
Tag: 家具

嚴選日系餐具!At Home Macau 澳門居家用品小店

Cheers! ・2018-10-11

小編與 At Home Macau(下稱 At Home ) 的第一次相遇,像是一個尋寶的過程。At Home 位處在再平凡不過的街道上,周邊都住著地道的澳門街坊,來自台灣店主 Josh 就是想在鄰里中開店,「我希望來店裡的人,都買到他們生活所需的用品。」 位於新橋老區的 At Home,為大家帶來多一點點生活樂趣。 Josh 在澳門已經居住了 10 多年,廣告人出身的他,從前一直從事幫別人宣傳產品的工作,很少能親眼看到、親耳聽到消費者的回饋。而這間家品小店,讓他可以將有溫度的產品直接送到客人手上。 這些可愛的杯具俘虜不少卡通迷。 來自奈良的紗巾質感好之餘又實用。 店內的商品大部分都是來自日本,由 Josh 一件一件引入澳門,故每款都數量限定。說到最暢銷的產品類型,離不開一些比較被大眾接受的卡通圖案餐具,而比較特別的,是很少在別處看到、日本奈良地區出品的紗巾,由蚊帳布及棉各一半混合所製成,比起一般的抺布更加吸水,亦因為加入了蚊帳布材質,所以可以快速乾透,使用上非常方便。至於較少見的就是茶香爐,可在盤中放上茶葉,烘一會就會慢慢散發淡淡茶香。 茶香爐 茶香氣味清丘,而且烘過的茶也可以沖泡。 除了日本的來貨外,也有自其他地方的家品。例如有來自印度職人手作的黃銅的餐具及泰國餐具,選擇非常多。除此之外 ,這裡也有少量來自歐洲的家品,其中一款德國工匠手工製的香燻木偶,在下方點燃香薰時,木偶的口中會噴煙,玩味十足。 餐具有金屬製也有木製,給大家不同的質感。 來自德國的香薰木偶讓大家在享受香薰時帶來更多生活趣味。 At Home Macau 地址:意那素俾蘇亞街號8-A號定發大廈地下A座 時間:13:00 - 19:30 (逢周日休息) 網頁:https://www.facebook.com/athomemacau/

Melco organizes Vendor Experience Tour and Business Matching Session for Local Small and Medium Enterprises

LifeMag Editor ・2018-04-07

Mr. Osward Tang, Director of Property Services, Melco Resorts & Entertainment, shares with local SMEs Melco’s sourcing needs, standards and expectations Melco Resorts & Entertainment Limited (Nasdaq: MLCO), a developer, owner and operator of gaming and entertainment resort facilities in Asia, is firmly committed to supporting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Macau. Today at Studio City, the Company organized a vendor experience tour for over 40 local SMEs from various industries such as Marketing; Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment; Hospitality Operating Supplies and Equipment; Maintenance Services, Parts & Entertainment Equipment, together with a business matching session. Representatives from local SMEs at Studio City’s receiving dock, learning about loading and receiving processes The event, attended by more than 60 SME representatives, began with a sharing session from Melco’s Property Services team on the Company’s sourcing needs and standards, followed by an experience tour of Studio City, with participants visiting the receiving dock for insight into loading and receiving processes. The tour continued with visits to the integrated resort’s various food outlets, including Food Studio, Spotlight, and renowned Michelin-starred Chinese restaurant, Pearl Dragon; each stop providing valuable knowledge for local SMEs to learn about Melco’s sourcing needs. The event concluded with a business matching session, where SMEs presented products and proposals to Melco’s Supply Chain department for further discussions in becoming one of Melco’s approved vendors. SME representatives at renowned Chinese restaurant, Pearl Dragon, understanding Melco’s sourcing needs and standards Mr. Sam Liu, CEO of eNovation Technologies Ltd., whose environmental technology company has joined the list of Melco vendors, commented, “The experience tour and business matching event is extremely useful to local SMEs such as ourselves; providing an opportunity not only to showcase our new products and technologies, but also the chance to receive the latest information about Melco’s upcoming projects and sourcing needs. It provides SMEs insight into how products may be upgraded to more effectively meet future demands, and therefore increase business opportunities.” The event concluded with a business matching session, where SMEs presented their company products and registered for further approval in becoming a vendor