
Do you have forefinger with four knuckles?


People who have forefinger with four knuckles have strong self-respect but low self-respecting emotion. Self-respecting emotion means they believe their presences are valuable. He may get hurt when people say he is disabled and cannot work. Therefore, they will become angry to protect themselves.


People with strong self-esteem emotion also have strong tolerance heart. They will not get angry even if they are criticized by others as they define their value and status. On the contrary, people with low self-esteem emotions will become angry as they cannot respect themselves.


I did a simple analysis and told him the reason. I let him know more himself. I more than usual cool look, hair pulling their own potential advantages, increase feelings of self-esteem, you will not be angry for some trifles.




林小姐: 13726267799(晚8時後)           


熊神進:澳門 853-66618785                 


Facebook: 熊神進(澳門風水師)            


公共微信: macaumasterxiong                 





熊神進師傅,生於澳門,南洋長大,少承祖命,傳授易經、風水、八字術數,後經名師指導西洋占卜術、體相學。1986年回澳開設命相館,是澳門開埠五百年來第一位擁有「心理學碩士」、「行政管理學士」的最年輕政府註册風水學家。現在經常為報章離誌、電台及電視台做節目,是七百多間機構、社母、賭廳、上市公司顧問,曾接受超過五百個傳媒機構訪問,連續十年代表澳門政府出席葡萄牙及西班牙旅遊博覽,並獲得澳門政府承認 “澳門中國風水掌相學會”會長。近年影響力渗透内地,經常往内地教學、講座,結緣演藝界,被稱為明星算命師。

綠星人 // 離子 皓愛結合環保與創意,融合生活與大自然,凝造綠色生活,同時反省自己多年來破壞地球的罪行。
李小時 自稱愛情專欄作家,文字工作者,是個愛胡思亂想的水瓶座;寫過散文,亦作過小說;深信世界上最浪漫的,就是文字。
半島師奶 和家人平凡地過日子,紀錄在半島生活的點滴和趣事。
Trisha 做一個凡間女子,沾一沾俗世塵埃。