
Tag: 澳門

Pacha Macau Opens at Studio City

LifeMag Editor ・2016-01-20

In celebration of Pacha’s opening in Macau, the legendary Ibizan-style club, hosted an exclusive Grand Opening Special event featuring an electrifying performance by world-famous Columbian-American producer and record label owner DJ Erick Morillo as well as special acts to wow party-goers. The brand new Pacha venue located at Studio City, Macau’s first cinematically-themed integrated entertainment, retail, and gaming resort, welcomed over 2000 guests to its Balearic themed mega-party, including Hong Kong and Macau’s movers and shakers as well as those flown in specially for the occasion from New York and Ibiza including Eddie Dean, Pacha NYC President & CEO and Managing Director for Pacha Macau, Marta Planells Lucendo, Pacha Franchises Director, and Francisco Ferrer, Managing Director Pacha Ibiza. Prominent guests from Hong Kong and Macau were also in attendance including JD Clayton, Property President, Studio City as well as the party crowd, all coming together in support of the arrival of Pacha’s first club in Greater China. Set to make its mark as the first mega-club of its kind in the region and as the world’s largest global nightclub brand, Pacha Macau kick-started the weekend’s celebrations with a “Welcome to Macau” party on Friday (15th January 2016), featuring a special performance by Ibiza veteran and Pacha resident DJ, Sebastian Gamboa, treating guests to his signature house tunes to dance the night away. The warm-up event was followed by the grand celebration on Saturday (16th January 2016), with a much anticipated performance by DJ Erick Morillo, three-time winner of DJ Awards "Best House DJ" as well as three-time winner of "Best International DJ", who performed specially for the evening to a full house. With a capacity to host 3,000 partygoers, Pacha Macau will bring the ultimate clubbing experience to Studio City, raising the competitive stakes even higher in the dynamic Asian entertainment industry. State-of-the-art audio/visual facilities including digital mapping and specialized lighting systems bring incredible energy to the 1,000-square-foot dance floor. Other unique features include four private luxury KTV VIP suites, and a spacious outdoor patio that transports the iconic brand’s renowned style, sound and top notch service to the Cotai strip. Eddie Dean, Pacha NYC President & CEO and Managing Director for Pacha Macau, commented, “We are thrilled by the response and feedback from guests on the new Pacha Macau club – it’s long been a dream of mine to bring Pacha to Macau, so to see everyone enjoying themselves at the Grand Opening Special event was amazing and a reminder of why we are here – to offer the best nightlife experiences to party-goers in Asia with that unique Pacha flare and spirit. This is just the beginning of many more incredible parties to come!” DJ Erick Morillo commented, “I am completely blown away by the stunning new Pacha Macau club and am thrilled to have played at the mega party of all parties to kick-start 2016. It’s been an epic experience to be in Asia and I hope to return soon – you guys certainly know how to party!”


OHChance 旅遊誌 ・2016-01-19

【促銷公司】長榮航空(Eva Air)【搭乘日期】2月15日至6月15日【開賣日期】已開賣,至訂完為止【最長停留】1個月【航班限制】沒有【預訂網址】 長榮航空除了一隻澳門-台灣的早鳥promo 做緊外(參考:,其實仲有一隻長期ge 長途機promo。澳門出發經台北轉美洲,各航點來回連稅最低價如下: 紐約:MOP6,491洛杉磯/三藩市/西雅圖:MOP5,447休斯頓:MOP5,971關島:MOP5,009多倫多:MOP6,475溫哥華:MOP5,402(由於匯率關係,可能實際查時會差幾十元) 價格方面都ok!唔使7000飛紐約同多倫多都幾值得睇下。平飛除左復活節外一d都唔難搵!另外台北飛關島及休斯頓都是以 Hello Kitty 機執飛架。 呢隻優惠仲可以不同點來回架,具體方法如下: 在長榮首頁搜機票的部份,選”多航段/中途停留/不同點進出”,或直接入呢個網址: “航班目的地1” 選填你的去程,例如 “澳門-西雅圖”,那麼就是從”澳門”到”西雅圖” “航班目的地2” 選填你的回程,例如 “三藩市-澳門”,那麼就是從”三藩市”到”澳門” 拉到最下按”確認”,再選航班就ok 另外注意休斯頓只能使用多航後才能找到澳門出發的,在首頁直接找澳門出發的來回會看不到休斯頓這航點。 [價錢Sample – 澳門經台北飛西雅圖,連稅價MOP5,447] 編輯聲明======================================相關連結: 來源:OH!Chance!澳燦旅行資訊 |FaceBook:Oh!Chance!經版權持有人授權CyberCTM.com發表。======================================


蘇蘇 ・2016-01-03

新年快樂!! 蘇蘇在這裡恭祝大家身體健康!! 事事順利!! 招財進寶!! ^^ 蘇蘇饞嘴,說起招財進寶,讓我想起早前與好友們被澳門君悅酒店邀請於其中餐廳<滿堂彩>私人廂房品嚐了一席招財進寶宴。 這個特別的餐單,選用的是名貴食材,再融合多地菜式而成,招財進寶宴寓意富貴滿堂,當中的佛跳牆用料上盛、貴氣逼人,單點一盅也有接近澳門幣800元,還有至鮮味長的金華玉樹麒麟魚,香辣難擋的川味麻婆豆腐等等。 滿堂彩前菜拼盤 拼盤有香蔥皮蛋豆腐、清脆爽瓜蜇頭和涼伴帶子。把豆腐壓爛後再跟香蔥皮蛋拌在一起吃,味道精新又香滑。海蜇頭又爽又脆,再配上芝麻和醋汁,很好吃呢。厚厚的帶子,吃在口中十分滿足。 功夫臻品滋生湯 其實就是佛跳牆,每人有一盅,材料包括鮑魚、花膠、螺肉、瑤柱、花菇、金華火腿等配料燉煮多個小時而成,燉湯味道濃郁,鮑魚螺肉容易咬開,花膠軟滑,證明燉煮時間足夠。 老式果木烤填鴨 相信一般在不少的凱悅集團酒店中餐廳都可以吃到這味獨特美味的烤鴨,早前的上海之行在外灘茂悅大酒店的中餐廳也吃過很好吃的烤鴨,無疑這已成為了凱悅的招牌菜,所以這個招財進寶宴菜單又怎可以沒有它呢。 烤鴨有三種吃法,第一種是鴨皮,把鴨皮沾上一點砂糖來吃,入口十分酥脆帶微甜,又即融化於口中,蘇蘇超愛。之後是烤鴨皮連肉和淨鴨肉,並附上包鴨肉的餅皮同吃,加一些小黃瓜、蔥段及醬料一起吃,美味。 金華玉樹麒麟魚 蘇蘇一直很喜歡吃金華玉樹雞這道菜式的,而這道將雞肉變為石斑魚塊,有異曲同工之用,那金華火腿及冬菇的鹹香味,與滑溜的魚肉相映成絕。 椒鹽香酥羊棒 蘇蘇也很喜歡吃椒鹽菜式的,濃濃香酥的羊棒十分惹味。 蔥香鵪鶉蛋海參及川味燒麻婆豆婆 海參有豐富的骨膠原,是女士的恩物,煮得又腍又入味,伴碟的是蛋香濃郁的鵪鶉蛋。而川味燒麻婆豆婆看來挺有辣的,麻香味又濃,用來拌飯,喜歡辣的朋友一定喜歡。 滿堂彩油燜大蝦及金沙燜炒鮮涼瓜 大蝦真的是份量十足,蝦肉爽爽的,味道也好。金沙等於鹹蛋黃蓉,用來炒涼瓜十分好吃,蘇蘇吃了很多。 滿堂彩包點薈萃 四款點心包括北方手工豬肉水餃、陝西鹵肉夾饃、燒賣以及春卷,款款都精彩,猶愛陝西鹵肉夾饃。 滿堂彩甜點薈 餐廳每次都會預備最時令的甜品,一直都讓客人有驚喜,賣相更讓人食指大動。 環球時令鮮生果 不是一般餐廳的生果盤,吃過便知龍與鳳。 招財進寶宴價錢為mop8,888 (需另收 10%服務費),可供8-10個人享用。與家人或好友們新年聚會,這個是不錯的選擇。 滿堂彩 Beijing Kitchen地址︰澳門路氹城連貫公路新濠天地君悅酒店1樓電話︰+853 88681234營業時間︰星期一至日11:30-00:00