
Tag: 美食之都

Introducing Goa Nights - a Modern Indian Tapas Style Restaurant and Craft Cocktail bar in Taipa Village Macau

LifeMag Editor ・2018-03-24

Embark on an Indian culinary journey with an innovative bar expreince Taipa Village Macau takes great pleasure in announcing the opening of Goa Nights, a new Indian tapas style restaurant and cocktail bar that offers an exceptional mix of classic and modern Indian cuisine, and cocktails with a distinctive twist. True to its name, Goa Nights presents a menu that boasts a vibrantly complex of Indian and Goan traditional flavors in a modern style, complemented by an innovative cocktail list that celebrates the exotic flavours. At its bohemian-style bar, Goa Nights offers a variety of energizing craft cocktails designed by renowned bartender and mixologist Chetan Gangan, who brings over four years of bartending experience to this fine establishment. Chetan was the first-runner up in the Bacardi Legacy 2017 and winner of the Belvedere Vodka Relearn Natural cocktail competition the same year. The delectable Indian-flavoured menu is created by a team of experienced chefs from India. The dishes are styled and plated by Chef Andre Correia, a foremost Portuguese chef in Macau who has served a number of refined restaurants in Macau, including T for Tapas Restaurant at Soho, City of Dreams, and The Apron Oyster and Grill at Galaxy Macau. Bartender and mixologist Chetan Gangan “We are delighted to welcome Goa Nights, which brings unique Indian flavours to Taipa Village,” says Pamela Chan, Head of Marketing at Taipa Village Destination Limited. “The establishment of Goa Nights is a great addition to the restaurant scene in Taipa Village, offering locals and international visitors alike an innovative dining experience. The diverse culinary offerings in the area also complement Macau’s designation as a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy, and bring international gastronomic options for diners.” Conveniently located in a traditional-style Portuguese building in the heart of old Taipa Village, the three-storey restaurant offers visitors an impressive dining experience with a generous selection of traditional Goan delicacies and bar bites, complemented by a magnificent cocktail list. Signature bar snacks include Goa Nights Chicken Tikka Nachos, Chicken Tikka Sliders and the Rava Fish Fry, alongside tempting larger-plate dishes such as Railway Lamb Curry and Pork Vindaloo. These superb dishes pair with signature cocktails proudly crafted by Gangan, such as the Lisbon, Calicut, Mozambique and Mombasa, all packed with unique spices, fruit and spirits that transfer visitors back to the days of Portuguese voyager Vasco da Gama and the journey of discovery that led him to Goa. “We are very excited to expand our business to Taipa Village after the successful establishment of our restaurant Indian Spice on the Macau peninsula,” says Gagan Sethi, owner of Indian Spice Group. “By introducing a modern Indian tapas style restaurant and cocktail bar inspired by the former Portuguese colony of Goa, we trust it will take Taipa Village to the next level.” With the opening of Goa Nights, Taipa Village will continue its revitalization as Macau’s leading gastronomic destination, with a diverse range of local and international cuisines to suit every budget. This new opening further demonstrates Taipa Village’s dedication to promoting gastronomy in Macau, and contributes greatly to the sustainable development of the territory’s non-gaming tourism. Goa Nights Address: 118 Rua Correia Da Silva, Taipa Village, Macau Operating hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 06:00 pm – 01:00am Reservations: + 853 2856 7819 Email: contact@goanights.com

美高梅與 Wagyumafia 呈獻 Wagyumafia World Championship 和牛世界錦標賽2017

LifeMag Editor ・2017-11-15

世界知名日本主廚匯師澳門 即席烹調曠世美味 百味洋溢聯合國教科文組織「創意城市美食之都」 品味豐盛澳門,細味非凡愉悅!美高梅與東京和牛品牌企業Wagyumafia 攜手呈獻首屆Wagyumafia World Championship 和牛世界錦標賽,於2017年11月11日掀開戰幔,六位世界知名日本主廚施展渾身解數,炮製風味出眾、一試難忘的頂級和牛料理。 適逢澳門於11月初獲聯合國教科文組織評為「創意城市美食之都」,Wagyumafia World Championship 和牛世界錦標賽選址落户於澳門舉辦,可謂意義非凡。首屆錦標賽為澳門匯粹全球的飲食文化底蘊增添新意,融合各家美食精髓,為澳門邁向「世界旅遊休閒中心」的目標更進一步。繼首屆Wagyumafia World Championship 和牛世界錦標賽成功舉辦後,Wagyumafia World Championship 和牛世界錦標賽將成為每年舉辦的活動,邀請國際級名廚聚首一堂,精心炮製和牛美饌。 首屆Wagyumafia World Championship 和牛世界錦標賽雲集日本頂尖名廚獻技,運用A5 神戶牛肉烹調色、香、味一新的佳餚。參賽名廚包括Wagyumafia 聯合創辦人濱田壽人先生及堀江貴文先生、九州照寿司三代目店長渡邉貴義先生、香港Sushi Tokami 前任料理總監佐藤博之先生、東京江戶中華餐廳銀座山野主廚山野辺仁先生,以及赤坂Wagyumafia 餐廳精進和牛懷石料理主廚永山俊志先生。六位名廚盡情發揮和牛煮意,​最後由​東京江戶中華餐廳銀座山野主廚山野辺仁先生勝出,贏得來自整頭珍貴神戶牛的牛肉。這頭神戶牛由濱田壽人先生親身競投,身價高達50,000美元,只有極少數人能夠整頭買下,一般僅有個別部位發售,食用有效期為一年。勝出者也獲大會頒發Wagyumafia World Championship 和牛世界錦標賽2017冠軍獎盃,以及澳門美高梅送出兩晚套房免費住宿及早餐,享受美高梅體驗。 這次極緻和牛盛宴誠邀郭炳湘先生、何超瓊女士、林青霞女士、施南生女士、 陳鴻業伉儷、周國豐伉儷、許建中先生等卅名商界領袖及社交名人組成評判團,根據六位名廚作品的味道、賣相及創意,決定冠軍誰屬。最終,山野辺仁先生在首屆Wagyumafia World Championship 和牛世界錦標賽稱王。 美高梅中國控股有限公司聯席董事長及執行董事何超瓊女士指出:「我跟濱田先生相識多時,一直欣賞他的精湛廚藝。美高梅不斷尋求創新及合適伙伴,積極開創藝術及娛樂體驗新潮流,致力展現澳門多元化國際都會面貌,時刻讓全球旅客感受新意不絕、回味無窮、滿載而歸的澳門之旅。因此我們對 Wagyumafi 選址澳門美高梅舉辦這項別開生面的比賽,充分認同澳門與美高梅對推廣美食文化精益求益感到非常榮幸及鼓舞。」 Wagyumafia 聯合創辦人濱田壽人先生表示:「美高梅與Wagyumafia 合作舉辦Wagyumafia World Championship 和牛世界錦標賽,充分體現雙方在飲食藝術與文化交流上的共同願景。我們很高興能把頂尖和牛體驗帶到澳門,更感受到這個美食目的地兼收並蓄,吸引了全球最講究的饕客到訪,好讓我們推廣日本和牛美食文化。展望未來,Wagyumafia 期待在澳門增進美食交流。」 Wagyumafia 由濱田壽人先生及堀江貴文先生共同創辦,致力弘揚豐腴肥美和牛的藝術。Wagyumafia 深信頂級和牛媲美優質勃艮第葡萄酒,因此嚴選養牛戶出品,直接送到全球買家、Wagyumafia 會員制餐廳及Wagyumafia the Cutlet Sandwich 開放式三文治餐廳,以在全球廣泛推廣和牛美食文化。最近,濱田先生在日本兵庫縣姬路市舉行的「第99屆神戶牛肉冠軍賽」上,連續兩年投得世界上最昂貴的神戶牛肉「神戶冠軍牛」,令Wagyumafia 聲名大噪。該品牌更創辦全新活動Wagyumafia World Championship 和牛世界錦標賽,旨在把和牛品鑑提升至更高境界。