
Tag: 有機

Why Not Both? 麗思咖啡廳「海陸雙味之夜」 抵食高質牛扒海鮮雙拼

Cheers! ・2018-04-23

想找間高格調的餐廳和另一半有個小約會?或者想約朋友在 Happy Friday 來一場放鬆的晚餐?麗思咖啡廳推出的「海陸雙味之夜」就滿足到你啦。 餐廳環境雅緻,滿足你相機食先的要求。 性價比高!牛扒加海鮮都有低至 $298 去酒店鋸扒,動輒千元,但這個海陸雙味的價格就相當親民,主食可在四款多汁鮮嫩的牛排中挑選,之後再在扇貝、龍蝦、帝王蟹腳及虎蝦當中四選一,套餐更包括前菜及甜點,相當豐盛,想來一場浪漫晚餐約會都無負擔。 套餐包括前菜、主食、甜點及餐酒,非常滿足! 扒類選擇眾多,總有一款啱您心水。 罕見法國牛柳 嗜牛者必試 主廚當日向我們推薦他最愛的「法國牛柳」,選用有機營養草飼牛,全亞洲只有 2 間餐廳供應,而且 2 間餐廳供應的部位都不一樣,所以這款牛扒只有在麗思咖啡廳可以試到。 少見的法國牛柳,牛味濃郁、香氣十足,不能錯過。 牛扒可搭配多款醬汁,不怕只有單一味道。 海陸雙味之夜 價格:$298+ 起(包括美酒 1 杯) 供應時間:逢周五及六(17:30 – 22:30) 地點:澳門麗思卡爾頓酒店地下麗思咖啡廳 網站:https://www.galaxymacau.com/zh-hant/macau-restaurant/restaurant-directory/bar/the-ritz-carlton-cafe/dining-discounts/rc-cafe-surf-turf-night

City of Dreams’ Jade Dragon Named Macau’s Premier Dining Destination as the City’s Only Entry on the 2018 Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants List

LifeMag Editor ・2018-03-29

City of Dreams’ renowned Cantonese culinary masterpiece Jade Dragon has reaffirmed its status as one of the world’s finest dining destinations, being named among Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants 2018 at the awards ceremony held on March 27. This is the second consecutive year that Jade Dragon has been honored at the prestigious awards, and this year sees it gain the additional distinction of being the only Macau restaurant to be featured. Chef Tam Kwok Fung of Jade Dragon, City of Dreams received the prestigious recognition from Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants in Macau on Tuesday. The restaurant distinguished itself as the only Macau entry on the 2018 list. Famed for serving up exquisitely presented Cantonese specialties crafted from the best organic and farm-fresh ingredients by a talented culinary team headed by veteran chef Tam Kwok Fung, Jade Dragon has also been widely lauded for its stunning décor and superlative service. Having also earned two Michelin stars for the past three years and a Forbes Five-Star rating five years in a row, this latest recognition means that Jade Dragon retains a rare trio of prestigious accolades, and scores a unique achievement for a homegrown Macau restaurant brand. “From the start, our mission at Jade Dragon has been to create one-of-a-kind experiences that can’t be found anywhere else in the world, experiences that will continue to raise the fine-dining bar in Macau to ever-greater heights. Today, we are truly honored to see another milestone when it was recognised as the premier dining destination in Macau as the city’s only entry in Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants,” said Mr. Jarlath Lynch, Senior Vice President of Hotels and Food & Beverage, Melco Resorts & Entertainment Limited. “It is particularly meaningful to be given this award in 2018 following Macau’s designation as a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy. Through Jade Dragon, as well as through our other award-winning restaurants, we will continue to help drive the ongoing transformation of the city into the top gastronomic destination in the region.” With its eclectic collection of world-class restaurants, which also includes two-Michelin-starred French chef-d’oeuvre The Tasting Room and one-Michelin-starred sushi restaurant Shinji by Kanesaka, City of Dreams has been at the forefront of raising Macau’s profile in the Asian dining scene and establishing the city as a global culinary hub in recent years. Drawing on a rich gastronomic heritage and a stellar array of international culinary talent, Macau has evolved into one of the world’s great foodie cities, a fact that was recognized by UNESCO in November 2017 when it designated Macau as a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy. With two Michelin stars, a Forbes Five-Star rating and the Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants recognition under its belt, City of Dreams’ Jade Dragon retains a rare trio of prestigious accolades, and scores a unique achievement for a homegrown Macau restaurant brand. Founded in 2013 and known as the “Oscars of the culinary world”, Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants is a widely respected gastronomic guide to the region’s ever-evolving dining scene judged by the Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants Academy, an influential group of more than 300 leading figures from the restaurant industry across Asia. The 2018 list once again highlights the incredible depth and diversity of dining experiences in the region with 12 countries and regions represented, including restaurants from Thailand, Japan, Singapore, mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, India, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, the Philippines and Indonesia.

有機有識認 Mindful Living話咁易

LifeMag Editor ・2015-11-04

天然美妝 BDIH專為有機美容產品而設,有 95%的成分須為天然有機,製作及成品的開發、檢驗過程都不能用動物測試。 關注土壤 這是英國最大的有機組織,認證標準由農夫、科學家和營養師制定,產品的有機成分須達到70% - 95%。 無毒綿紗 全球四分一的農藥都用在棉田中,GOTS 確保產品無毒及具至少70% 有機纖維 。 認住佢哋! 美國權威認證 產品的有機成分含有 95% 以上,並且依足美國有機法規進行生產、加工及包裝。 近年健康和環保成為了生活潮流,標榜「純天然」、「有機」的產品遍及多個生活層面,由飲食、護膚化妝、衣物,以至家居清潔等都能找到。但其實,「天然」產品並不等於「有機 」。有機是一種完整的農業模式,由生產、加工到銷售都受到嚴格監控,不能使用任何化學物;而「天然」則可能只是原材料屬天然成分,卻未能保證加工處理等過程。因此,購買印上「有機認證標籤」的產品才是最可靠,不過現時全球的有機認證多達 40 款,所以小編特別介紹幾款最常見的有機 label 給你認住,以後揀有機產品都比較方便呢! 有機菜 好易認 現時在本澳出售的有機蔬菜大多來自鄰近地區,因澳門當局尚未設有機認證標準,所以這些蔬菜的有機認證都由其他地方如香港、台灣等授予。究竟有機蔬菜的品質有多安全呢?了解以下兩個有機標準,你就會明白了! 香港的有機認證獲 IFOAM 的認可,整個生產過程都不允許使用化學肥料、化學農藥、人工合成物料,以及基因改造的種子及肥料。綠色代表有機農產品或含最少 95% 有機成分的加工產品,橙色的則代表含多於 70% 而少於 95% 有機成分的加工產品。 這是台灣的有機權威保證,除了農產品的生產、加工及包裝等過程須符合國家有機法外,更要求包裝上列明生產者名稱、電話及地址,作追溯之用。 01直送上門 自然味道 以後除了到超巿購買有機食品,還能上網訂購有機菜!Natural Taste 於2014年成立,其中一位創辦人曾在台灣主修農業系,熟知當地有機耕作的模式以及物流配套,故與其他拍擋合作,將高品質、高透明度的有機蔬菜引入澳門。一般有機菜會在星期四凌晨採收,下午空運寄出,同日傍晚抵澳,隨即由工作人員送貨至府上,盡力讓客人收到新鮮有機菜。 Natural Taste 自然味道 地址 : 澳門慕拉士大馬路231號南方工業大廈第一座 電話 : 6217 7771 Facebook:Natural Taste 自然味道 02齊全有機食材 澳門都有 Organic Plus 喇!榮獲香港有機資源中心頒發「至TOP有機零售商」及「優質有機零售商」, 店裏的有機食物產品種類繁多,包括食油、零食及營養補充食品,非常齊全。 Organic Plus Macau 地址 : 澳門羅利老馬路20號地下 電話 : 2855 3207 Facebook:Organic Plus Macau 03秋冬濕疹救星 Still Natural 的產品主打天然有機護膚品,有不少針對濕疹、皮膚敏感的產品,很多客人用過後,都在該店的 Facebook專頁上大讚及大力推崇。 Still Natural Organic Shop 地址 : 柯傳善堂圍5號地下B舖 電話 : 6386 1437 Facebook:Still Natural Organic Shop盈然有機專門店 04 DJ好有機生活 Hi Organic 是由電台 DJ Tracy 營辦的有機小店,希望將愛護自己和地球的理念宣揚,帶來多款獲國際認證的有機美容產品、個人護理產品及健康營養食品。 Hi Organic 地址 : 澳門大炮台斜巷27B號豪富樓地下B座 電話 : 6386 3793 Facebook:Hi Organic好有機生活用品店