
I have been visited many places with whirlpool, and found out that whirlpools have one common feature, which is the width of whirlpool could be seen, with the bottom of whirlpool could be estimated. I have to tell myself, the bottom of whirlpool is our mind.

 Human are kind of emotional animals, and emotion is the impressive feeling, which could feel through our eyes,ears,mouth and body. All these feeling will be recorded and stored at the consciousness of Cakra. Our mind are without the support of filtering function,and as consequence no matter the good feeling or evil feeling will be absorbed. til this space is fulfilled, we become uncomfortable and get worried on everything, and get lots of doubts on our behaviors and blame ourself from time to time.

 Muladhara Cakra firstly absorbs The spiritual information, and Svadhisthana Cakra judges our sexual criteria, for example, when a man loves a woman, does he make sex relationship coming to the first priority consideration?

 After this criteria is made, Manipura Cakra then orientates us into involvement into society, ethical issue and law. Anahat Cakra ,vishuddha Cakra,Ajina Cakr are the combination of management of human's energy and mind and then they controls the human physical activities.

 What I wanna to emphasize here is Ajina Cakra, which is the master of knowledge of society and spiritual intelligence, and dominate the mental functions. in many marriage risk consultation cases, it was found out many ladies may put negative energy into Ajina Cakra.After they are abandoned by men, with internal hate feelings , this is moving on in term of power.The hate of emotion is kept moving on, the rotational speed is getting faster and faster. If the complain emotion could be stopped at the begging, then suicide may come afterward as consequence.

 The method of handling this type of cases, the only solution is that to make the reverse effort by spiritual intelligence, example, try to lead the clients to think about what the virtue of their partners are? what the future plan at the beginning are?

 I hope that people shall not look down on these skills, because I have got many experience in the cases of marriage risk consultation.



熊神進師傅,生於澳門,南洋長大,少承祖命,傳授易經、風水、八字術數,後經名師指導西洋占卜術、體相學。1986年回澳開設命相館,是澳門開埠五百年來第一位擁有「心理學碩士」、「行政管理學士」的最年輕政府註册風水學家。現在經常為報章離誌、電台及電視台做節目,是七百多間機構、社母、賭廳、上市公司顧問,曾接受超過五百個傳媒機構訪問,連續十年代表澳門政府出席葡萄牙及西班牙旅遊博覽,並獲得澳門政府承認 “澳門中國風水掌相學會”會長。近年影響力渗透内地,經常往内地教學、講座,結緣演藝界,被稱為明星算命師。

Ar B (阿比) 我是一位來自澳門的普通小市民、有著無比的幻想、夢想、喜愛聽、寫、唱、創作同打麻雀!
半島師奶 和家人平凡地過日子,紀錄在半島生活的點滴和趣事。
背包旅神 旅行不只是享受,還要感受。
星爸爸茶座 分享澳城生活點點滴滴,伴您共渡一分一秒。品茶、格物、論道、賞風月,風繼續吹,水亦可以。
文創不捱餓 // 娛樂小老闆 來自澳門的90後,深信搞文創一樣可以有飽飯食; 夢想打造屬於澳門的娛樂圈; 讓世界欣賞我們的電影、聽到我們的音樂、看見我們的創作。