



筆者做Adolescent psychological counseling 時候, 常常碰上一些15至21歲少女, 她們對“性”的認知不足, 誤以為殺嬰就是聽男友話, 贏取男友的愛。打開她的命盤, 筆者發現15至21歲時段, 她的身份與角色混亂, 她出生貧困家庭, 文昌星不在, 她沒有受過高深教育, 青少年變得更加獨立, 基於與新的行為和角色的實驗, 在青春期, 她求偶心起, 可惜色劫星出現(通常在這個階段出現)帶來她的身體和情緒變化, 在這些動盪的青春歲月, 她自願交出身心, 自願懷孕, 自願殺嬰, 這變化可能會拉傷她的心, 種下了孽! 色劫星沒有因為她懷孕而停止, 反而更活躍, 她一次又一次結識新男人, 一次又一次殺嬰(4個亡靈伴妹行), 在玄學上是有因果論, 她的情緒高端混雜和低點持續, 並導致焦慮、抑鬱。任何婦女都有懷孕或不懷孕, 殺嬰或不殺嬰的命, 玄學家建議她勇敢站起來, 去一次醫院檢查身體, 雜交會降低一個人的正能量, 殺嬰會增加罪業, 如果可以, 她需要返回學校, 學一門技能, 命運是掌握在強者手上, 沒有男人, 女人亦可以抬舉一片藍天, 加油! 如有任何問題,歡迎聯絡: 林小姐: 13726267799(晚8時後) 熊神進:澳門 853-66618785 Facebook: 熊神進(澳門風水師) 公共微信: macaumasterxiong 淘寶風水法器店:http://macauhung.taobao.com

她說, 一生太漫長, 想早點結束


人生白走了很多個彎, 一個, 二個, 三個, 生命餘下多少個10年, 1個, 2個, 筆者並非數學專家, 沒有細心去數, 只是從她的八字中看出了一些問題, 很想嚴肅跟她說幾句。她是己酉日出生, 木是她的夫星, 酉中獨藏辛金, 金生在立春後, 土很薄, 天寒, 愈多火愈好, 18歲後, 她的大運見木星, 筆者不客氣說句, 很多人都有劫, 為何很多人都能夠從痛苦中站起來, 只是她不可以。 查一查原因, 原來是她的童年有很多不愉快經歷, 令她有一個很差勁的自我形象, 她誤以為自己身體很骯髒(月柱有裸桃星, 童年有性騷擾), 根本不覺得活下去的價值。她臉相的骨很多, 骨是Parent Ego State, 從她的面相來看, 她很衝動, 很反叛, 亦有正義感, 朋友有感情問題, 她會給意見, 可是, 她今天有問題了, 誰給她意見? 答案是玄學家! 她沒有好好念書, 在人生最美好的幾年, 木星出現, 她竟然跟一個情場老油條戀愛, 而這老油條是一條朽木, 又老又腐, 她最終懷孕, 男人是女人天生的碼頭, 她不想離開這碼頭, 但不得不離開, 這是業, 沒有對錯。明年是雞年, 她犯人生第二次太歲, 她可以做的事很多, 就例如, 她皈依, 如她在崖壁處停步, 她還有3個平淡的太歲年, 祝福。 如有任何問題,歡迎聯絡: 林小姐: 13726267799(晚8時後) 熊神進:澳門 853-66618785 Facebook: 熊神進(澳門風水師) 公共微信: macaumasterxiong 淘寶風水法器店:http://macauhung.taobao.com

Don't relaxvigilance against evil-doers


There was a pornographic website contacting me before. They wanted me to write an women’ lascivious physiognomy on their website but I refused. From my professional ethics, physiognomy is not divided into immorality, lowliness, hero and rogue. Everything is from “heart “(attitude, behavior, conduct)". No one can figure out that a baby will become a national leader or a thief from its physiognomy of eyes, ears, nose and mouth after growing up. What an irresponsible wording is. More compelling way is to provide some information to them that it will develop into these results only if you don’t pay attention to personal behavior. If the girl's eyebrows are too narrow which will let her boyfriend worry. In general eyebrows can analyze a person's social skills. With thicker eyebrows, the people are more optimistic. Therefore, they have better relationship with friends. But you have to pay attention that it is a complex society, human nature is. The relationship with friends means you get along with strangers. You have chance to be exploited and betrayed by your friends even if you have a good relationship with them. I have a friend who is a police officer with shaggy eyebrows.The distance between two eyebrows is less than the width of a finger. Because of her special occupation, she often drinks alcohol and entertain with subordinates and friends.I have given her some advices that you must notrelax vigilance against evil-doers. But she said no one would offend her as her job. Three years ago, she came to my office to see me. It was the first time that I saw her cry. Her crying is not because of her wayward behavior, but her radical personality and strong subjectivity. Therefore, she will not accept other suggestion. Due to study crime psychology, I understand psychology of friends’ of rape very well.I repeatedly reminded her many times. 1)Must watch and drink the beverage which is pour out from the unopened bottle . 2)Never let the cup leave your sight and change the new one if you go to toilet, singing and dancing. 3) Make an appointment with boyfriend, trusted friends and family to pick up you in advance. Don’t go home alone or by their cars, preferring to take a taxi. ■作者:熊神進(澳門玄學家),E-mail:fortune@macau.ctm.net 如有任何問題,歡迎聯絡: 林小姐: 13726267799(晚8時後) 熊神進:澳門 853-66618785 Facebook: 熊神進(澳門風水師) 公共微信: macaumasterxiong 淘寶風水法器店:http://macauhung.taobao.com

Fall in love at first sight


熊神進(澳門風水師) When dealing with marriage cases, I was frequently asked by female clients that why they had the feeling of “falling in love at first sight” when they first met their husbands. I have three views on this issue. ⋯⋯ 1) From the point of view of Cognitive Psychology, we are often attracted by someone’s eyes, ears, mouth, or nose, because they are similar to ours and this will create a feeling of intimacy, which is the element of love. 2) Human bodies have different immune abilities, and yours maybe differ from mine in some extent. People tend to have a favorable impression on the one with different immune ability, which is also indispensable to love. 3) In China, there is a mystical book called “three Lifetime Book”, which tells that people have prelife, this life and afterlife, and in this life, you may fatefully meet the lover of your prelife. “Falling in love at first sight” literally refers to “at first sight”, and thus time is the key. Everyone has an innate ability of instant judgment, which belongs to “Adaptive Unconscious Function”. So some people can recall immediately that they have met someone before. “Falling in love at first sight” is usually unilateral. In past divorce statistics, couples in such situation have low possibility of divorce. ■作者:熊神进(澳门玄学家),E-mail:fortune@macau.ctm.net 如有任何问题,欢迎联络: 林小姐: 13726267799(晚8时后) 熊神进:澳门 853-66618785 Facebook: 熊神进(澳门风水师) 公共微信: macaumasterxiong 淘宝风水法器店:http://macauhung.taobao.com

眼角部位有痣、疤、紋、斑等, 這些都是影響婚姻嗎?


資深的體相學家從來不會教學生以貌取人, 只是說一句“相從心生”, 當一個人常行善, 他/她的正能量會在面上表露出來, 叫精、氣、神, 而精氣神的日積月累必定影響五官清濁。 眼角部位是觀察一個人的夫妻生活, 幸福婚姻的人士, 其部位比較飽滿, 色澤帶粉紅, 而常常跟配偶爭吵, 流淚的女性, 眼角部位出現暗色, 凹陷。當痣、疤、紋、斑等居在這部位, 那麼, 是不是消極面對又或一生不結婚? 吉普賽的體相學家說了一句話, 意思是枯葉離開樹最早。 筆者從事體相學三十年, 今天留幾句說話給大家參考: 婚禮前, 男女都要守住最後防線, 不要有玄學婚姻; 婚後建立佛化家庭, 把配偶放在尊重位置, 視為一位菩薩, 終生敬重; 不宜跟男方或女方家人一起同住一屋。 有學生問我, 外科整容能否改變惡運? 我的理解是“莫怨命, 命運是掌握在強者手上”。眼角上的痣、疤、紋、斑等, 並不是惡運, 它只是一個信號, 提醒善男女要放下固執, 不要以為自己永遠是對, 別人的, 就是錯。 如有任何問題,歡迎聯絡: 林小姐: 13726267799(晚8時後) 熊神進:澳門 853-66618785 Facebook: 熊神進(澳門風水師) 公共微信: macaumasterxiong 淘寶風水法器店:http://macauhung.taobao.com 吉普賽的體相學家說對了, 枯葉最早離開樹。家庭是一棵樹, 婚姻只是一片葉子, 不是樹不愛葉, 是因為葉不愛自己。

Do you understand what the girls want?


I often hear that the girl will share her own confidential information during chatting with other girls, which is a common social skill. The psychologists believe that it is a "self-presentation" which makes the distance between people much closer. Also it is intimate language among girls. Girls are not keen to talk about their work. If any, it cannot be separated from rights and wrongs, such as discussing the supervisor is not good, or the company policy has a problem, etc. Anyway, there is a short complain only. They prefer to discuss their daily lives, shopping, makeup and couple trifles. Many homeboys told me that they did not understand what the girls want. I said that please don’t talk too much work and political views with them every day. It is bored! Career women feel tired sometimes. You can open your heart and share your life experience with them (but do not too boastful) so that it can make others feel a sense of geniality. The girl will select the one who gives a good impression to develop her relationship. It is a pity that man starts to know more about his wife after divorced. I think most men love their wives, but their love is eager to express their needs but ignoring the feelings of their wives! 如有任何问题,欢迎联络: 林小姐: 13726267799(晚8时后) 熊神进:澳门 853-66618785 Facebook: 熊神进(澳门风水师) 公共微信: macaumasterxiong 淘宝风水法器店:http://macauhung.taobao.com

人流, 是人生一件遺憾之事


覆:翠 信件內容:(由於隱私問題,以下部份內容已被刪除) 熊老師: 你好,關注你的微博和QQ空間已經有一段時間了。最近喜得麟兒,希望有幸能得到你指點。小孩暫時未起名。出生日期是:2015年xx月x日上午x點xx分。在廣州市越秀區婦幼醫院出生。出生時重6斤7兩,順產的。 爸爸叫xxx,出生日期(農曆):1981年x月x日或者xx日,婆家人記不清了。媽媽叫xxxx,出生日期(農曆):198x年x月xx日,具體時間也記不清了。希望老師能幫我們看一下這個孩子與我們的緣分,以後長大是否能成才,有一番作為。對了,老師,我老公是少數名族,土家族。 婆家在宜昌有大片的土地,因為受少數民族政策保護的影響,我們的土地是可以永久的繼承下去。老公現在在一家央企工作,我也在一家國企工作。待遇都非常不錯。現在在番禺買了一套公寓。打算以後在市區再買一套房子。我們完全沒有經濟上面的困難。只是我以前有兩個男朋友,都有過夫妻之實。 我老公之前也有過女朋友,也都有過夫妻之實。不過我們是思想比較成熟的人,都不計較對方的過去。在外人眼中,他是個非常好的男人。但是我對他的感覺是,不是我的最愛但是是目前最合適的伴侶吧。我們之前有過一個孩子,但是在不知情的情況下吃了感冒藥,當時也不知道為什麼,明明做了防護措施還是中招了。去了醫院很多醫生都說留下來不好,就忍痛人流了。 這個是我最遺憾的一件事了。現在附上我們的照片,希望能有幸得到老師的指點! 熊神進老師回答: 從三世書記述, 父母殺嬰, 憐嬰在枉死城被野犬咬, 聽起來有點不舒服。隨著教育文化程度提升, 以及西方二性觀念開光, 很多夫婦結婚前都有過自己的玄學婚姻, 有些是跟法律上的丈夫, 有些是男友, 反正每個人身體上都玷污了對方的負能量, 當自己正能量旺的時間, 那些負能量不起破壞力量, 但對自己的能量不足以抵擋負能量的時間, 夫妻就會受影響。婚前潔體淨心已成為男女的課題。 孩子的離去是有因果, 愈來愈多夫婦為亡嬰超度, 由於你的丈夫是克子女, 我建議他放下執著, 和妳好好商量, 大家安排一次佛事, 給孩子一個交代。再狠心的父母, 也有自己善良一面, 對嗎? 命運是掌握在強者手上,並不是決定在玄學家口中,熊老師只是善心提點有緣人,ta應該積極面對人生,而不是消極逃避問題。熊老師已為有緣人關上命盤,並祝福她。 公共微信號:macaumasterxiong 如讀者有任何諮詢,歡迎致電熊神進,電話:66618785



香港九龍城「衙前塱道」早二天清晨有一名戴眼鏡的男子進入一間豬肉店爆竊, 掠走約6千元, 本來小偷小賊沒有什麼值得大家關注,只是這名戴眼鏡的男子在完事後竟然雙手合什, 在關公像前「拜一拜」! 有人問“菩薩會保佑壞人嗎?” 這一問真是令人尷尬, 我們常常看到電影中的江湖人士拜關公, 亦看到執法的員警也拜關公, 難道關公好壞不分, 吃二家茶飯? 筆者認為人們常把“好、壞”二極化, 或者簡單一句, 不是好, 就是壞; 不是左,就是右; 不是對, 就是錯,這樣的“二極化人生”往往令到醫生搶救病人時先考慮他/她是好人還是壞人; 這樣的“二極化人生”往往令到好人才有朋友, 壞人就沒有朋友,我們的人生觀就只有“好壞”, 我們的價值觀也只有“對錯”。 好和壞, 我們最簡單的驗證法就是看他/她有沒有破壞社會法紀, 當一個人惡意破壞了社會法紀,他自必然扣上壞人幌子。曹操也有知心友, 關公亦有對頭人, 想想秦檜再壞, 也創立了宋體字, 為中國書法作出貢獻;包公再好,還不是鍘了追求戀愛自由的陳世美(說是負心郎)。壞好的標準, 只有相對性而沒有絕對性。 《老殘遊記》作者劉鶚, 是個善良之人(或者叫好人)。光緒二十六年, 八國聯軍攻入北京, 他也跟著去了,到京城後他發現米價暴漲, 遍野餓殍, 於是他從俄軍處賤價購買太倉糧轉賣給居民, 賑北京饑困。1908年, 八國聯軍走了,劉鶚叛以勾結洋人, 私售倉粟之罪貶新疆, 死於烏魯木齊。死的時候, 他沒想過自己是壞人。 筆者的人生觀非常簡單, 佛菩薩對一切眾生都是慈悲的, 沒有分別心。佛菩薩眼裡沒有好人壞人之說, 也沒有好人壞人之分, 一切眾生都是凡夫, 凡夫是帶業的眾生, 來人道就是行善消業障, 佛不幫任何人,所有的因果由個人去承擔。 佛菩薩是大慈大悲, 既然每個人都有業障, 那就不應分別好人才可以進廟, 壞人就不能上香。 眾生平等, 善惡之人也得到平等加持,你說佛菩薩保佑不保佑壞人啊?佛菩薩的保佑不是你說的那個保佑, 佛菩薩是教導任何的眾生諸惡莫作, 眾善奉行, 這樣你就能保佑自己了,也就是佛菩薩的真正保佑!



Two skeleton staff were arranged by their boss of a shoe factory to visit India. After they returned, one of them was complacent and reported that “this is a market full of opportunities and we can open new factories there, because I noticed that most of the local people didn’t wear shoes, as long as one person purchase one pair of our shoes, we earn big money.” But the other reported that “we should not open any factory there, because no one wears shoes, and it will be hard for us to sell shoes there.” A couple or lovers were separated in different cities, the girl wanted to break up with her boyfriend and wrote to him “we are too far apart, love is fading, and we don’t even know each other's ideas and needs.” He wrote back to her “though we haven’t being together all the time, we always miss each other, and this will increase our love.” I found that in many marital counselling cases clients used “the present point of view” to presume future outcome, just like after seeing few people wearing shoes in India, we conclude not to sell shoes there; just like seeing lovers being apart, we think that their relation is doom to end. There are many similar cases in life, such as we think the sex life of old husband and young wife is not good, poor people have no future, etc. If we think we are smart enough to make correct judgments, then we may already be in the trap of “present point of view”! For a beginner of face reading, I remind them to abandon their subjective persistence, and not to predict someone’s future by the “present point of view”, the appearance of his/her eyes, ears and noses. When you think you know, you ask yourself objectively “do I really know?” If you are using “present point of view” to predict the result, then you may need to review your way of life. ■ 作者:Mickey Hung(澳門玄學家),E-mail:fortune@macau.ctm.net 作者介紹: 熊神進老師自少在南洋長大,少承祖命,傳授易經及陰陽五行術數,回澳後擔任電臺、電視臺、報章雜誌風水專欄主持,88年開始辦八字班教學,連續10年被澳門旅遊局派往歐洲推廣玄學文化,2010年創立中國澳門風水掌相學會,近年影響力滲透內地,擔任國內各大企業風水顧問,亦常年為報章雜誌撰寫風水、姓名學、運程專欄文章,國內博客流覽人次超過五千萬,微博粉絲超過二百萬。 公共微信號:macaumasterxiong Facebook 熊神進(澳門風水師) 熊神進(澳門風水師) 如讀者有任何諮詢,歡迎致電 Mickey Hung,電話:66618785

家人的反對, 最終分手


覆:奮鬥的小青年 信件內容:(由於隱私問題,以下部份內容已被刪除) 您好大師,非常榮幸您在百忙之中閱讀到我的信件,我關注您有好長一段時間了,對您的見解非常敬佩,此次希望師傅您能幫我看一下,非常感謝您,我來自xx從小體弱多病現在,現在體質還可以,我想讓您幫忙看一下,我的婚姻,和我的事業,我今年25歲 曾經談過一個一個女友,三年時間因為她家人的反對礙於距離太遠而分手,她年齡比我小兩歲,現在還在聯繫她總是在不時給我打電話但現在屬於朋友關係,我想向您請教一下我一生會有幾段感情出現,未來生活怎樣,我大概在那個年齡結婚,我08年出社會,初中文化,曾經從事過廚師,房地產以及市場推廣等工作,因在銷售行業因個人能力沒有看到發展,我有一業餘愛好就是彈吉他,現在還不是特別有水準,但我非常喜歡,只彈奏一些簡單的譜子,我想問您的是我今生會在何時達到事業最佳期,我可以擁有怎樣的財富,我向哪方面發展會更加得心應手,我還給您發了一張首相的照片希望您也幫忙看看,。謝謝您。 熊神進老師回答: 你不要難過, 家人反對你們小情侶在一起是有因由, 對你來說, 可能是人生的一次打擊, 對我來說, 我認為這是命運考驗你如何爬起來, 如何活得更精彩! 每個男人都有錯敗之時, 沒有人是長勝將軍, 在情場跌一跤又算是什麼, 男人不會因為錯敗而淪落, 反而從哪處跌倒, 就在哪處爬起, 以一種不怨天不怨命的心態鼓勵自己。 你的目前狀況是因為你不懂開路, 你迷戀身邊事物, 而忽視了個人力量, 一件之計在於春, 今年對你來說正好是奮鬥年, 你有什麼技能都要發揮出來, 如沒有, 就要武裝自己, 山不轉, 路轉, 路不轉, 人轉, 請不要原地踏步, 你會敗於一成不變的局面, 我建議你申請往歐洲工作, 這是幸運方, 也是人生的陽臺。 有關婚姻的占卜, 情況並不樂觀, 或者說木門對木門, 你的妻子也是受教育 不高, 你將有一位孩子, 一家人常為金錢而煩惱, 祝福。 命運是掌握在強者手上,並不是決定在玄學家口中,熊老師只是善心提點有緣人,ta應該積極面對人生,而不是消極逃避問題。熊老師已為有緣人關上命盤,並祝福他。