
Tag: okura

28F Saturday & Sunday Chinese Dinner Buffet

LifeMag Editor ・2018-03-01

Hotel Okura Macau is launching Saturday and Sunday dinner Chinese cuisine on the 28th floor. Executive Chef Chin Kam Wah and his culinary team created a delicious dish and fine dining experience to entertain you and your guests. The buffet is a Seafood theme and offers a new tempting array of delicacies including: Salads Bar, Seafood on ice, Soup, Cooking stations with onsite chef, Order on site dishes (More than 20 dishes), Home-made desserts and Beverages station. Additionally, highlighted items such as Sautéed sliced Garoupa and celery in X.O. Sauce, Steamed fish’s head and bone with mashed garlic and glass noodles, Stir-fried crabs with garlic and chili, Stir-fried Bombay duck fish with garlic and spicy salt, Sautéed clam with chili and black bean sauce and many more. Don’t miss the sought-after dessert station features Mango pudding with bird’s nest and pomelo, Rabbit shaped protein and other homemade treats. Sit back with your friends or family to enjoy fabulous view of Heng Qin Island and relax while chef prepares and serves you a truly memorable meal. For any discount, inquiries and reservations please call (853) 8883 5099/8883 4808 Adult at MOP 438 per person Kids 5-12 years half price Senior at MOP 338 per person Prices are subject to 10% service charge Available Date: March 1 to April 30, 2018 (Saturday & Sunday) Opening Hours: 18:00-21:30 Advance reservation is highly recommended. 28/F • Hotel Okura Macau Galaxy Macau™ • COTAI • Macau


Benjamin ・2017-03-16

2017年3月15日至4月9日,行政總廚林彰先生將和他的烹飪團隊在澳門大倉酒店28樓的「山里」餐廳舉辦大分食品節。 大分縣位於九州的東北部,被霧島山脈的森林,河流和溪流覆蓋,為其提供了豐富的水源,也是日本最多溫泉的所在地。豐富的自然資源,令大分盛產椎茸,青柚(綠色柑橘類水果),花竹蝦和擁有大理石條文,入口即化的大分豊後牛。 雞肉也是大分的名產,受歡迎的菜餚包括唐揚(炸雞),雞肉天婦羅以及炸雞排。 大分會席料理午市套餐每位澳門幣 580 元,賓客也可以選擇澳門幣 668 元搭配清酒。套餐包括大分特色菜餚國見町海草豆腐配醋味噌及姬島花竹蝦,別府灣吞拿魚及池魚,雞肉天婦羅,大分中津牡蠣,黃鰤魚飯,大分野津原淮山牛蒡湯和青柚啫喱。 大分會席料理晚市套餐每位澳門幣 1,380 元,賓客也可以選擇澳門幣 1,530 元搭配清酒。晚市套餐同樣包括大分特色菜餚國見町海草豆腐配醋味噌及姬島花竹蝦,還有甲魚清湯配年糕,別府灣城下左口魚薄切及吞拿魚,燒大分縣豊後牛及椎茸,雞肉天婦羅,大分中津牡蠣,大分野津原淮山牛蒡湯以及青柚啫喱。 訂位或諮詢請電: (853) 8883 5127澳門大倉酒店 ▪ 二十八樓 ▪ 「山里」「澳門銀河™」綜合渡假城 ▪ 澳門路氹城