
Tag: 鬼節禁忌

The worship ritual of the July ghost festival

熊神進 ・2019-08-14

It is the July of the seventh month of the Lunar calendar, an auspicious day of hell, the gates of hell will be opened, our friends can go back to living world, even nefarious ghosts from the Eighteen Layers of Hell are allowed to go back! Many people always thought that it was some lame excuses that old people made to prevent kids from going out at night.Before starting the worship ritual of the July ghost festival, people will first worship their ancestors inside the house and then they star the worship ritual at side of the road or in front of their houses. It is available to burn spiritual money and prepare the offerings as daily necessities, groceries, alcohol and beverages, biscuit, candy, cake to the lone ghosts.Do you know what time people from the living word start the worship ritual? The Master Mickey tells you it is the auspicious time from seven to midnight after the sunsets. People tend to make mistakes when they are performing the worship ritual. Do you know anything about that? The main point you always remember to avoid is that:1. Keep your tongue in and do not speak of any ominous word .2. To avoid bumping into strangers, whoever you bumped into will sure feel painful, especially those less-blessed ones.3. To avoid hanging out late or avoid going out at all during night and also never touch people on the shoulder to avoid the pranksters from seeping in during people,s vulnerable hours.4. Whistling and hanging wind chimes really can attract the mates with ease.If you bump into one of those nasty pranksters you are in a lot of trouble!如有任何问题,欢迎联络: 林小姐: 13726267799(晚8时后) 或加微信号 13726267799 熊神进:澳门 853-66618785 公共微信: macaumasterxiong 私人微信: macaumickey 淘宝风水法器店:http://macauhung.taobao.com Facwbook: 熊神进(澳门风水师) 中国澳门风水掌相学会会长(澳门政府注册) 熊神进玄学信箱 https://goo.gl/jAVv8U

七月, 忌家中有不詳物品

熊神進 ・2016-08-10

筆者一次又一次提醒讀者, 七月的陰氣很濃, 不宜在家裡擺放“來歷不明”的法器, 即使一件也是多! 法器可以趨吉避凶, 亦可以引邪靈入屋。 今年年初, 股票市場走弱, 很多人都投資失利, 筆者有一位海外讀者的丈夫, 他為了轉運在網上請了一條旺財手鏈, 店主跟他說, 這條古珠手鏈是家傳之寶, 由矛山師傅開光, 很厲害, 說那奇怪, 自從他把法器請回來後, 股票真的漲了起來, 而且事業運也好了, 他就把手鏈日夜戴在手上, 晚上不忌諱跟妻子親熱。 怪事終於出現, 她的妻子是一名護士, 平日接觸很多負能量, 4月有一天, 她看到科室一名醫生搶救病人時, 病床旁邊站著一副朦朧骷髏骨頭, 她嚇昏了。從醫學角度, 我們相信她是因為工作疲倦而出現幻覺, 然而, 筆者不抗拒科學之餘亦參考三世書說法, 三世書威嚴告訴我們, 人在彌留之際, 勾魂使者就出現。按玄理, 她經常跟負能量走近, 家裡就要擺放正能量的法器才對。 6月, 她應驗了命書說的“克夫”, 他的丈夫離世, 本來這件事就此完結, 沒有什麼值得再下筆, 但, 自從他的丈夫死後, 家裡怪事更多, 有一次, 她把丈夫的佛珠手鏈放在抽屜裡, 半夜的時候, 發現手鏈竟然在床上! 護士也是人, 一個女人失去丈夫, 心靈上已受創傷, 想不到在夜半人靜時還要受負能量的折磨, 最後, 她決定把這條“不祥物”寄給我處理。 有人問我, 為何師傅要落咒害人, 其實我們是不是有點主觀, 需知, 物各有主, 每條珠鏈都有自己的靈, 有自己的主。所謂開光法器, 就是師傅以使用者的姓名、出生資 料、藉貫、地址來誦經加持, 一物一靈, 一天一地, 世上所有景象都有因果, 你擅自提走別人的法器, 亦即把法器的靈一起帶走, 這是果報, 你沒可能逃避! 如果你是細心的人, 你會常常聽到某些玄學家說, 不要收藏“來歷不明”的法器, 如果你看了本文受惠的話, 你應儘快勸告你的親友把來歷不明的法器送去寺廟或玄學處理, 感恩, 祝福! 如有任何問題,歡迎聯絡: 林小姐: 13726267799(晚8時後) 熊神進:澳門 853-66618785 Facebook: 熊神進(澳門風水師) 公共微信: macaumasterxiong 淘寶風水法器店:http://macauhung.taobao.com