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《MAGAZINE & MORE》希望透過各種資訊的分享滿足都市女性對生活素質和品位的追求,是一本以身心愉悅為核心的讀物。我們提倡創意及個性化享樂的理念,提升和完善自己,達到身心和諧快樂的自我最佳狀態。





"MAGAZINE & MORE" wishes to satisfy the urban women’ needs toward the quality of life through delivering every piece of information. We are a magazine focusing in wellness. We aim to provide creative and personalized ideas to help women enrich their daily lives.

Our readers are urban happy women who have passions and care about the quality of life; they have international perspective, and the power and ability to control their lives.

All information required by these women are no longer confined to the basic needs, but a lot more. With this trend, we have prepared a wide range of information and tips about all aspects of fashion, trends, beauty, skin care, leisure, health, life enjoyment, and many other information to upscale their daily lives, meeting the expectations of the new generation of female readers.