 日至 9 日 商戶:海風餐廳 優惠:自助午餐 登記日期:3 月 12 日至 16 日 商戶:MJ 咖啡館 優惠:巴馬火腿薄餅 登記日期:3 月 19 日至 23 日 商戶:SO SPA 水療 優惠:60 分鐘如此愉悅全身按摩 登記日期:3 月 26 日至 30 日 商戶:十六足浴 優惠:45 分鐘足底按摩 登記日期:4 月 2 日至 6 日 商戶:極速模擬賽車 優惠:30 分鐘極速模擬賽車體驗 登記日期:4 月 9 日至 13 日 商戶:十六八餐廳 優惠:鮑魚套餐 登記日期:4 月 16 日至 20 日 商戶:樂軒華粵菜餐廳 優惠:特選北京片皮鴨 登記日期:4 月 23 日至 27 日 商戶:十六八餐廳 優惠:燕翅套餐 以上各項優惠名額有限,先到先得。換領時段由 3 月 1 日至 6 月 29 日內指定日期享用,詳情請參閱換領信上之條款細則。欲了解優惠更多詳情,歡迎到澳門十六浦一樓會員服務櫃檯查詢。 十周年大抽獎 送出十萬元獎賞 澳門十六浦會成立十周年,會員優惠即時升級,隆重推出「澳門十六浦感謝祭」,精選多款季節限定禮品,讓會員以優惠價獨家優先換領。即日起申請成為澳門十六浦會會員,更可參加即時抽獎,隨時獲得千元獎賞、餐飲現金券及限量禮品。另外,澳門十六浦即日起舉行「十周年大抽獎」回饋會員,即日起至 4 月 16 日,會員累積滿指定分數即可換取抽獎機會,有機會獨享萬元獎賞,獎金總值 10 萬元。 人氣卡通「憤怒鳥」驚喜亮相 澳門十六浦一直為澳門市民及旅客帶來多元化娛樂體驗,早前宣佈於今年引入澳門首個大型 Angry Birds 主題家庭娛樂中心。為配合即將開幕的「憤怒鳥遊樂中心@澳門十六浦」,怒鳥阿雄等主角將率先於澳門十六浦戶外廣場亮相。屆時澳門十六浦戶外廣場會呈現「憤怒鳥大電影」中的經典場景,粉絲們彷如置身於憤怒鳥的冒險世界。 另外,澳門十六浦將推出「微信送大禮」活動,詳情請密切留意官方微信帳號「澳門十六浦 PONTE16」。



鼠: 本周日是“小滿”,乙巳流月天干地支木火旺,丁酉年天干丁火坐于燥金,水火相沖,身體一定有些小毛病,這跟支氣管、腸胃有關,建議不要多食濕熱、燥熱的食物,容易引起內火燥旺。整個星期須密切注意周遭之事, 警惕可能會被小人暗箭傷人, 而致徒勞無功。感情進入低迷時期,謹防感情變動轉向不利方面。 牛: 食神與正官相克,男性屬牛的情況相對來說,更差一些,對於異性的要求會比較高,而且喜歡指責自己的男友/妻子,讓對方難以接受,很容易出現爭吵的情況,要多注意調整自己的心態。工作上事情多不如意,眼看順利成功之事又遇波折,要有耐心。與他人共事要防口舌是非,處處留意。 虎: 凶星則有“上兀",如果筆者沒有占卜失准,這凶像是纏繞的利器,估計會有突如其來病痛之禍,不論男女皆留意小心駕駛,不要坐酒駕人士的車。星期二及五,當心男女感情出問題,也有可能會出現第三者,風流過後帶來拖拖拉拉的壞影響。另外應儘量避免招惹口舌是非, 少管閒事, 以免惹禍上身。 兔: 在工作上表現難如人意, 尤其財運方面乏善可陳, 且有破財可能, 要特別防止被人騙取錢財。 今個星期的桃花比較重, 應該慎重考慮感情問題。乙巳月,兔屬卯,五行上沒有相沖。不過一定要注意以穩為主, 切勿浮躁急進, 以免出現難測變數。 財運方面正財平常, 可適當進行投資, 但切忌過貪。 龍: 復活節和男友出外旅遊回來,感覺自己的生理週期有異,建議妳去醫院檢查一下。本周的工作與學業當中,會非常的自傲,而且喜歡耍小聰明,導致自己與他人關係不和,而且耍小聰明的結果亦不圓滿,讓自己頗為受挫。最好制定出適合發展的規劃, 相信對工作及事業會有所幫助。 蛇: 本週三合貴人星出現,因此從商的屬蛇的朋友在與人合作的時候更容易得到成功,並且本周是事業和財運兩收的好日子。而從事公職的屬蛇人士本周則同樣容易遇到升遷的喜事。感情上也有突破進展, 已婚者要謹防來自異性的誘惑, 否則會後患無窮。 不要過於放縱自己。正財尚可, 橫財偏差, 並有貴人扶助, 諸事仍可逢凶化吉。 馬: “天喜星”降臨,雖亦可得異性之好感與追慕,但難以遇上與自己性格相合、背景條件相當優秀的物件。本月的事業運勢較為平順, 應全力以赴, 以打下良好基礎, 為今後的工作開展作好準備。財運方面利正財, 不利橫財, 同時要注意防止錢財大量外泄, 宜進行有效理財規劃。 羊: 屬羊的情況很一般,食神旺而奔波,需要經常的與人交際,做事的原則性比較小,沒有一個固定的制度,屬於做一類的工作,但是屬羊的人自己內心又頗為嚴謹,嚮往有制度的工作,所以不太喜歡這種情況,會讓自己陷入糾結的境地。本周單身的屬羊男女們桃花運旺,切忌把握良緣。財運也有所回落,但是不宜投機倒把或進行相關風險類投資。 猴: 今個星期運勢起伏不定,變數較大,但總體上仍是利大於弊,若能潛心經營,事業亦上升平穩;屬猴的人在本周,不論男女總覺得伴侶冷落自己,無法像一般伴侶般甜蜜相處,感情關係平淡如水,情緒受到困擾,但毋須擔心,只是情侶之間的小爭吵,不致構成分離的意象。另須注意協調好人際關係, 以免給工作開展帶來影響, 並進而影響財運。 雞: 今個星期財運方面正財一般, 要儘量避免開支過大的狀況, 以免入不敷出;橫財尚可, 可適當進行投資獲利!感情方面可能出現新選擇, 宜深思熟慮, 不可鹵莽用事, 否則會造成難以彌補的遺憾。 身體方面要多加提防由於飲食帶來的疾病。此外,健康也要注意。幸福數字是8,提防名字中有“冫”字的人,很有可能破壞你的好事。 狗: 今個星期運勢較之上個星期要佳,事業雖仍有阻礙,如精心發展,仍有不錯局面。工作上不宜強出頭,免招同事或上司側目,而成替罪羊。財運方面要稍好於上個星期,但由於易變導致財富難以積聚,投資更應慎之又慎,以免血本無歸;感情上要小心出現變化,提防第三者。幸運數位是11號,不能不相信。 豬: 本周正直淡泊,無貴人相助之時。雖頭腦聰明,行動力卻不足,沒有蓄財的技巧。對於無謂應酬,能免則免,酒桌上要避免因多度飲酒而導致不理智的行為;建議面對本周這種情況,要隨遇而安,在其位而謀其政,不可因為自己不喜而懈怠,豐富的閱歷,才能讓自己日後找到心儀的工作。此外,通過燒 隱字香來調節自己煩躁的心情。



愛情及人際關係: 3月起火星進入命宮,情緒變得急躁及功利,甚至比較自我,漠視他人的意見和感受,這些行事作風令人際關係極度緊張甚至出現爭執。加上4月10日起水星在金牛座宮命宮內逆行,衝擊金牛座人的情緒及行為,金牛座的心情一片混亂及毛躁不安,腦筋混沌時心情容易轉壞然後語出傷人,除了不利人際關係的相處,兩性關係必然飄進了不和諧的音符,誤會和誤解會讓本來脆弱的人際關係或兩性關係添加裂縫,亮起紅燈。 象徵幻想、神秘、靈性、藝術及迷糊的海王星一整年都停留在金牛座的靈性宮,在愛情問題的處理上,金牛座傾向追求如電影電視劇般夢幻詩意綺麗的兩性關係,帶著這種期盼有意無意地要求異性能配合你編導的劇情發展,戀情/兩性相處關係將出現不協調及失落。 海王星在6月16日至11月21日期間逆行,負面情緒讓堅強又帶點執著的金牛座內心充斥壓抑及哀鳴,這種情況非常影響人際關係的交往,甚至在不穩的情緒影響下與人發生爭執,建議金牛座把眼光及社交活動範圍放寬,讓自己有多點釋放,可避免為兒女私情的問題而坐立不安。 前途及錢途: 2017年的財源頗廣泛,只要稍微努力一下便可以有回報,如果涉及投資項目,宜盲隨他人意見,投資之前需要好好衡量自己的金錢能力。四月會面臨突發的開支以解決問題,只要能保持清醒頭腦及忍耐,處事小心謹慎,事情就能順利解決並且有意外的收穫。 4月的水星在金牛座人的命宮逆行,這段期間容易出現財務拖延、收帳困難、資金周轉不靈的情況,收入或回報老是不見起色。經濟比較拮据的金牛座不要充胖子了,儘量避免借貸給別人,避免因財失義而斷絕來往,如有人向自己借錢,則需要真誠地向對方表明自己的難處,以免造成誤會,讓你們都好為難。 在7月8月期間,木星處於工作宮在這兩個月份內分別與太陽冥王星及金星冥王星刑剋,削弱了木星幸運的加持力,星情暗示該兩個月內工作運勢吉凶參伴,做事需謹慎及步步為營,切勿因眼前的順境而掉以輕心,更不可受負能量影響而作不光明正大的事。 下半年的工作波折和挑戰比較多,令金牛座的人處於繃緊的情緒狀態,非常容易敏感及易怒,暗地裡卻質疑自己的實力。金牛座朋友要好好控制情緒,困難過後將有彩虹,你的能力及才華在苦難中得以彰顯,總有人的眼睛賞識這一切。 木星在十月就會進入夫妻宮,伴侶給予你不少的財力支援,他們是你的財源及貴人,他們的意見能帶給你金錢上得意,如果你想改善經濟收入,應該好好跟愛侶聊聊他們的看法及理財心得。 健康及其他: 今年金牛座的財帛宮仍然充滿力量,暗示今年的財富及收入整體來說不會有大風險,但仍需要注意自己處理涉及政府部門繳費的問題,建議金牛座需要與人為善,因為你的投資就業機會及收入的來源將會來自朋友的穿針引線,遇上困難時,朋友圈屬雙魚座和巨蟹座的人會對你不離不棄,用心幫助,如果需要策劃謀略的人,則可以找天蠍座人給你出主意。 海王星在6月至11月期間逆行,金牛座人心神恍惚,集中力非常差,熊神進老師建議駕駛人士在心情或精力不佳的時候,避免駕駛車輛,適宜坐公共交通工具避免意外發生。 如有任何問題,歡迎聯絡: 林小姐: 13726267799(晚8時後) 熊神進:澳門 853-66618785 Facebook: 熊神進(澳門風水師) 公共微信: macaumasterxiong 淘寶風水法器店:http://macauhung.taobao.com



How does the Feng Shui of Mercado Municipal Almirante Lacerda impact Macau? Mercado Municipal Almirante Lacerda is located at the junction of Avenida do Almirante Lacerda and Avenida de Horta e Costa. It has more than 80 years of history and is the oldest operating market in Macau. The design of the architect Julio Alberto Fernandes Basto is characterized by taking the Estilo Pavilhão as the main feature, with a two-story building connected to the ground, a bright red exterior, and various electrical and sanitary facilities, breaking the traditional Mercado design. Because the exterior wall of the building is red, it is called Mercado Municipal Almirante Lacerda. Because it faces Mercado Municipal Almirante Lacerda, it is also called "提督街市". "Market" means Mercado in Cantonese, and the feng shui of the market directly affects people's livelihood. The red market we see now has three floors. The outermost "first floor" was originally the wall outside the market building and occupied by florists. When the market was renovated in 1963, it became a part of the market and became vegetable stalls. There are food stalls and grocery stalls, while the second floor is used to sell fish, and the third floor is used to sell fresh meat. From the perspective of Feng Shui, there are two "veia do dragão" in Macau. One is from the "portão" across Avenida do Almirante Lacerda and turns left to Hotel Lisboa. The Mercado Municipal Almirante Lacerda is a Pavilhão. The "dragão" is here descansar for a while. Feng Shui Experts believe that "dragão" will exhale during the rest period, and these "oxigênio" will become "auspicious" when they exhale from its mouth. The "auspicious" aura gathers in the Mercado, so the Mercado Municipal Almirante Lacerda is the most popular Mercado in Macau. To the north of Mercado Municipal Almirante Lacerda, across Rua Norte do Mercado Almirante, is a three-story building with a yellow exterior wall. On the south wall of the third floor are four prominent metal characters of "龍華茶樓" "龍華" is a casa de chá. Master Hung believes that there are no high mountains in Macau. The "dragão" on the hill is a vegetarian dragon, and the "dragão" at the foot of the hill is a meat-eating dragon. The Mercado provides "dragão" food. It likes to stay in the Mercado. The casa de chá offers água, so the "龍華茶樓" and the Mercado Municipal Almirante Lacerda are closely related and will not be separated. There are currently three buildings in Macau that are equipped with "grande relógio," one is in Ponte 16, one is in Correio Geral, and the other is in "Torre Xifeng." The torre sineira is called "Relógio Feng Shui" in Feng Shui. It has an accelerating effect. The effect of driving wealth, in other words, Mercado Municipal Almirante Lacerda, will drive economic prosperity around it. There are several gates to Mercado Municipal Almirante Lacerda, and according to the Feng Shui orientation, its main entrance is at the junction of Avenida do Almirante Lacerda and Avenida de Horta e Costa. The orientation is from northeast to southwest, the ninth from 2024 to 2043. In the Feng Shui cycle, the southwest position is the arrival of the "Six Platinum Stars" (no need to translate). The "Six Platinum Stars" are not prosperous stars, so they are not located in a prosperous Feng Shui place. Mercado Municipal Almirante Lacerda will gather a prosperous crowd. However, it cannot grow wealth by driving up nearby property prices and improving local business. A good way to change the business environment in this area is to divert traffic, build a large parking lot, and allocate land to rebuild a pedestrian street to attract popularity. In Feng Shui, popularity is wealth. As long as people gathers, it will naturally bring prosperity. Some tenement buildings in old areas of Macau with markets or butchers on the ground floor. Pigs, fish, chickens, etc., are poultry filled with spiritual resentment from animals, gradually accumulating a large mass of unlucky negative energy. Living upstairs will be affected by bad luck.

Macau gaming revenue forecast for 2024


\ As the COVID-19 epidemic recedes and the social economy gradually returns to normal, the number of tourists coming to Macau has increased significantly. Strangely, however, the stock price of Macau gaming stocks fell to a new low for the year in December 2023, so everyone began to worry about Macau's gaming revenue in 2024. Whether it will decrease or not, today, MICKEY HUNG uses Chinese eight-character and five-element magic numbers to predict Macau's gaming revenue next year. The five elements in 2023 belong to wood, the zodiac sign belongs to rabbit, and the gaming industry belongs to water. The element of wood does not help water but weakens water. Therefore, as of 4 December, the stock price of Galaxy Entertainment Group Limited has declined compared with 1 January this year. 21%, the stock price of Sands China Limited fell 22%. The stock prices of all the other three gambling companies have been even worse, with Wynn Macau down 32%, Melco International Development Limited down 38%, and SJM Holdings Limited down 48%. The beginning of spring in 2024 is 4 February. Judging from this date, the wood element in the east and the gold element in the west are subtly opposed, but overtly, they are conjunct. This is a mess, indicating that the casino licensees comply with the government's regulations and, on the other hand, violate the code of practice. Therefore, the government puts a lot of effort into communication, which is inefficient. From a Feng Shui perspective, the north is the financial position in 2024, and Macao is located from north to south. Next year, more tourists will enter Macao from the north. As Macao introduces more new tourism elements and further explores the source of tourists from the mainland and international markets, The number of tourists visiting Macau is expected to continue to rise. Macau's gaming revenue has been less than 100 billion in the three years since the epidemic. In 2020 (60.4 billion patacas), 2021 (86.8 billion patacas), and 2022 (42.2 billion patacas), this year we combined the Chinese horoscope. I Ching analyzed that gaming revenue will be the primary financial revenue of the Macau government in 2024. The total gaming revenue for the year is expected to be between 2,000 and 220 billion patacas. In the economic downturn, the continuation of Jockey Clube de Macau is also worrying. It has been rumored several times that Jockey Clube de Macau will close in 2024. Because it is located in the west of Taipa, the west in 2024 is a bad luck position in Feng Shui. It indicates unrest, horses are prone to injury, and owners stop ordering new horses. Next year's chief executive election of the Macau Special Administrative Region will see the East and West stars attacking each other, causing chaos. All Macau citizens and business people hope for stability, and the Financial Secretary will also take good care of it and bring up the dying real estate industry. There is a saying in Chinese astrology. As the saying goes, "Land comes with gold," the relationship between real estate and people's livelihood is relatively direct, and the economy derived from real estate is very serious. It is unwise to focus only on the gambling economy and ignore real estate. In that case, it is inconsistent with the "wǔxíng" law of Chinese philosophy. The doctrine of five phases describes two Cycles of Balance, a generating or creation (生, shēng) cycle and an overcoming or destruction (克, kè) cycle of interactions between the phases. "land comes with gold" means that when the real estate industry is prosperous, people live and work in peace and contentment, and economic improvement will drive consumption. In the East-West competition in 2024, everyone is worried about China's economic slowdown, especially concerns related to non-essential consumption, such as luxury goods, gaming and leisure. Therefore, the revenue of the six gaming companies can only grow steadily, and no breakthrough performance is expected.

Circulação de veículos de Macau na província de Guangdong


Circulação de veículos de Macau na província de Guangdong has been implemented for half a year; the Feng Shui master talks about its pros and cons. At the beginning of the year, the Macao government and the Guangdong provincial government reached a "Circulação de veículos de Macau na província de Guangdong" agreement, allowing Macao residents to drive to the Mainland directly. At the same time, The fifth session of the 13th National People's Congress concluded in Beijing; the Macau People's Congress proposed strengthening the traffic in Montanha and Macau. The recommendations are to support the extension of Metro Ligeiro de Macau to link the Mainland rail network, to further open veículos de Macau qualifiedados Para circular na Macau enters Montanha, and to establish the "Hengqin-Macau Two city Line" and other proposals, hoping to promote the transportation interconnection between Macau and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and encourage more Macau residents to commute to Montanha for career development. Hong Kong people can travel between Guangdong Province and Macau through Ponte de Hong Kong-Macau-Zhuhai from this month. From all aspects, Macau's souvenir streets, pharmacies, and fashion stores are full of traffic. Still, these industries account for meager overall tax revenue. Then "Circulação de veículos de Macau na província de Guangdong", whether it is beneficial or unfavorable to Macao's economy, we will look into it today. The bridge plan brings a win-win situation for the three parties (Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao). Macao can create new benefits through the development brought about by the bridge. However, the pandemic has limited the bridge traffic operation over the past few years. As a result, it has yet to develop a diversified logistics model with other cities and fully utilize its capacity to generate benefits. "Circulação de veículos de Hong Kong na província de Guangdong" is convenient for Hong Kong people to travel to Macau and facilitate the cooperation of the Greater Bay Area. From the perspective of Feng Shui, a clear road gathers talents, followed by wealth accumulation, and business will flourish. Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao is an important economic hub. Ponte de Hong Kong-Macau-Zhuhai connects Guangdong and Hong Kong. The location of the border control building sits in the northeast of Macau. The northeast will be a prosperous place for Feng Shui in 2023. Feng Shui experts categorize "bridges" and "mountains" as "dragons." "Dragon" plays an important role in Fengshui. Over the past few years, only a few Hong Kong people entered Macau through the Ponte de Hong Kong-Macau-Zhuhai. The dragon (the bridge) was not active. Hong Kong people can drive to the Mainland directly from July this year. Since the road has become clear, bringing energy to the dragon and wealth is also brought to Macau. However, under the "Circulação de veículos de Macau na província de Guangdong" policy, many residents of Macau drove to the Mainland for dining on weekends, and restaurants and restaurants in Macau lost some local customers. The feng shui position of Macau is situated at the north and facing the south, and the north is the wealth position. The wealth position has two meanings. One is that money comes in from the north, called "the direction of wealth inflow"; In 2023, the north is the "outflow direction." In other words, the people of Macau will flow money away to the north. Facing the challenges bought by the "Circulação de veículos de Macau na província de Guangdong," the government should make a throughout evaluation and assist the affected small to medium-sized enterprises to adjust their strategies to catch the opportunities. Faced with the trend of integrating Hong Kong and Macau into the Greater Bay Area, the people of Macau have actively communicated with the Hong Kong catering industry, hoping to speed up the financing process of the Macau catering industry and increase their competitiveness. Many Macau drivers said they no longer need to change cars frequently when taking their children to the Mainland for entertainment or visiting relatives. Some citizens also said that family members often go to the Mainland to refuel their private cars because the fuel price is lower. As for Macau and the Mainland, they started to accept mutual recognition of driver's licenses last month. Some people have already registered on the waitlist for the application and hope it will be another transport option to Guangdong Province in the future. Now it is very convenient to go shopping or visit relatives in Guangdong Province. However, a car repair and car detailing business owner said, "After the implementation of the Circulação de veículos de Macau na província de Guangdong policy, customers lost, and business dropped by 60%. The person in charge of a local restaurant said that fewer local people were coming to dine in on weekends, and the turnover decreased, which affected the business.



Docker很好用,在單機環境下真的很好用。Docker原本的設計,是為了快速迭代而設計成Image的。在一般設定下,每次新建或重建container,都會根據Image重設一下各方面的環境,包括儲存空間。重設CPU,Memory,大家都很易理解,但重設儲存空間,真的不是每一個使用情況都可以這樣。 又或者說,未必所有使用情況都會有一個第三方的儲存空間可以用。所以良心的Docker在單機環境下也有提供bind mount或是docker named volume,作為可以長期保存,不受container生死的影響,以達到長期存在Data的存在。 單機-儲存空間 單機情況下很簡單,就用一個docker compose做例子 其中html就是一個bind mount,而nginxlogs就是一個docker named volume,兩者都可以長期保存data,除非各位自己手動刪除,否則不會因為container的興亡而不見了。 但有兩個很重要的分別 bind mount,直接跟host os連接,實際上是每次folder有更新,docker都要同步host和container之間的資料。 bind mount在linux下很暢順,因為大部份docker image/container原本就是linux engine,所以folder mount真的可以互通。 bind mount在windows / mac下,就會不斷抄資料。面對大量檔案,例如node_module,就會有速度上的問題 docker named volume,就是docker 分離一些獨立空間,然後再綁到container上 相對bind mount,即使在windows / mac下,都沒有那個速度上的問題。筆者猜測,即使是獨立空間,其實本身都已經限定在linux enginx下,所以沒有需要抄資料。 但在windows / mac下,因應docker 底層建立Linux VM的技術不同,你可能沒法在windows / mac預設環境下直接讀取docker named volume。 若要讀取docker named volume,最好的做法,還是連上docker container,然後用docker cp 來抄回資料。一但抄資料,其實都會有速度上問題,不過docker cp是手動決定何時做的,不做docker cp,其實container也是可以用。 Cluster-儲存空間 雖然良心的bind mount和named volume解決了單機上的儲存問題,但到了cluster環境,就沒有可以跨機同步儲存空間的做法,要做就自己建立。 筆者也稍為研究了一下同步的問題,不過對技術真的很有要求。所以退而求其次,筆者還是選擇簡單的第三方儲存空間。就是做一個可以分享存取的NAS。 建立nfs linux下要安裝nfs其實很簡單,不過要注意資料夾和防火牆權限,以下安裝教學以ubunut 22.04為例,記得把下面的YOUR_DOCKER_NODE_ADDRESS_RANGE轉為你的真實IP段落 修改docker compose 最後,你在原來的docker-compose的docker volume上加driver_opts就大功告成。 記得把下面的YOUR_NFS_IP轉為你的真實IP

From the perspective of feng shui, why do people in Macau feel dissatisfied and complain about everything?


Column Name: Macau Feng Shui There are three important discussion points in Feng Shui, one is "Dragon Veins", one is "Shuikou (Nozzle)", and the other is "Feng Shui points". "Dragon vein" is to see the ups and downs of a place, "Shuikou (Nozzle)" is to see the water flow of the harbor, and "Feng Shui point" is to see the residence. Macau is located in the southeast of China, on the west bank of the outlet of the Pearl River Delta. It includes the Macau peninsula, Taipa Island and Coloane. The sea area is 85 square kilometers, while the land area is 33.3 square kilometers. As of the end of September last year, the total population was 671,900. According to Feng Shui theory, Macau is located in the lower reaches of the Pearl River Delta. The water in the lower reaches is relatively shallow and the flow rate is not high, so Macau is surrounded by silt, and the silt deposits produce negative energy. Negative energy needs to be absorbed by high mountains. Unfortunately, there is no high mountain in Macau, so negative energy accumulates Down into bleakness. According to the ratio of population to land area, Macao is a highly densely populated place. Homes have their own magnetic field, and people have their own energy. Poor ventilation stuck the field and energy, followed by many problems, such as disease, poverty, and public grievances. Shakespeare once said: " “The miserable have no other medicine, but only hope.”. The reason why the residents of Macau are full of resentment is because the feng shui aura is not smooth. The turbid air causing the citizens burning out of work and feeling frustrated with life. Also, the muddy water makes people feel the future is uncertain, and young people find their opportunities is limited. In recent years, Macao has completed large-scale land reclamation between Ponte de Amizade and Ponte Governador Nobre de Carvalho. The design style and length of the two bridges of the reclamation project are different, and the bridges are not extended parallel. Near Taipa Island, the water inlet is relatively narrow. This shape looks like a funnel. The Feng Shui pattern is called "thin water and long flow." However, the government did not follow the Feng Shui requirements. The reclamation straightened the shoreline and sped up the water flow. Regarding Feng Shui, water is wealth, and wealth is economy. Speedy water flow means rushing out the wealth, which also accelerates the accumulation of sediments downstream. When the sediments pile in the water, economic development is also stagnant. Young people's future is full of barriers as well. No wonder their grievance is growing. The ancients believed that the sea water should not be too turbulent. Instead, slow and meandering water is associated with affection and livelihood. This is true in Feng Shui. Macau is located in the lower reaches of the Pearl River, the bank is shallow so the water flow is naturally slow. However, the reclamation further block the water flow. Sediment is accumulating. In resonance, people also feel stuck and in bad mood always. The current remedy is to restart the Portas do Entendimento, which is the Memorial Gate of Sino-Portuguese Friendship, and also the "Luo Xing" (meaning “gate”) on Fengshui Shuikou (the nozzle). This door implies the meaning of "integration", "harmony" and "doorway". It is called "Ronghemen" in Chinese. Everyone lives in peace and harmony. The water flow is reactivated to relief the negative energy accumulated presviouly. Macau is not a battleground for partisan political struggles, nor is it a trick for citizens to complain about the government’s governance. Many local people and people from abroad have always regarded Macau as a paradise for retirement. This shows that Macau is a peaceful place to recuperate and get rich. Because of the lack of proper feng shui setting in the city planning, the public will feel a sense of grievance and dissatisfied about everything. Note: The Shuikou: nozzle, the inlet and outlet of the water flow. MICKEY HUNG By MICKEY HUNG

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