
Tag: seafood


Cheers! ・2018-05-07

環境:★★★★☆ 食物種類:★★★★★ 服務:★★★★★ 口味:★★★★☆ 自助餐廳的玩法愈來愈多,除了定期轉換主題、邀請 Guest chef 為食饕帶來新鮮感。最近喜來登酒店的「盛宴」更推出了周五及六限定的「美式海鮮盛宴」。在海鮮陣、甜品區、熟食區等豐富選擇中,加碼送上來自美國路易斯安那州的海鮮鐵桶,一於捲起衫袖、戴上圍巾,享受另類自助餐體驗! 這個「美式海鮮盛宴」以鐵桶盛載登場,裝滿沾上了惹味醬汁的海鮮,包括加拿大棕螃蟹、阿拉斯加蟹腳、俄羅斯皇帝蟹腳、波士頓龍蝦、鮮蝦、青口及多款時令海產。上枱時侍應會將海鮮傾倒於餐桌上,澎湃視覺加上撲鼻香氣,即時令食慾大增。同時亦奉上圍巾及小木槌,方便大家拆蟹。現場敲擊聲此起彼落,相當過癮。 進食時,可按個人口味選擇心水香料,包括路易斯安那(Cajun and Creole)調味粉、海鮮(Old Bay)及冬陰功三種口味。海鮮拆肉後再蘸上特調醬汁如檸檬香草奶油醬、蟹肉濃湯醬、粵式黑胡椒醬及酸辣醬,勁惹味! 煮好的海鮮拌以路易斯安那州的傳統混合香料,便成了當地馳名的煮海鮮。 「美式海鮮盛宴」以鐵桶上枱,風味十足。 路易斯安那州位於美國南部,鄰近墨西哥海灣,盛產甲殼類海鮮。(網上圖片) 室外燒烤區 如果「美式海鮮盛宴」和 Buffet line 的凍海鮮仍未能滿足你對海鮮的慾望,餐廳最近新加入的室外燒烤區就加碼送上各式燒烤美食,除了魚蛋、香腸、雞翼此等「BBQ 班底」,更有生蠔、秋刀魚、魷魚、黃花魚、扇貝等海鮮選擇,通通即叫即燒,配搭一個透心涼椰青,完美啊! 室外燒烤區選擇豐富。 記得柯打新鮮椰青,清甜舒服,配 BBQ 一流! 麵檔有幾款麵類可選,連喇沙都有供應,必試。 美式海鮮盛宴 地址:喜來登酒店地面大堂 時間:周五及六(18:00 – 23:00) 價錢:成人 $468;小童 $200 全天候饗宴 地址:喜來登酒店地面大堂 時間:周日至四(06:30 – 23:00) 價錢:成人 $228 起;小童 $100 起 網址: 更多自助餐攻略:澳門最全自助餐攻略,必食人氣推薦!

28F Saturday & Sunday Chinese Dinner Buffet

LifeMag Editor ・2018-03-01

Hotel Okura Macau is launching Saturday and Sunday dinner Chinese cuisine on the 28th floor. Executive Chef Chin Kam Wah and his culinary team created a delicious dish and fine dining experience to entertain you and your guests. The buffet is a Seafood theme and offers a new tempting array of delicacies including: Salads Bar, Seafood on ice, Soup, Cooking stations with onsite chef, Order on site dishes (More than 20 dishes), Home-made desserts and Beverages station. Additionally, highlighted items such as Sautéed sliced Garoupa and celery in X.O. Sauce, Steamed fish’s head and bone with mashed garlic and glass noodles, Stir-fried crabs with garlic and chili, Stir-fried Bombay duck fish with garlic and spicy salt, Sautéed clam with chili and black bean sauce and many more. Don’t miss the sought-after dessert station features Mango pudding with bird’s nest and pomelo, Rabbit shaped protein and other homemade treats. Sit back with your friends or family to enjoy fabulous view of Heng Qin Island and relax while chef prepares and serves you a truly memorable meal. For any discount, inquiries and reservations please call (853) 8883 5099/8883 4808 Adult at MOP 438 per person Kids 5-12 years half price Senior at MOP 338 per person Prices are subject to 10% service charge Available Date: March 1 to April 30, 2018 (Saturday & Sunday) Opening Hours: 18:00-21:30 Advance reservation is highly recommended. 28/F • Hotel Okura Macau Galaxy Macau™ • COTAI • Macau