晚上7時,勁歌熱舞表演為「歡騰倒數 迎接2016」派對拉開序幕;8時開始的大抽獎環節旋即將派對氣氛燙得火熱。當時針踏正午夜一刻,全場一起歡呼舉杯,高漲的情緒達至頂峰,觥籌交錯中迎接充滿希望和夢想的2016年。
Macau’s new landmark destination Broadway Macau and its guests celebrated the arrival of 2016 with a party of performances and games. It is the first ever New Year countdown party held at Broadway Macau featuring lucky draws with more than MOP$50,000 prizes giveaway.
The New Year’s Eve Countdown Party kicked off at 7pm with series of live performances and luck draws started from 8pm. The party reached the peak moment with the grand countdown to the New Year when the glittering crowd cheered in joy and embraced new hopes and dreams for 2016.