Benjamin ・2016-04-11
近日,香港航空推出左一個好得意既全新機艙指南Video,大家快去看看啦! // Hong Kong Airlines "Sweeten Safety Up" Video|香港航空 "Sweeten Saf... 「各位乘客,歡迎乘搭香港航空嘅客機!」一聽到呢句,就知道飛機就嚟起飛喇~除咗收好行李同摺檯、拉直椅背、扣好安全帶,仲有乜嘢要留意呢?最新出爐嘅Hong Kong Airlines安全示範短片貫徹了我們去年推出嘅「Sweeten You Up」星級服務,希望以輕鬆歡樂嘅畫風同表達手法,保障乘客飛行安全之餘,亦為旅客送上優質貼心嘅服務。立即去片~!‘Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome aboard Hong Kong Airlines!’The flight is ready to take off and your journey is going to start when you hear the welcome message~ Please ensure your hand baggage and tables are stowed, seat backs are upright and your seatbelt is fastened! What else should you be reminded?Hong Kong Airlines the newest safety video is now out with friendly anime presentation! Thank you for your attention, we always want our passengers to have a safe, sweet and pleasant journeyWatch it now! Posted by Hong Kong Airlines 香港航空 on 2016年4月7日