
Tag: 維修

Melco organizes Vendor Experience Tour and Business Matching Session for Local Small and Medium Enterprises

LifeMag Editor ・2018-04-07

Mr. Osward Tang, Director of Property Services, Melco Resorts & Entertainment, shares with local SMEs Melco’s sourcing needs, standards and expectations Melco Resorts & Entertainment Limited (Nasdaq: MLCO), a developer, owner and operator of gaming and entertainment resort facilities in Asia, is firmly committed to supporting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Macau. Today at Studio City, the Company organized a vendor experience tour for over 40 local SMEs from various industries such as Marketing; Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment; Hospitality Operating Supplies and Equipment; Maintenance Services, Parts & Entertainment Equipment, together with a business matching session. Representatives from local SMEs at Studio City’s receiving dock, learning about loading and receiving processes The event, attended by more than 60 SME representatives, began with a sharing session from Melco’s Property Services team on the Company’s sourcing needs and standards, followed by an experience tour of Studio City, with participants visiting the receiving dock for insight into loading and receiving processes. The tour continued with visits to the integrated resort’s various food outlets, including Food Studio, Spotlight, and renowned Michelin-starred Chinese restaurant, Pearl Dragon; each stop providing valuable knowledge for local SMEs to learn about Melco’s sourcing needs. The event concluded with a business matching session, where SMEs presented products and proposals to Melco’s Supply Chain department for further discussions in becoming one of Melco’s approved vendors. SME representatives at renowned Chinese restaurant, Pearl Dragon, understanding Melco’s sourcing needs and standards Mr. Sam Liu, CEO of eNovation Technologies Ltd., whose environmental technology company has joined the list of Melco vendors, commented, “The experience tour and business matching event is extremely useful to local SMEs such as ourselves; providing an opportunity not only to showcase our new products and technologies, but also the chance to receive the latest information about Melco’s upcoming projects and sourcing needs. It provides SMEs insight into how products may be upgraded to more effectively meet future demands, and therefore increase business opportunities.” The event concluded with a business matching session, where SMEs presented their company products and registered for further approval in becoming a vendor


LifeMag Editor ・2017-08-01

美高梅於7月再度推出創新的長者支援服務——「電力無阻獻愛心」及「金獅義剪日」,持續不斷地關懷本地社區。 電力無阻獻愛心 美高梅金獅義工隊與設施管理部攜手推出「電力無阻獻愛心」活動。在美高梅設計發展及建築工程部高級副總裁韓森先生的帶領下,一眾專業工程技師運用技術知識,前往筷子基社屋快富樓為30位長者更換舊電器插頭及維修小型家電,藉此提高他們的家居安全。此外,義工更為長者們奉上以自家設計暖壺承載的「養陰益胃明目湯」,及基本食物和日用品。 設施管理營運部行政總監蔡重光先生首次參加是次活動,其表示:「更換電器插頭對我們來說只是一件小事,但對長者們而言,尤其是獨居長者,卻是很大的幫忙,並且能改善他們的生活。當我們維修電器和與他們聊天時,我可以感受到他們的感激和快樂。這次活動讓我深深體會到我們平常會因為忙碌工作而忽略社會上有需要的人,亦喚醒了我們要不斷服務社會,為其他人的生活帶來改變。」 金獅義剪獻愛心 「金獅義剪」活動於7月25至27日舉行,15位金獅義剪隊成員於街總石排灣家庭及社區綜合服務中心、工聯望廈老人中心及婦聯頤康中心為合共180位長者免費理髮,當中包括不良於行之長者,讓其以神清氣爽的髮型度過炎夏。 街總石排灣家庭及社區綜合服務中心的芳婆婆表示:「金獅義工隊的成員愛心爆棚,他們不單只為我理髮,而且還非常細心詢問我想要什麼造型。他們仔細聆聽我想要的效果,亦盡量為我做到最好。我對新髮型及收到的禮物感到開心滿意。」 成立於2015年之金獅義剪隊,現有成員超過30位,他們每月利用工餘時間,為本地長者理髮,至今惠及逾1,200位長者,並獲社會各界正面迴響。