
Two skeleton staff were arranged by their boss of a shoe factory to visit India. After they returned, one of them was complacent and reported that “this is a market full of opportunities and we can open new factories there, because I noticed that most of the local people didn’t wear shoes, as long as one person purchase one pair of our shoes, we earn big money.” But the other reported that “we should not open any factory there, because no one wears shoes, and it will be hard for us to sell shoes there.”


A  couple or lovers were separated in different  cities, the girl wanted to break up with her boyfriend and wrote to him “we are too far apart, love is fading, and we don’t even know each other's ideas and needs.” He wrote back to her “though we haven’t being together all the time, we always miss each other, and this will increase our love.”


I found that in many marital counselling cases clients used “the present point of view” to presume future outcome, just like after seeing few people wearing shoes in India, we conclude not to sell shoes there; just like seeing lovers being apart, we think that their relation is doom to end.


There are many similar cases in life, such as we think the sex life of old husband and young wife is not good, poor people have no future, etc. If we think we are smart enough to make correct judgments, then we may already be in the trap of “present point of view”!


For a beginner of face reading, I remind them to abandon their subjective persistence, and not to predict someone’s future by the “present point of view”, the appearance of his/her eyes, ears and noses.


When you think you know, you ask yourself objectively “do I really know?” If you are using “present point of view” to predict the result, then you may need to review your way of life.




■ 作者:Mickey Hung(澳門玄學家),E-mail:fortune@macau.ctm.net




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如讀者有任何諮詢,歡迎致電 Mickey Hung,電話:66618785






熊神進師傅,生於澳門,南洋長大,少承祖命,傳授易經、風水、八字術數,後經名師指導西洋占卜術、體相學。1986年回澳開設命相館,是澳門開埠五百年來第一位擁有「心理學碩士」、「行政管理學士」的最年輕政府註册風水學家。現在經常為報章離誌、電台及電視台做節目,是七百多間機構、社母、賭廳、上市公司顧問,曾接受超過五百個傳媒機構訪問,連續十年代表澳門政府出席葡萄牙及西班牙旅遊博覽,並獲得澳門政府承認 “澳門中國風水掌相學會”會長。近年影響力渗透内地,經常往内地教學、講座,結緣演藝界,被稱為明星算命師。

李小時 自稱愛情專欄作家,文字工作者,是個愛胡思亂想的水瓶座;寫過散文,亦作過小說;深信世界上最浪漫的,就是文字。
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80後愛旅行✈️ ✈ 80後澳門女子,喜歡到處遊歷,體驗人生。 <BR>✈ 畢生積蓄用於旅遊 <BR>✈ 夢想是以後去旅行時全世界都認識Macau, 不再是Next to Hong Kong。