
Tag: cocktail


Cheers! ・2019-12-06

電影也可以和Cocktail玩聯乘?最近澳門文華東方酒店就夥拍「戀愛 · 電影館」,創造出全新雞尾酒酒譜「第二卷 – 映畫」──將澳門本土藝術電影的獨有之處活靈活現地呈現於杯中。 酒店與「戀愛 · 電影館」一同挑選了11部電影作品,經過酒廊團隊藉其情節故事調配出11杯風格迥異的雞尾酒。採訪當日小編就問了《骨妹》導演徐欣羨喝過因《骨妹》而創作的雞尾酒後的感覺,她亦開心表示:「因為《骨妹》女主角由台灣回來的,調酒師特意在雞尾酒中加入很多台灣香料,很有意思。」 《骨妹》導演徐欣羨 「第二卷 – 映畫」酒譜 : Gin, Sake, Margarita 就這樣認識了,晚上 導演:黃小雅 此雞尾酒用上電影標題裡的三款酒,金酒、清酒及瑪格麗塔酒調配,加上檸檬苦精,口感帶辣而濃郁,恰好反映出這部以三位性格迥異的女性為主題的電影。 Sisterhood 骨妹 導演:徐欣羡 帶有煙燻及微酸的雞尾酒是以 Michter's 威士忌及Mezcal調製,加入金菠蘿及蘆薈增添口感,每一口讓您憶起電影中主角徘徊於過往與現實,相遇與重逢的故事。 The Last Time I Saw Macao 再見澳門 導演:João Pedro Rodrigues 及 João Rui Guerra da Mata 兩位製片人一場歸根之旅,回蕩著兒時的澳門記憶。這款雞尾酒帶有泡沫及柑橘風味,用上御苑酒廊特製的朗姆酒、人參利口酒及Aperol Falernum為基調,再加入檸檬及生薑啤酒製成,以濃厚的酒體表達出電影情節。 The Age of Hangover 無聊戲 導演:歐陽永鋒 以斑蘭金酒、覆盆子利口酒、梅酒與草本植物大黃調製,苦甜參半的雞尾酒如電影般影射著年青人乏味地虛度著青春韶光。 Illegalist 非法者 導演:林鍵均 日本水楢威士忌在檸檬酒的衝擊下,彷彿訴斥著非法工作者在澳門謀生的不易與艱辛。 Passing Rain 過雲雨 導演:陳嘉強 品飲由木瓜龍舌蘭、龍膽利口酒配搭濃縮抹茶及甘露香檳調配出馥郁果香、絲滑細膩的雞尾酒。 Imperial Hotel 帝皇酒店 導演:范思澳 以本澳悠久的酒店領略澳門今昔。熱帶風味的雞尾酒以椰子朗姆酒、Seedlip Grove 42、香蕉果酒作為主料,再灑上榛子噴霧,令酒體增添堅果的香氣。 Tricycle Thief 三輪車夫 導演:Maxim Bessmertnyi 《三輪車夫》反映暗街陋巷中為基本生活掙紮求存的澳門市民的艱苦一面,將 Nai Lao 伏特加,佛手柑酒,櫻桃利口酒及米水注入雞尾酒,形成融化的質地與多層次的口感,令人一試難忘。 Macao Dealer 荷官 導演:岑健恒 荷官的日常工作千篇一律,直到荷官產生幻覺,落入另一個局面,如同品嘗一杯酸甜的雞尾酒。以 Seedlip Grove 42 及 西柚甘露令雞尾酒帶酸味和煙熏的主要元素。 10. Lighthouse 燈塔 導演:李沛容 登上一座被遺棄的燈塔,嘗試啟動塵封的機件,重新亮起一段舊日回憶。舌尖輕化著泡沫帶來細膩口感,以菠蘿 Kombucha,藝妓咖啡糖漿混合椰子蘇打水,提升酒體質地。 11. Pundusina 半島師奶 導演:勞嘉翠 濃郁果香甜味的雞尾酒精彩地述說著澳門典型家庭價值觀及成員關係。以金酒為基低,加上芒果汁、酸奶、卡曼橘汁,再以焦糖及杏仁泡沫增添口感。 調酒與藝術 第二卷 – 映畫 地點:澳門文華東方酒店御苑酒廊 時間:周一至四(17:00 – 12:00);周五及六(17:00 – 01:00) 查詢:8805 8928

【香港。食記】Le 188° 餐廳及酒廊

原來世界這樣大 ・2018-09-10

香港下雨足足下了兩星期,下雨確實相當影響心情,下班後有鼓衝動想跑回家,但是既然朋友也沒有主動提出把飯局改期,只好乖乖應約。遠眺維港夜景,在那一望無際的天氣下,看著雨不停的下,還間中看到有閃電閃過。 但處於41樓的Le188餐廳內,卻有種被保護的感覺,還是給我心頭帶來一點溫暖。 每個星期都有駐場歌手彈奏及唱歌,相當有氣氛。在這個下雨天的晚上,音樂伴奏特別的悅耳。朋友紛紛到達,討論過後決定揀選幾份的A La Carte代替套餐,好讓份量方面更好掌握。 我們憑著Menu上的介紹揀選Crab Meat Salad 作為前菜,帶來了驚喜。單是用Cocktail 杯盛載,已經令我們相當喜歡了。這份蟹肉沙律的頂部是由墨魚汁做成的脆餅,入口香脆,感覺沈實。然後配著杯內的蟹肉沙律,還附有芒果、牛油果等等,味道新鮮。有人把墨魚汁脆餅叩碎,混入沙律內;有人卻先吃掉墨魚汁脆片,不論是哪個方法,都能感受到這道前菜的美味,是一流的前菜。 喜歡鵝肝的朋友可以選擇餐牌內的「荷蘭牛仔肉及鴨肝精選」,每款菜式都附上一件鴨肝,好讓鴨肝迷可以滿足一下。先為大家介紹這碟荷蘭牛仔尾清湯,是我當晚難忘的菜式。平時的牛尾湯都是跟蕃茄配搭,但LE188的卻把牛尾湯來點變化,改用清湯配搭牛尾,帶來清澈的口感。而一向吃慣香煎鵝肝的,這回把法國鴨肝一起放到湯當中,一改香口惹味的口感,配著田園蔬菜,更吃到鴨肝內的柔嫩細緻。比起平時吃到的很不一樣,值得一試! 這份碳燒牛仔扒也是從剛剛上述的餐牌內選擇的,不缺當然是法國鴨肝了。這份充滿碳烤香味的牛仔扒惹味十足,肉質軟腍幼嫩,旁邊的薯仔也相當的好吃。 這道法國黃油春雞來自法國一個地方Jura的家鄉菜,一呈上原隻雞時嗅到香濃的煙燻味,這份黃油春雞以黃酒醃製,吃的時候帶有少許的酒味,還帶有Rosemary的香味呢!讓我們看到製成的黃油雞後,廚師們便把它切成一份份,送到我們各人的面前。 淋上忌廉汁,黃油雞的肉質顯得更加滑嫩,相當的美味。 即使已經吃到飽飽,還是受不住甜品的引誘。對於這份Earl Grey Milk Chocolate Perfection,本來我是朱古力有點顧慮的,但小嚐一口,中間的Earl Grey Milk Chocolate 沒有所想的甜,可能是有伯爵茶味道中和一下吧。不得不讚的是檸檬青檸雪葩做得相當好吃,清新之餘也消除了膩感,不論是配剛剛的朱古力,還是蜜餞芒果都相當的搭配。 Le 188° 餐廳及酒廊北角油街23號港島海逸君綽酒店41樓

Introducing Goa Nights - a Modern Indian Tapas Style Restaurant and Craft Cocktail bar in Taipa Village Macau

LifeMag Editor ・2018-03-24

Embark on an Indian culinary journey with an innovative bar expreince Taipa Village Macau takes great pleasure in announcing the opening of Goa Nights, a new Indian tapas style restaurant and cocktail bar that offers an exceptional mix of classic and modern Indian cuisine, and cocktails with a distinctive twist. True to its name, Goa Nights presents a menu that boasts a vibrantly complex of Indian and Goan traditional flavors in a modern style, complemented by an innovative cocktail list that celebrates the exotic flavours. At its bohemian-style bar, Goa Nights offers a variety of energizing craft cocktails designed by renowned bartender and mixologist Chetan Gangan, who brings over four years of bartending experience to this fine establishment. Chetan was the first-runner up in the Bacardi Legacy 2017 and winner of the Belvedere Vodka Relearn Natural cocktail competition the same year. The delectable Indian-flavoured menu is created by a team of experienced chefs from India. The dishes are styled and plated by Chef Andre Correia, a foremost Portuguese chef in Macau who has served a number of refined restaurants in Macau, including T for Tapas Restaurant at Soho, City of Dreams, and The Apron Oyster and Grill at Galaxy Macau. Bartender and mixologist Chetan Gangan “We are delighted to welcome Goa Nights, which brings unique Indian flavours to Taipa Village,” says Pamela Chan, Head of Marketing at Taipa Village Destination Limited. “The establishment of Goa Nights is a great addition to the restaurant scene in Taipa Village, offering locals and international visitors alike an innovative dining experience. The diverse culinary offerings in the area also complement Macau’s designation as a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy, and bring international gastronomic options for diners.” Conveniently located in a traditional-style Portuguese building in the heart of old Taipa Village, the three-storey restaurant offers visitors an impressive dining experience with a generous selection of traditional Goan delicacies and bar bites, complemented by a magnificent cocktail list. Signature bar snacks include Goa Nights Chicken Tikka Nachos, Chicken Tikka Sliders and the Rava Fish Fry, alongside tempting larger-plate dishes such as Railway Lamb Curry and Pork Vindaloo. These superb dishes pair with signature cocktails proudly crafted by Gangan, such as the Lisbon, Calicut, Mozambique and Mombasa, all packed with unique spices, fruit and spirits that transfer visitors back to the days of Portuguese voyager Vasco da Gama and the journey of discovery that led him to Goa. “We are very excited to expand our business to Taipa Village after the successful establishment of our restaurant Indian Spice on the Macau peninsula,” says Gagan Sethi, owner of Indian Spice Group. “By introducing a modern Indian tapas style restaurant and cocktail bar inspired by the former Portuguese colony of Goa, we trust it will take Taipa Village to the next level.” With the opening of Goa Nights, Taipa Village will continue its revitalization as Macau’s leading gastronomic destination, with a diverse range of local and international cuisines to suit every budget. This new opening further demonstrates Taipa Village’s dedication to promoting gastronomy in Macau, and contributes greatly to the sustainable development of the territory’s non-gaming tourism. Goa Nights Address: 118 Rua Correia Da Silva, Taipa Village, Macau Operating hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 06:00 pm – 01:00am Reservations: + 853 2856 7819 Email:

潮人必備!Cocktail 膠囊機準備面世~~

Benjamin ・2015-06-18

Bartesian Cocktail 膠囊機構造 Bartesian Cocktail 膠囊成份 Bartesian Cocktail 膠囊機 未來可選之膠囊Cocktail Bartesian 首推的六款膠囊酒 Bartesian Cocktail 膠囊機 Bartesian Cocktail 膠囊 Bartesian Cocktail 膠囊機 好多時大家想飲 cocktail 而自己又唔識整,而家終於有解決方法啦,就係 Kickstarter 集資中既 Bartesian 呢部 Cocktail 機啦,佢可以好方便咁就整好杯 cocktail 出黎,真係勁方便! Bartesian 其實就係一部Cocktail 膠囊機,你只需要將膠囊插入,加入整 Cocktail 必備的 Vodka, Rum, Gin 同埋 Tequila ,跟住就可以等 Bartesian 幫你整一杯美味既 Cocktail 出黎啦!相信有人會問,如果唔飲酒既人點算呢? 小編相信可以用Soda, Tonic 等取代,做成一杯無酒精的Cocktail。網站顯示,Bartesian暫時推出的只有六種 cocktail:Margarita、Sex on the beach、Cosmopolitan、Bartesian Breeze、Uptown Rocks 及 Zest Martini。 如果你選擇支持他們,將有機會為 Bartesian 選擇日後發佈的其他 Cocktail 種類。雖然有部分需要特別調製既 Cocktail 無法製作出來,不過很多簡單嘅品種都可以透過精準份量的膠囊輕易做到出黎,唔需要特別去學調Cocktail,相信好多人日後不需要特登去學調酒課程,因為非常方便,啱晒隨時想飲Cocktail的人。 而家 Bartesian 係 Kickstarter 集資中, Early-bird 價錢為 US$249,當中包括 12 個膠囊。如果想再加多 12 個膠囊就可以加 US$20,預計集資成功的話,最快於 2016 年 4 月出貨。 Bartesian Cocktail 影片: 相關原文: 來源: Kickstarter