mickey hung

Tag: mickey hung

The Romeo and Juliet effect

熊神進 ・2016-08-02

When I first met Miss M, she was just an 18-year-old girl with upward eyebrow tails. According to face reading, she was an independent and strong-minded girl who would do whatever she wanted. Her parents once did not allow her to leave Macau for studying at a university in Taiwan, but she was still sent to study aboard by Macau government because of her outstanding performance. In the third year of university, she fell in love with an exchange student from Singapore. That boy has a complicated family, his mother was sentenced to 24 years in prison, and his older brother was a local ringleader. Of course Miss M’s parents were opposed to their relationship, but the two lovers determined to break through all difficulties to carry on their faithful love till the end. The more opposition from her parents, the closer they became. When two people in love encounter difficulties and have to break up, it induces "the Romeo and Juliet effect”. Because they were unable to change her parents’ mind, they used “living together” to prove their true love. They thought that was love! Lovers often have a mistaken view about love, they consider the strength of defeating outside difficulties (especially parents’ opposition) as the strength of love, and transform the sense of achievement of defeating parents’ opposition into the feeling of love. This year Miss M came to visit me and told me that she had already divorced. Certainly, there are many reasons for divorce, but I would like to remind you that, the impulsion of love triggered by living together to resist parents’ opposition usually cannot bear the test of setback. Once two lovers come across sad setback, there will be cracks in their love.

Don't relaxvigilance against evil-doers

熊神進 ・2016-07-07

There was a pornographic website contacting me before. They wanted me to write an women’ lascivious physiognomy on their website but I refused. From my professional ethics, physiognomy is not divided into immorality, lowliness, hero and rogue. Everything is from “heart “(attitude, behavior, conduct)". No one can figure out that a baby will become a national leader or a thief from its physiognomy of eyes, ears, nose and mouth after growing up. What an irresponsible wording is. More compelling way is to provide some information to them that it will develop into these results only if you don’t pay attention to personal behavior. If the girl's eyebrows are too narrow which will let her boyfriend worry. In general eyebrows can analyze a person's social skills. With thicker eyebrows, the people are more optimistic. Therefore, they have better relationship with friends. But you have to pay attention that it is a complex society, human nature is. The relationship with friends means you get along with strangers. You have chance to be exploited and betrayed by your friends even if you have a good relationship with them. I have a friend who is a police officer with shaggy eyebrows.The distance between two eyebrows is less than the width of a finger. Because of her special occupation, she often drinks alcohol and entertain with subordinates and friends.I have given her some advices that you must notrelax vigilance against evil-doers. But she said no one would offend her as her job. Three years ago, she came to my office to see me. It was the first time that I saw her cry. Her crying is not because of her wayward behavior, but her radical personality and strong subjectivity. Therefore, she will not accept other suggestion. Due to study crime psychology, I understand psychology of friends’ of rape very well.I repeatedly reminded her many times. 1)Must watch and drink the beverage which is pour out from the unopened bottle . 2)Never let the cup leave your sight and change the new one if you go to toilet, singing and dancing. 3) Make an appointment with boyfriend, trusted friends and family to pick up you in advance. Don’t go home alone or by their cars, preferring to take a taxi. ■作者:熊神進(澳門玄學家),E-mail:fortune@macau.ctm.net 如有任何問題,歡迎聯絡: 林小姐: 13726267799(晚8時後) 熊神進:澳門 853-66618785 Facebook: 熊神進(澳門風水師) 公共微信: macaumasterxiong 淘寶風水法器店:http://macauhung.taobao.com

Fall in love at first sight

熊神進 ・2016-06-24

熊神進(澳門風水師) When dealing with marriage cases, I was frequently asked by female clients that why they had the feeling of “falling in love at first sight” when they first met their husbands. I have three views on this issue. ⋯⋯ 1) From the point of view of Cognitive Psychology, we are often attracted by someone’s eyes, ears, mouth, or nose, because they are similar to ours and this will create a feeling of intimacy, which is the element of love. 2) Human bodies have different immune abilities, and yours maybe differ from mine in some extent. People tend to have a favorable impression on the one with different immune ability, which is also indispensable to love. 3) In China, there is a mystical book called “three Lifetime Book”, which tells that people have prelife, this life and afterlife, and in this life, you may fatefully meet the lover of your prelife. “Falling in love at first sight” literally refers to “at first sight”, and thus time is the key. Everyone has an innate ability of instant judgment, which belongs to “Adaptive Unconscious Function”. So some people can recall immediately that they have met someone before. “Falling in love at first sight” is usually unilateral. In past divorce statistics, couples in such situation have low possibility of divorce. ■作者:熊神进(澳门玄学家),E-mail:fortune@macau.ctm.net 如有任何问题,欢迎联络: 林小姐: 13726267799(晚8时后) 熊神进:澳门 853-66618785 Facebook: 熊神进(澳门风水师) 公共微信: macaumasterxiong 淘宝风水法器店:http://macauhung.taobao.com

How could we keep a long distance relationship alive?

熊神進 ・2016-04-27

How to keep alive of a long distance relationship? It really depends on how much you trust your boyfriend/girlfriend. Lyrics in a Cantonese folk song are written like this, being separated far away lovers, as long as you trust and understand one another, your love will not fade away. As we all know that it’s hard for long distance relationship to get happy ending, since love is inversely proportional to distance. For those couples who stay together every day, they could easily to forgive their boyfriend/girlfriend once they have had conflict, because sensing and intuition would do a great favour to making it up, for example, seeing tears falling down your girl’s cheek. On the opposite side, being reconciled will be not easy if the girl wrangling with her boyfriend far away. It’s said that distance makes heart grow fonder, but in love, it might turns into a high wall between you and your lover. The mutual feelings will certainly get unromantic if a couple of lover couldn’t meet up often enough because of the too far away geographic distance between them. In reality, too far away geographic distance might lead to drifting your boy/girl apart in psychological distance. Generally speaking, without great affection, long distance relationship is like a fragile glass, besides concerning their lovers, people might distrust their partners or worry about whether they have did anything disloyal. To sustain a long distance relationship, it needs to pay more cost. In my point of view, people in long distance relationship are much happier than ever before over the past decade because of the advanced internet technology and convenient transportation. Instead of talking face to face, we could hear the other’s voice and watch their faces via telephone, internet and Skype, etc. All those kinds of contact ways could help with in making you feel better in lovesickness to a certain degree, and the more important is effective communication and mutual understanding could be achieved. Many of my clients are in long distance relationship, once people could accept a lover far away from them, it reflects that they are mentally mature and independent, which means their attachment styles are secure. The “secure” people are not only self-confident, but also they feel rather confident in their partners. An ideal relationship should be composed of understanding, sense and trust, however, long distance relationship misses out on the element of sense. So, in order to establish long distance relationship, the key point is keeping smooth communication, and it’s best to arrange regular date with your boyfriend/girlfriend so that you could not to miss him/her too much. I used to introduce a method to people in long distance relationship, which was talking to your partner everyday and talking about everything in your life. Just express your feeling timely for making the other side clear that you are doing best to keep the relationship work.    如有任何問題,歡迎聯絡: 林小姐: 13726267799(晚8時後) 熊神進:澳門 853-66618785 Facebook: 熊神進(澳門風水師) 公共微信: macaumasterxiong 淘寶風水法器店:http://macauhung.taobao.com

Do you understand what the girls want?

熊神進 ・2016-04-21

I often hear that the girl will share her own confidential information during chatting with other girls, which is a common social skill. The psychologists believe that it is a "self-presentation" which makes the distance between people much closer. Also it is intimate language among girls. Girls are not keen to talk about their work. If any, it cannot be separated from rights and wrongs, such as discussing the supervisor is not good, or the company policy has a problem, etc. Anyway, there is a short complain only. They prefer to discuss their daily lives, shopping, makeup and couple trifles. Many homeboys told me that they did not understand what the girls want. I said that please don’t talk too much work and political views with them every day. It is bored! Career women feel tired sometimes. You can open your heart and share your life experience with them (but do not too boastful) so that it can make others feel a sense of geniality. The girl will select the one who gives a good impression to develop her relationship. It is a pity that man starts to know more about his wife after divorced. I think most men love their wives, but their love is eager to express their needs but ignoring the feelings of their wives! 如有任何问题,欢迎联络: 林小姐: 13726267799(晚8时后) 熊神进:澳门 853-66618785 Facebook: 熊神进(澳门风水师) 公共微信: macaumasterxiong 淘宝风水法器店:http://macauhung.taobao.com


熊神進 ・2016-03-23

Two skeleton staff were arranged by their boss of a shoe factory to visit India. After they returned, one of them was complacent and reported that “this is a market full of opportunities and we can open new factories there, because I noticed that most of the local people didn’t wear shoes, as long as one person purchase one pair of our shoes, we earn big money.” But the other reported that “we should not open any factory there, because no one wears shoes, and it will be hard for us to sell shoes there.” A couple or lovers were separated in different cities, the girl wanted to break up with her boyfriend and wrote to him “we are too far apart, love is fading, and we don’t even know each other's ideas and needs.” He wrote back to her “though we haven’t being together all the time, we always miss each other, and this will increase our love.” I found that in many marital counselling cases clients used “the present point of view” to presume future outcome, just like after seeing few people wearing shoes in India, we conclude not to sell shoes there; just like seeing lovers being apart, we think that their relation is doom to end. There are many similar cases in life, such as we think the sex life of old husband and young wife is not good, poor people have no future, etc. If we think we are smart enough to make correct judgments, then we may already be in the trap of “present point of view”! For a beginner of face reading, I remind them to abandon their subjective persistence, and not to predict someone’s future by the “present point of view”, the appearance of his/her eyes, ears and noses. When you think you know, you ask yourself objectively “do I really know?” If you are using “present point of view” to predict the result, then you may need to review your way of life. ■ 作者:Mickey Hung(澳門玄學家),E-mail:fortune@macau.ctm.net 作者介紹: 熊神進老師自少在南洋長大,少承祖命,傳授易經及陰陽五行術數,回澳後擔任電臺、電視臺、報章雜誌風水專欄主持,88年開始辦八字班教學,連續10年被澳門旅遊局派往歐洲推廣玄學文化,2010年創立中國澳門風水掌相學會,近年影響力滲透內地,擔任國內各大企業風水顧問,亦常年為報章雜誌撰寫風水、姓名學、運程專欄文章,國內博客流覽人次超過五千萬,微博粉絲超過二百萬。 公共微信號:macaumasterxiong Facebook 熊神進(澳門風水師) 熊神進(澳門風水師) 如讀者有任何諮詢,歡迎致電 Mickey Hung,電話:66618785