
Tag: 譚國鋒

City of Dreams’ Jade Dragon Named Macau’s Premier Dining Destination as the City’s Only Entry on the 2018 Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants List

LifeMag Editor ・2018-03-29

City of Dreams’ renowned Cantonese culinary masterpiece Jade Dragon has reaffirmed its status as one of the world’s finest dining destinations, being named among Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants 2018 at the awards ceremony held on March 27. This is the second consecutive year that Jade Dragon has been honored at the prestigious awards, and this year sees it gain the additional distinction of being the only Macau restaurant to be featured. Chef Tam Kwok Fung of Jade Dragon, City of Dreams received the prestigious recognition from Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants in Macau on Tuesday. The restaurant distinguished itself as the only Macau entry on the 2018 list. Famed for serving up exquisitely presented Cantonese specialties crafted from the best organic and farm-fresh ingredients by a talented culinary team headed by veteran chef Tam Kwok Fung, Jade Dragon has also been widely lauded for its stunning décor and superlative service. Having also earned two Michelin stars for the past three years and a Forbes Five-Star rating five years in a row, this latest recognition means that Jade Dragon retains a rare trio of prestigious accolades, and scores a unique achievement for a homegrown Macau restaurant brand. “From the start, our mission at Jade Dragon has been to create one-of-a-kind experiences that can’t be found anywhere else in the world, experiences that will continue to raise the fine-dining bar in Macau to ever-greater heights. Today, we are truly honored to see another milestone when it was recognised as the premier dining destination in Macau as the city’s only entry in Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants,” said Mr. Jarlath Lynch, Senior Vice President of Hotels and Food & Beverage, Melco Resorts & Entertainment Limited. “It is particularly meaningful to be given this award in 2018 following Macau’s designation as a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy. Through Jade Dragon, as well as through our other award-winning restaurants, we will continue to help drive the ongoing transformation of the city into the top gastronomic destination in the region.” With its eclectic collection of world-class restaurants, which also includes two-Michelin-starred French chef-d’oeuvre The Tasting Room and one-Michelin-starred sushi restaurant Shinji by Kanesaka, City of Dreams has been at the forefront of raising Macau’s profile in the Asian dining scene and establishing the city as a global culinary hub in recent years. Drawing on a rich gastronomic heritage and a stellar array of international culinary talent, Macau has evolved into one of the world’s great foodie cities, a fact that was recognized by UNESCO in November 2017 when it designated Macau as a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy. With two Michelin stars, a Forbes Five-Star rating and the Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants recognition under its belt, City of Dreams’ Jade Dragon retains a rare trio of prestigious accolades, and scores a unique achievement for a homegrown Macau restaurant brand. Founded in 2013 and known as the “Oscars of the culinary world”, Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants is a widely respected gastronomic guide to the region’s ever-evolving dining scene judged by the Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants Academy, an influential group of more than 300 leading figures from the restaurant industry across Asia. The 2018 list once again highlights the incredible depth and diversity of dining experiences in the region with 12 countries and regions represented, including restaurants from Thailand, Japan, Singapore, mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, India, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, the Philippines and Indonesia.


LifeMag Editor ・2018-02-15

3月7日至8日 – 香港VEA Restaurant & Lounge 3月9日至10日 – 澳門新濠天地譽瓏軒 #MICHELINGUIDEHKMO18 「米芝蓮指南港澳美食盛宴系列」以全新模式的國際大廚系列為2018年揭開序幕。一系列令人期待的星級四手盛宴將逐一於港澳多家頂級餐廳舉行,為美食與美酒愛好者呈獻連串獨一無二的餐饗體驗。今年的國際大廚系列頭炮將於3月份舉行,並由區內兩位炙手可熱的星級大廚首度聯乘,分別是來自香港米芝蓮一星餐廳VEA Restaurant & Lounge的鄭永麒,以及澳門新濠天地米芝蓮二星粵菜食府譽瓏軒的譚國鋒師傅。 活動期間,兩位大廚均會各自代表其餐廳聯手推出創意十足的四道菜午餐及八道菜晚餐,而每道菜式均會配上一款Robert Parker Wine Advocate親身挑選的佳釀,讓一眾獨具慧眼的美食家大快朵頤。這四手聯乘的特色菜單將於3月7及8日((星期三及四)於香港VEA Restaurant & Lounge率先登場,並於隨後兩天即3月9及10日(星期五及六)移師至澳門新濠天地的殿堂級粵菜食府譽瓏軒舉行。值得留意的是於兩地推出的聯乘菜單均會有所不同。 憑著深厚的廣東文化背景,並曾接受專業的法國烹飪訓練,大廚鄭永麒精於製作糅合中國及法國特色的美食。他的和牛牛肋骨配花菇及白蘿蔔就能完美展示大廚如何巧妙地融合兩大烹飪精髓的一道菜式。在展現法國烹飪技術的細緻和技巧的同時,鄭大廚亦會特別選用香港及亞洲的時令食材,向家鄉的傳統致敬。對他而言,能夠與譚師傅這一群曾受中式烹飪訓練的大廚合作,是夢寐以求的體驗。 憑著30年來於世界各地烹調高級粵菜的豐富經驗,譚國鋒現主理屢獲殊榮的譽瓏軒食府。譚師傅是澳門發展蓬勃的高級餐飲業界中舉足輕重的人物之一,其非凡的烹飪創意讓粵菜帶來嶄新的美食體驗。譚師傅致力運用上乘的天然食材,結合其出神入化的傳統中式烹調技巧,打造出最正宗的粵菜味道。另外,譚師傅亦擅長於菜式中注入西方技巧,為傳統中菜打造另一層次的面貌,當中的芥末籽凍鮮鮑拼冰梅温室小蕃茄就是一個非常出色的例子。 由官方冠名合作夥伴新濠博亞娛樂全力支持,「米芝蓮指南港澳美食盛宴系列」由《米芝蓮指南香港澳門》與Robert Parker Wine Advocate攜手舉辦,邀請世界各地的名廚親臨港澳獻技,為美食愛好者獨家呈獻環球星級美饌。來自Robert Parker Wine Advocate的國際著名美酒專家,更會為每一道菜精心配搭獨特而醇美的佳釀,務求營造最非凡的餐飲體驗。 今年的國際大廚系列將會先後推出四場四手聯乘盛宴,詳請將於稍後時間公佈。有關「米芝蓮指南港澳美食盛宴系列」的最新詳情和活動內容,歡迎瀏覽米芝蓮網頁、追蹤Facebook官方專頁,或下載手機應用程式Michelin HKM。 活動名稱: 「米芝蓮指南港澳美食盛宴系列」之2018國際大廚系列首回 澳門新濠天地譽瓏軒(米芝蓮二星)總廚譚國鋒X 香港VEA Restaurant & Lounge(米芝蓮一星)行政總廚鄭永麒 購票詳情:https://guide.michelin.com/zh_TW/international-chef-showcase-veaxjadedragoncn 香港 地點:香港VEA Restaurant & Lounge 四道菜午餐: 3月8日中午12時至 下午2時30分 票價:每位港幣988元 + 10% 服務費 八道菜晚餐:3月7日至8日 晚上6時半至11時 票價:每位港幣2,280元 + 10% 服務費 澳門 地點:澳門新濠天地 譽瓏軒 四道菜午餐:3月10日上午11時30分至 下午2時30分 票價:每位港幣988元 + 10% 服務費 八道菜晚餐:3月9日至10日 晚上6時30分至10時30分 票價:每位港幣1,988元 + 10% 服務費