


When dealing with marriage cases, I was frequently asked by female clients that why they had the feeling of “falling in love at first sight” when they first met their husbands.

I have three views on this issue.


1) From the point of view of Cognitive Psychology, we are often attracted by someone’s eyes, ears, mouth, or nose, because they are similar to ours and this will create a feeling of intimacy, which is the element of love.

2) Human bodies have different immune abilities, and yours maybe differ from mine in some extent. People tend to have a favorable impression on the one with different immune ability, which is also indispensable to love.

3) In China, there is a mystical book called “three Lifetime Book”, which tells that people have prelife, this life and afterlife, and in this life, you may fatefully meet the lover of your prelife.

“Falling in love at first sight” literally refers to “at first sight”, and thus time is the key. Everyone has an innate ability of instant judgment, which belongs to “Adaptive Unconscious Function”. So some people can recall immediately that they have met someone before.

“Falling in love at first sight” is usually unilateral. In past divorce statistics, couples in such situation have low possibility of divorce.



林小姐: 13726267799(晚8时后)

熊神进:澳门 853-66618785

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公共微信: macaumasterxiong





熊神進師傅,生於澳門,南洋長大,少承祖命,傳授易經、風水、八字術數,後經名師指導西洋占卜術、體相學。1986年回澳開設命相館,是澳門開埠五百年來第一位擁有「心理學碩士」、「行政管理學士」的最年輕政府註册風水學家。現在經常為報章離誌、電台及電視台做節目,是七百多間機構、社母、賭廳、上市公司顧問,曾接受超過五百個傳媒機構訪問,連續十年代表澳門政府出席葡萄牙及西班牙旅遊博覽,並獲得澳門政府承認 “澳門中國風水掌相學會”會長。近年影響力渗透内地,經常往内地教學、講座,結緣演藝界,被稱為明星算命師。

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