
Tag: 蠔吧

澳門銀河The Apron。吃生蠔歎熟成牛扒

蘇蘇 ・2017-05-06

近月一直聽不少朋友說澳門銀河的新餐廳The Apron 質素很不錯,主打新鮮空運生蠔和熟成牛扒,問蘇蘇試過沒有? 嘩。。。兩款都是我的至愛,一定要找時間去一趟呢! 去澳門銀河吃飯對於我這位駕駛人士來說真是一件非常方便的事,因為他們有一個很大的室內停車場讓客人停車,如果去The Apron 就要泊去A區,出了升降機左轉再轉左一直向前行就看見了。 餐廳為半開放式,除室內的座位外,有一些就在酒店通道上,如果是室外,就是茶座那種感覺,感覺舒服。 據負責人透露,The Apron精選各地優質時令天然食材,為客人提供獲獎並經熟成處理的牛扒,還有新鮮空運到澳門的生蠔,更有獨家秘制的特色醬汁提供。主廚Andre Correia曾於澳門及香港多間酒店和餐廳任職,自十八歲起踏足餐飲行業,在極富盛名的埃斯托裡爾大學學習烹飪及食品加工,並在多家高級酒店內與葡萄牙頂尖廚師共事,擁有豐富的烹飪經驗。 先說說生蠔,餐廳提供大約8款從世界各地空運而至的時令生蠔,價錢比想像中親切,貨源主要來自法國和愛爾蘭,由澳門幣18元至58元不等,更有8款精選醬汁可供選擇。 每隻生蠔都結合了大海的微鹹與蠔肉的鮮甜味道,口感絲滑且馥郁紮實,十分新鮮,好吃。 看見麵包的紋理,都知道不是街外好像一陣風的麵包呢! 吃燒烤,怎可以沒有啤酒呢? 小紅菜頭、希臘菲達起司沙律佐開心果油醋汁 紅菜頭近年成為港澳餐廳熱捧的天然健康食品之一,在外國地位媲美中國的靈芝,它營養豐富,據說有抗癌、護肝、降血壓、減肥、補血、延緩衰老等功效,它味道清甜,但帶有一點泥味,不是每一個人都喜歡的。這道沙律的做法非常聰明,選用了味道強烈,富有鹽味的希臘菲達芝士來配搭,遮蓋了泥味,再加上一些開心果來調配的醋汁,不錯。 烤牛骨髓配爵巴塔多士及西梅乾醬 圓筒型的牛骨從中間打開,裡面是滿滿的牛骨髓,將它和西梅乾醬一起塗在多士上來吃,非精甘香味美。 烤大西洋三文魚配杏仁椰菜花蓉、檸檬汁及香草 三文魚魚油豐富,獨有自己的香味,用來烤焗最好吃,表面覆蓋由甜椒、烤核桃等,還有底層的椰菜花蓉口感豐富。 38日熟成帶骨肉眼扒 選用新西蘭海岸黑麥草飼的安格斯肉眼,熟成處理的優點就是有效提升牛肉的嫩度,餐廳採用柴火現烤,減少肉汁流失 燒烤時將香味逼入牛肉內,入口分外香濃 口感嫩滑不鬆軟 。 配上餐廳自製醬汁更添風味,共有8款選擇,蘇蘇選了燒烤醬和蛋黃醬 甜品永遠都是一頓飯宴最完美的休止符,怎可以沒有呢? 香草薑汁焦糖布丁配巧克力焦糖奶油酥餅及粉紅葡萄柚意大利雪芭佐伯恩斯夫人檸檬羅勒、每日特製雪糕及雪葩配暖山毛櫸糖漿瑪德蓮蛋糕 嘩哈哈。。。他們的甜品名字真的超長,不看著餐單來讀根本沒可能記得XD 前者一定是首要推介,焦糖很脆,布丁充滿蛋香,柚子雪葩酸酸的帶點苦澀味道將所有之前吃的飽滿感都一掃而空,即時感覺十分清新。多款口味的自家製雪糕好吃。 法芙娜巧克力慕斯佐鹽味焦糖及巧克力碎配榛子巧克力雪葩、覆盆子蛋白脆餅及檸檬醬酥餅配覆盆子柚子雪葩 喜歡巧克力的一定喜歡前者,巧克力雪糕香濃味美,榛子脆脆的有口感。蘇蘇一直都十分愛甜甜酸酸的味道,後者也覺不錯,不過還是最愛焦糖布丁。 The Apron 蠔吧扒房 地址: 澳門銀河渡假城地下,G108 電話: +853 8883 2221 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 更多各地吃喝玩樂、美容、潮流、旅遊、演藝、文化或購物資訊、心情話語文章等,繼續以一文多發形式發放於中、港、澳三地多個高人氣時尚生活網站的專欄內,詳情請點擊蘇蘇的 新浪微博: 『蘇蘇的部落』http://www.weibo.com/susannakl/profile Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sososusanna Instagram: http://instagram.com/sososusanna 時尚生活專欄: 香港新浪 e-Ladies 澳門人氣資訊網站CTM 搜狐新聞網 (手機Apps) ELLE CHINA 中國瑞麗時尚網 聯絡及邀約: susannakL88@yahoo.com.hk

Galaxy Macau Unveils The Apron Restaurant

LifeMag Editor ・2017-02-11

Today, Galaxy Macau™ announced the opening of The Apron appealing to gourmets who are looking for the best and freshest steak and oysters. The opening of The Apron will further strengthen Galaxy Macau as the leading dining destination in Macau by offering fresh and specially selected ingredients to satisfy every palate. Featuring premium selections of international ingredients, The Apron offers award-winning dry-aged beef, and jet-fresh oysters accompanied by delicious home-made sauces. All ingredients are exquisitely chosen for bringing out the most natural and seasonal taste of the food. The Apron proudly presents a variety of signature dishes that will enjoy popularity among local residents and tourists alike. Fed by locally and family grown alfalfa and Sudan grass along with rolled corn, the Brandt’s family rib eye steak at The Apron offers top quality of meat with perfect marbling and texture.The Apron chooses the best farms around the world; those committed to the quality and care of their farm-to-fork operation, such as Coastal Rye Grass Fed Angus from Wakanui, New Zealand as well as award-winning Kobe Wagyu from Darling Downs, Australia. The Apron offers over 8 types of seasonal jet-fresh oysters from around the world, featuring perfect harmony of brine and sweet, which have deliciously dense meats with silky texture. Lacing the classic cocktail sauce with fresh flavors of juniper berries and a touch of Gin, and combining with the refreshing avocado yuzu whip, the never-out-of-fashion Tiger Prawn Cocktail is one of the classic starters with large, tender, and juicy prawns. The Salmon is grilled, served on top of an almond and cauliflower “Skordalia” puree, topped with Tarator (bell pepper, walnut, onion and mint) which is dressed with pomegranate vinaigrette. Watermelon, chopped fennel and mint a la minute, tossed with slivered almonds and goat cheese, then dressed with pomegranate vinaigrette. The 24 hours sous vide slow-cooked, milk-fed Pyrenees Lamb Ribs & Shoulder fillet are finished and sealed in the sauté until crispy and crunchy, then glazed with honey and sprinkled with lamb Provence spice. The Shoulder Filet is finished on the sauté with salt and pepper, served on a board garnished with a Tahini Yogurt fresh pomegranate and rocket salad. Served with Harissa and Mojo Verde. Serving as the Chef de Cuisine for The Apron, Chef Andre Correia has worked at numerous restaurants and hotels in Macau and Hong Kong. He has been acquainted with caterings, events and weddings since he was eighteen. Moreover, his major in Culinary Arts and Food Processing at the esteemed ESHTE, as well as his unique experiences working in exclusive hotels with iconic Portuguese Chefs, has made him realize the importance of fresh and natural ingredients. He always reinforces the seasonality and freshness of ingredients in his dishes. Customers will experience Andre’s authentic cooking and a unique dining experience of farm-to-table in The Apron at Galaxy Macau. With the opening of The Apron, customers can now experience the best steak and oysters in town. Reservations can be made by calling +853 8883 2221.