

The Romeo and Juliet effect


When I first met Miss M, she was just an 18-year-old girl with upward eyebrow tails. According to face reading, she was an independent and strong-minded girl who would do whatever she wanted. Her parents once did not allow her to leave Macau for studying at a university in Taiwan, but she was still sent to study aboard by Macau government because of her outstanding performance. In the third year of university, she fell in love with an exchange student from Singapore. That boy has a complicated family, his mother was sentenced to 24 years in prison, and his older brother was a local ringleader. Of course Miss M’s parents were opposed to their relationship, but the two lovers determined to break through all difficulties to carry on their faithful love till the end. The more opposition from her parents, the closer they became. When two people in love encounter difficulties and have to break up, it induces "the Romeo and Juliet effect”. Because they were unable to change her parents’ mind, they used “living together” to prove their true love. They thought that was love! Lovers often have a mistaken view about love, they consider the strength of defeating outside difficulties (especially parents’ opposition) as the strength of love, and transform the sense of achievement of defeating parents’ opposition into the feeling of love. This year Miss M came to visit me and told me that she had already divorced. Certainly, there are many reasons for divorce, but I would like to remind you that, the impulsion of love triggered by living together to resist parents’ opposition usually cannot bear the test of setback. Once two lovers come across sad setback, there will be cracks in their love.

How can we deal with the negative emotions?


I have been visited many places with whirlpool, and found out that whirlpools have one common feature, which is the width of whirlpool could be seen, with the bottom of whirlpool could be estimated. I have to tell myself, the bottom of whirlpool is our mind. Human are kind of emotional animals, and emotion is the impressive feeling, which could feel through our eyes,ears,mouth and body. All these feeling will be recorded and stored at the consciousness of Cakra. Our mind are without the support of filtering function,and as consequence no matter the good feeling or evil feeling will be absorbed. til this space is fulfilled, we become uncomfortable and get worried on everything, and get lots of doubts on our behaviors and blame ourself from time to time. Muladhara Cakra firstly absorbs The spiritual information, and Svadhisthana Cakra judges our sexual criteria, for example, when a man loves a woman, does he make sex relationship coming to the first priority consideration? After this criteria is made, Manipura Cakra then orientates us into involvement into society, ethical issue and law. Anahat Cakra ,vishuddha Cakra,Ajina Cakr are the combination of management of human's energy and mind and then they controls the human physical activities. What I wanna to emphasize here is Ajina Cakra, which is the master of knowledge of society and spiritual intelligence, and dominate the mental functions. in many marriage risk consultation cases, it was found out many ladies may put negative energy into Ajina Cakra.After they are abandoned by men, with internal hate feelings , this is moving on in term of power.The hate of emotion is kept moving on, the rotational speed is getting faster and faster. If the complain emotion could be stopped at the begging, then suicide may come afterward as consequence. The method of handling this type of cases, the only solution is that to make the reverse effort by spiritual intelligence, example, try to lead the clients to think about what the virtue of their partners are? what the future plan at the beginning are? I hope that people shall not look down on these skills, because I have got many experience in the cases of marriage risk consultation.

GoPro 的「Omni」VR 拍攝套件搶先看

LifeMag Editor・2016-04-16

說到 GoPro 的 VR 拍攝套件,你首先想到的,可能是他們跟 Google 聯手打造的「大殺器」Odyssey。但其實在那之前,這家公司就已經確定了自產裝置的開發計畫。去年年中時,這款後來被命名為「Omni」的產品,就已經跟空拍機一起,得到了 GoPro CEO Nick Woodman 的親口證實。在那以後,我們陸續見過幾款 Omni 的原型機,但直到今天,廠方才終於公開了成品的外觀設計,並且拿出了實拍樣本與大家分享。 跟裝載 16 台 GoPro 相機、總價 US$15,000 還不是人人能買到的 Odyssey 相比,「只」需要 6 台 Black(大概價值 US$3,000)的 Omni,門檻無疑要低了不少。而且對許多專業用戶或 Pro-sumer 來說,可能目前擁有的裝置數量就已經達到了要求。不過,Omni 跟 Odyssey 有一處明顯的不同是,它並不會以 3D 形式來拍攝內容。但 GoPro 聲稱自己能在相機之間實現「畫素級別」的同步效果,而且整套系統也可搭配 Kolor 合成軟體(去年四月被 GoPro 收購)無縫使用。值得一提的是,在新發佈的產品圖中,Omni 內部看起來似乎無法容下相機的防水外殼,這跟之前流出的照片不太一樣,看來還有待官方進一步的確認。 實際上,類似的第三方 VR 拍攝組目前在市面上也有不少(你甚至可以用很低的成本去 3D 列印一個出來),但在相機調配、影片合成等方面,總不如原廠方案來得到位、省心。而 Omni 就是至今為止第一款完全由相機廠商自己開發出來的套件,照理來說,在使用上的優勢應該還是非常明顯的。當然囉,其價格多半也會更貴一點,雖然具體的數字現在還沒確定,但在即將舉行的 NAB 大展上,GoPro 應該會告訴我們更多的發售細節吧。 轉載自:Engadget