
Tag: 婚姻平權

#JustSayYes Fight for Marriage Equality

LifeMag Editor ・2017-02-09

Many people fall in love, want to get married and start a family at some point. However, the LGBTQI community is still fighting for this basic right. Couples wish to marry to provide greater legal protection for their family and children, to publicly celebrate their commitment, or simply because they are in love. Regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Globally we are moving toward acceptance of Marriage Equality. However, currently there is no law in Hong Kong to protect the rights of the LGBTQI population against discrimination. We believe, every person should have the right to get married. Not recognizing the relationship of LGBTQI couples and not allowing them to marry legally, denies them of their identity; the legal equality of their families and it is clearly a form of unfairness, discrimination and prejudice. This February, LUSH stands together with our LGBTQI friends to urge the Hong Kong government to Just Say YES to equal marriage rights for LGBTQI groups. We would like to invite you to join this cause. Here’s how you can get involved: From 1stto 28th February, we will donate 100% proceeds from purchases of the special edition Layer Cake soap (without deducting the cost) to 11 local LGBTQI groups, supporting their movement to fight against LGBTQI inequality and the violation of human rights issue in Hong Kong Visit any of our 10 shops in Hong Kong and Macau from 1stto 28th February, to sign the joint-petition or sign our online petition. We call on the Hong Kong government to confront this discrimination issue and remove the unfairness to the LGBTQI community. – Review and revise the current Marriage Ordinance and Just Say YES to equal marriage rights. Online petition: http://justsayyes.hk Use the hashtag#JustSayYes and help build the buzz