
Tag: 蘇門答臘


熊神進 ・2020-08-12

每天想一想 近半年, 很多讀者通過line 向我討教, 昨天 蘇門答臘 一位華僑來電說, 她的丈夫剛剛過生, 她想我指導一下如何用簡單的超度儀軌幫助她的丈夫不落金剛地獄。 首先要跟讀者說說, 民間老百姓經常講“十八層地獄”,其實地獄沒有十八層。地獄最下的一層,我們叫無間地獄(亦即金剛地獄) 有關無間地獄, 我日後講三世書的時候再補充。金剛地獄是指業障太深重的人,從死亡到投胎之間沒有中陰的階段,經第一殿審訊後, 直接墮入到地獄的最下層。 她為何這樣擔心自己的丈夫會落金剛地獄, 主要有三個原因: 1) 他的丈夫是屠夫; 2) 他的丈夫的前妻是為他而死; 3) 他是死於瘟疫。 佛說:「行上品十善者生天,中品十善者做人,下品十善者做阿修羅;犯上品十惡者落地獄,中品十惡者墮餓鬼,下品十惡者淪畜道。」佛把人作惡情況分三等級,按輕重不同處罰也不一樣,並不是所有人作惡就一定下地獄, 這完全是歪曲佛法, 跟三世書有衝突。 三世書說了一個案例, 三國時候有一位農民殺了蜀漢一名將軍, 他死了, 沒有落地獄, why, 地獄 梵名叫「泥犁耶」, 是一處人死後受審的地方, 在地獄之前還有奈何橋, 還有黃泉路, 我們對地獄沒有正確認識, 我們很容易妄語。 《聖經》說:“按著定命,人人都有一死,死後且有審判。”(希伯來書9:27節), 各位, 任何宗教也是說, 人在世上是寄居的,是客旅,當人的年歲到了(福報完了), 誰也要離開這個暫存的世界,去到另一個永恆的世界。 死於疫情的信士, 我們可以做的有三個點: 1) 好好處理他/她們的身後事; 2) 完成他/她們生前未了的心事(因突然離世, 有很多心願未完成); 3) 在一百天內, 念地藏經、往生咒、阿彌陀佛經迥向給他/她, 次數沒有嚴格規定; 4) 燒 祖先功德香 , 冥想先人回家, 感恩先人的養育之恩。 雖然經歷了緣來緣去,但天上的明月仍舊銀裳, 真摯的愛情沒有磨滅。生命是短暫的,有一個可以思念的人,在你孤獨的路出現, 就是幸福。

LUSH sends out an SOS for Sumatran Wildlife and Rainforests #SOSsumatra

LifeMag Editor ・2018-04-08

Credit:Ernest Zacharevic After the success of the first #SOSsumatra campaign in Europe in November 2017, campaigning cosmetics company Lush are teaming up again with conservation charity Sumatran Orangutan Society (SOS) to raise enough money to purchase another 50 hectares of land, right next to the new forest restoration site. Every penny from Lush’s new limited edition SOS Sumatra shampoo bar (MOP125) will go to SOS and their local partners on the ground in Sumatra to purchase this disused oil palm plantation and turn it into a permaculture demonstration site and conservation training hub. SOS Sumatra shampoo bar has a brand new base, that’s completely palm oil and SLS free - containing extra virgin coconut oil from Nias (an island off of mainland Sumatra), sodium coco- sulfate and water purifying moringa seed powder. Hair will be left soft, moisturised and delicately scented with uplifting patchouli and orange oils. The design was inspired by a giant SOS distress call that had been carved into the landscape by artist Ernest Zacharevic as part of Splash and Burn, a campaign drawing attention to Sumatra’s dwindling forests and the demise of iconic species such as the Sumatran orangutan at the hands of the palm oil industry. Helen Buckland, Director of the Sumatran Orangutan Society, said “Although often the cause of deforestation, agriculture can have a role to play in supporting conservation. This phase of the project aims to support the community at Bukit Mas to increase the productivity and profitability of their farmlands, reducing the drive to expand into forests, and providing greater security for orangutans and many other species. These are the people who are most severely affected by the choking haze from forest fires, from flooding and drought when the fragile balance of the ecosystem is destroyed by forest clearance. This project will demonstrate a ‘greenprint’ for breaking the link between development and deforestation.” Simon Constantine, Head of Ethical Buying at Lush: "We've fought to remove palm oil from our products for over a decade at Lush. Now, with the help of Sumatran Orangutan Society and their partners we are doing the same on the ground in Sumatra. Lush is committed to going beyond sustainability and by returning native habitat to Sumatra we hope this SOS message inspires others to take action. We understand that people still need to live and so it's with pleasure that we will follow up our European campaign by raising funds throughout Asia for a further 50 hectares of adjoining land. This will be dedicated to natural agroforestry, providing income and benefitting nature. We believe this is the future of farming." #SOSsumatra phase 1 At the end of 2017, Lush partnered with Sumatran Orangutan Society (SOS) to support the protection of orangutans and their rainforest home, with the launch of the #SOSsumatra campaign and a limited edition Orangutan Soap across Europe. There are only 14,600 orangutans remaining in the wild in Sumatra. In tribute to them, Lush made 14,600 soaps, which flew off the shelves, selling out in many countries in a matter of days and raising £126,014. The proceeds enabled the charity’s Indonesian partners, the Orangutan Information Centre, to buy 50 hectares of oil palm plantation land, to reclaim and restore native forest to an area on the edge of the Leuser Ecosystem in Bukit Mas, Sumatra. Helen Buckland said “The Leuser Ecosystem is the only place in the world where orangutans, tigers, elephants and rhinos co-exist. This part of the forest was under attack, with more and more orangutan habitat being lost every week as illegal agriculture encroached into the protected area. By supporting us to buy this land on the buffer zone of the national park, Lush and their customers are enabling us to hold back, and reverse, the tide of forest loss.” The limited edition SOS Sumatra shampoo bar is available online and across all Asian and Pacific shops while stocks last. Find out more about SOS and their work, and sign up to regular updates here.