
Tag: creative

Get Eat Ready呈獻【《我老婆日日唔煮飯》第六集:白雪公主蘋安夜】蘋果雪梨雪耳豬腱湯|焦糖蘋果雞翼|迷你蘋果批

Get Eat Ready ・2019-01-08

【《我老婆日日唔煮飯》第六集:白雪公主蘋安夜】今集Poyee教大家用蘋果煮兩餸一湯,去片! 「兩餸一湯」菜單-蘋果雪梨雪耳豬腱湯-焦糖蘋果雞翼-迷你蘋果批...睇返【《我老婆日日唔煮飯》第一集:家有鱷妻】:睇返【《我老婆日日唔煮飯》第二集:萬聖節惡妻便當】:睇返【《我老婆日日唔煮飯》第三集:黯然銷魂飯】:睇返【《我老婆日日唔煮飯》第四集:射雕英雄傳】:睇返【《我老婆日日唔煮飯》第五集:怪獸與哈利波特】寶兒)係食譜作者、烹飪導師、專欄作者同美食愛好者。佢曾經喺2013年參加咗法國工作假期(Working Holiday),周圍學整法式地道菜,佢嘅文章刊登喺香港嘅報章雜誌。出版著作有《出走,走進法國人家廚房》及《法國咬一口——61道在家也能做的法式料理》;專欄有《明報》每月「歐陸煮意」教授西式料理;以及「另一個胃」教授西式甜品。佢同時鍾意涉獵各種菜式嘅烹調方法,包括中西日韓等,務求親手炮製出天下美食!Poyee嘅Facebook專頁 : 煮事:屋邨女孩的法國廚房Poyee嘅IG : cookstuffs.poyeeIG:geteatreadyYouTube: Get Eat Ready #我老婆日日唔煮飯 #我老婆日日都扮死 #GetEatReady #白雪公主

Get Eat Ready呈獻:【《我老婆日日唔煮飯》第五集:怪獸與哈利波特】牛肉薯仔餡餅|焗蕃茄濃湯

Get Eat Ready ・2019-01-08

今集Poyee教大家煮「魔法學院餐」,去片! 今晚「一餸一湯」菜單 :牛肉薯仔餡餅 Cornish pasty 焗蕃茄濃湯 Roasted tomato soup 睇返【《我老婆日日唔煮飯》第一集:家有鱷妻】鱷魚肉海底椰湯|豆豉水汁蒸鱷魚(豉汁苦瓜蒸釀鯪魚肉)|蒜香半煎炸排骨 睇返【《我老婆日日唔煮飯》第二集:萬聖節惡妻便當】蕃茄醬焗漢堡扒意粉|南瓜牛奶濃湯|日式咖哩肥牛飯 睇返【《我老婆日日唔煮飯》第三集:黯然銷魂飯】(叉燒煎蛋飯)| 五指毛桃排骨核桃湯|郊外油菜 睇返【《我老婆日日唔煮飯》第四集:射鵰英雄傳】菠菜杞子豬膶湯 |電飯煲鹽焗乞衣雞 Poyee(寶兒)係食譜作者、烹飪導師、專欄作者同美食愛好者。佢曾經喺2013年參加咗法國工作假期(Working Holiday),周圍學整法式地道菜,佢嘅文章刊登喺香港嘅報章雜誌。出版著作有《出走,走進法國人家廚房》及《法國咬一口——61道在家也能做的法式料理》;專欄有《明報》每月「歐陸煮意」教授西式料理;以及「另一個胃」教授西式甜品。佢同時鍾意涉獵各種菜式嘅烹調方法,包括中西日韓等,務求親手炮製出天下美食! Poyee嘅Facebook專頁 : 煮事:屋邨女孩的法國廚房Poyee嘅IG : cookstuffs.poyee IG:geteatreadyFacebook: Get Eat Ready

Introducing Goa Nights - a Modern Indian Tapas Style Restaurant and Craft Cocktail bar in Taipa Village Macau

LifeMag Editor ・2018-03-24

Embark on an Indian culinary journey with an innovative bar expreince Taipa Village Macau takes great pleasure in announcing the opening of Goa Nights, a new Indian tapas style restaurant and cocktail bar that offers an exceptional mix of classic and modern Indian cuisine, and cocktails with a distinctive twist. True to its name, Goa Nights presents a menu that boasts a vibrantly complex of Indian and Goan traditional flavors in a modern style, complemented by an innovative cocktail list that celebrates the exotic flavours. At its bohemian-style bar, Goa Nights offers a variety of energizing craft cocktails designed by renowned bartender and mixologist Chetan Gangan, who brings over four years of bartending experience to this fine establishment. Chetan was the first-runner up in the Bacardi Legacy 2017 and winner of the Belvedere Vodka Relearn Natural cocktail competition the same year. The delectable Indian-flavoured menu is created by a team of experienced chefs from India. The dishes are styled and plated by Chef Andre Correia, a foremost Portuguese chef in Macau who has served a number of refined restaurants in Macau, including T for Tapas Restaurant at Soho, City of Dreams, and The Apron Oyster and Grill at Galaxy Macau. Bartender and mixologist Chetan Gangan “We are delighted to welcome Goa Nights, which brings unique Indian flavours to Taipa Village,” says Pamela Chan, Head of Marketing at Taipa Village Destination Limited. “The establishment of Goa Nights is a great addition to the restaurant scene in Taipa Village, offering locals and international visitors alike an innovative dining experience. The diverse culinary offerings in the area also complement Macau’s designation as a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy, and bring international gastronomic options for diners.” Conveniently located in a traditional-style Portuguese building in the heart of old Taipa Village, the three-storey restaurant offers visitors an impressive dining experience with a generous selection of traditional Goan delicacies and bar bites, complemented by a magnificent cocktail list. Signature bar snacks include Goa Nights Chicken Tikka Nachos, Chicken Tikka Sliders and the Rava Fish Fry, alongside tempting larger-plate dishes such as Railway Lamb Curry and Pork Vindaloo. These superb dishes pair with signature cocktails proudly crafted by Gangan, such as the Lisbon, Calicut, Mozambique and Mombasa, all packed with unique spices, fruit and spirits that transfer visitors back to the days of Portuguese voyager Vasco da Gama and the journey of discovery that led him to Goa. “We are very excited to expand our business to Taipa Village after the successful establishment of our restaurant Indian Spice on the Macau peninsula,” says Gagan Sethi, owner of Indian Spice Group. “By introducing a modern Indian tapas style restaurant and cocktail bar inspired by the former Portuguese colony of Goa, we trust it will take Taipa Village to the next level.” With the opening of Goa Nights, Taipa Village will continue its revitalization as Macau’s leading gastronomic destination, with a diverse range of local and international cuisines to suit every budget. This new opening further demonstrates Taipa Village’s dedication to promoting gastronomy in Macau, and contributes greatly to the sustainable development of the territory’s non-gaming tourism. Goa Nights Address: 118 Rua Correia Da Silva, Taipa Village, Macau Operating hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 06:00 pm – 01:00am Reservations: + 853 2856 7819 Email: