
Tag: 天然

City of Dreams’ Jade Dragon Named Macau’s Premier Dining Destination as the City’s Only Entry on the 2018 Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants List

LifeMag Editor ・2018-03-29

City of Dreams’ renowned Cantonese culinary masterpiece Jade Dragon has reaffirmed its status as one of the world’s finest dining destinations, being named among Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants 2018 at the awards ceremony held on March 27. This is the second consecutive year that Jade Dragon has been honored at the prestigious awards, and this year sees it gain the additional distinction of being the only Macau restaurant to be featured. Chef Tam Kwok Fung of Jade Dragon, City of Dreams received the prestigious recognition from Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants in Macau on Tuesday. The restaurant distinguished itself as the only Macau entry on the 2018 list. Famed for serving up exquisitely presented Cantonese specialties crafted from the best organic and farm-fresh ingredients by a talented culinary team headed by veteran chef Tam Kwok Fung, Jade Dragon has also been widely lauded for its stunning décor and superlative service. Having also earned two Michelin stars for the past three years and a Forbes Five-Star rating five years in a row, this latest recognition means that Jade Dragon retains a rare trio of prestigious accolades, and scores a unique achievement for a homegrown Macau restaurant brand. “From the start, our mission at Jade Dragon has been to create one-of-a-kind experiences that can’t be found anywhere else in the world, experiences that will continue to raise the fine-dining bar in Macau to ever-greater heights. Today, we are truly honored to see another milestone when it was recognised as the premier dining destination in Macau as the city’s only entry in Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants,” said Mr. Jarlath Lynch, Senior Vice President of Hotels and Food & Beverage, Melco Resorts & Entertainment Limited. “It is particularly meaningful to be given this award in 2018 following Macau’s designation as a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy. Through Jade Dragon, as well as through our other award-winning restaurants, we will continue to help drive the ongoing transformation of the city into the top gastronomic destination in the region.” With its eclectic collection of world-class restaurants, which also includes two-Michelin-starred French chef-d’oeuvre The Tasting Room and one-Michelin-starred sushi restaurant Shinji by Kanesaka, City of Dreams has been at the forefront of raising Macau’s profile in the Asian dining scene and establishing the city as a global culinary hub in recent years. Drawing on a rich gastronomic heritage and a stellar array of international culinary talent, Macau has evolved into one of the world’s great foodie cities, a fact that was recognized by UNESCO in November 2017 when it designated Macau as a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy. With two Michelin stars, a Forbes Five-Star rating and the Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants recognition under its belt, City of Dreams’ Jade Dragon retains a rare trio of prestigious accolades, and scores a unique achievement for a homegrown Macau restaurant brand. Founded in 2013 and known as the “Oscars of the culinary world”, Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants is a widely respected gastronomic guide to the region’s ever-evolving dining scene judged by the Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants Academy, an influential group of more than 300 leading figures from the restaurant industry across Asia. The 2018 list once again highlights the incredible depth and diversity of dining experiences in the region with 12 countries and regions represented, including restaurants from Thailand, Japan, Singapore, mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, India, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, the Philippines and Indonesia.


LifeMag Editor ・2018-02-08

巴馬火腿意大利香草包配洛神花醬 春天繁花盛開,帝景酒店二月起以花為靈感,推出全新春日‧花之戀曲下午茶,備有十款賞心悅目的鹹點及甜點,展現春季生機勃勃的美好景象。 桂花蜜棧鵝肝 先嚐五款精選鹹點,巴馬火腿意大利香草包配搭酸甜醒胃的鮮洛神花醬,將食物味道昇華至另一層次。濃腴無比的桂花蜜棧鵝肝,厚切鵝肝以大火煎至兩面焦黃,而內層保持溫潤柔滑,入口即化。鹹香有致的黑魚子芝士蟹肉酥盒釀滿紅洋蔥、芝士、鮮甜的蟹肉及矜貴的黑魚子,再以白酒調味,瞬間迸發出鮮味無比的火花。帶有日式風味的煙三文魚三文魚子脆筒,以晶瑩通透的三文魚子及煙三魚入饌,配以可口脆筒,為味蕾帶來新驚喜。而牛油梨燒雞比得包選用嫩滑的雞脾肉配搭超級食物牛油果,營養豐富又健康。 愛的音樂盒子 另外,五款精緻的甜品,包括融入淡淡花茶清幽香氣的苿莉花伯爵茶慕絲,口感輕盈細膩,面層鋪滿紅桑莓、藍莓及士多啤梨等新鮮果粒作襯托,綻放春日盎然的氣息。精緻小巧的朱古力花盆以70度濃黑朱古力配上滿載口感的脆餅巧製而成,是朱古力迷不容錯過之選。另外,愛的音樂盒子其浪漫的意境下是薰衣草味曲奇餅,淡紫色的曲奇盒子裡更裝滿色彩繽紛的啫喱糖,讓您投入甜蜜浪漫的氛圍裡。馥郁清香的玫瑰杯子蛋糕及猶如盛放鮮花的芒果撻同樣添加了視覺享受,配上一杯香甜撲鼻的玫瑰花茶,讓您沈醉於春日暖意的下午。 芒果撻 朱古力花盆 現凡惠顧下午茶套餐,均可獲贈由美容品牌Modern Beauty贊助的Y.U.E澳洲天然香薰按摩油一套(2枝),全天候舒護身心,禮品數量有限,送完即止。 Y.U.E澳洲天然香薰按摩油一套(2枝) 春日‧花之戀曲下午茶套餐 日期:由2018年2月5日至2018年3月29日供應 (不適用於星期六、日及公眾假期) 時間:星期一至五(3:15pm 至 5:15pm) 價目:HK$260兩位用 *加一服務費以原價計算 查詢及預訂:(852) 3716-2898 / fb@royalview.com.hk 地點:荃灣汀九青山公路帝景酒店2樓帝景軒


LifeMag Editor ・2018-01-18

這個冬天,澳門大倉酒店的「山里」日本餐廳將推出華麗的 “天然野生吞拿魚” 盛宴。 「山里」的行政總廚林彰先生和他的烹飪團隊將為您和您的商業夥伴或同事締造難忘的美食體驗。 雖然不同種類的吞拿魚都可以用做壽司,如黃鰭吞拿魚又或者大眼吞拿魚,但最高品質非藍鰭吞拿魚莫屬, 而最理想的部分是靠近頭部的下腹上部。魚腹特殊的結構令肉質豐富而散髮油脂的香味。根據味道的不同以及選擇不同的配搭,大吞拿魚腩通常可用做刺身或者壽司。愛好者們可以從刺身的切法感受到其特有的紋路。享受大吞拿魚腩是傳統的派對用餐方式,在壽司愛好者中經常被認為是昂貴的享受。 推廣日期 2018 年1月21日至31日,請參考菜單上的價格。 壽司 吞拿魚/吞拿魚腩/大吞拿魚腩 澳門幣 200/ 260/ 360 壽司 吞拿魚三味品嚐 澳門幣 680 吞拿魚它它 澳門幣 880 醬油醃製吞拿魚蓋飯 澳門幣 1,200 須另加 10% 服務費 營業時間:12:00﹣15:00 | 17:30﹣22:00 山里日本餐廳作好了充足的準備隨時歡迎為您與您的貴賓們的到來,打造物超所值與最舒適完美的用餐體驗。 預約訂座及查詢: (853) 8883 5127電郵:yamazato@hotelokuramacau.com營業時間:12:00﹣15:00 | 17:30﹣22:00逢星期一休息座位:70人包房一間:最多可坐 12 人壽司吧坐位:8 人鑽石大堂正門免費代客泊車服務高達叁小時(受相關條款及細則約束) 澳門大倉酒店 ▪ 二十八樓 ▪ 「山里」「澳門銀河™」綜合渡假城 ▪ 澳門路氹城路www.hotelokuramacau.com

新品資訊 ~ FOUR COW FARM 四牛農場有機嬰兒護膚系列

蘇蘇 ・2015-07-11

好友添丁,正當蘇蘇在想送什麼禮物給 BB 的時候,好友問了我一個問題,BB用什麼那一個品牌的沐浴露和乳液好呢? 她的首選是天然有機的嬰兒產品。 哈哈! 一言驚醒夢中人! 一直致力推廣整全概念有機健康護理品店 、從世界各地嚴選優質有機護膚產品及健康食品的 nestbeauty,早前送了一套口碑不錯的 FOUR COW FARM『四牛農場』有機嬰兒護膚系列來,『四牛農場』好可愛的名字! ^^ 原來 Four Cow Farm 由香港星級媽媽楊張新悅引入香港的,她與 nestbeauty 同樣相信天然有機成份可以帶給人健康活力,希望不論大人或寶寶,均可得到最天然安全的呵護。 品牌的故事由一個曾是助產士的嫲嫲想為她的兩個小孫兒(其中一人為濕疹兒)做出最好的護膚產品開始,她慢慢就創造了Four Cow Farm 這個品牌。如今,全家人一起致力生產從澳洲昆士蘭東南部布萊科爾山脈農場最真摯天然有機護膚產品, 所有產品都是在農場裏製作,天然成份全屬食品級別,優質原材料也是從當地有信譽的供應商采購。農場罕有地以100%可再生能源進行生產、產品的瓶瓶罐罐包裝全是100%可回收物料、產品製造和測試過程中沒有動物被傷害。 Four Cow Farm 也不含以下成份:對羥基苯甲酸酯、丙二醇、硫酸鹽、烷基醯胺類、人造香精、合成清潔劑、石油化學產品、礦物油、羊毛脂、氯化水、鄰苯二甲酸鹽,所以可以用得放心。 嬰兒沐浴露 (HK$138/125ml;HK$380/485ml) 及乳液 (HK$150/125ml;HK$418/485ml) 嬰兒沐浴露用100%特級冷壓初榨橄欖油與有機紫錐菊萃取物製成,是真正的液體卡斯蒂利亞肥皂 (Castile Soap),質地溫和滋潤,不含起泡劑和人工添加劑,更適用於敏感及容易出現濕疹的皮膚。 嬰兒乳液混合特級冷壓初榨甜杏仁油、杏核油與迷迭香葉萃取物,溫和的成分和高維生素 E的含量具有舒緩、軟化和保護皮膚作用。 嬰兒油 (HK$172/125ml) 及嬰兒尿疹霜 (HK$172/125ml) 嬰兒油混合100% 純冷壓杏核油、夏威夷果油和杏仁油,再加上有機洋甘菊和迷迭香。含脂肪酸、維生素A,D和E的滋養保護及舒緩功效。是按摩油優質之選, 可舒緩乾燥皮膚。 嬰兒尿疹霜是保濕舒緩的葵花籽油加上抗炎的蓖麻油製成的,質感清爽。其中的鋅和卵磷脂加強滋潤抗氧化、保護皮膚、防止尿布疹。 茶樹修護霜 (HK$172/50g) 及金盞花修護霜 (HK$198/50g) 茶樹修護霜從蜂蠟、蓖麻油和澳洲堅果油製成的100% 天然溫和屏障膏。具有機茶樹純精油的抗細菌和抗真菌特性,有效地緩解尿布疹的不適和緩解輕微割傷,擦傷和瘀傷。 從80% 有機金盞花浸泡橄欖油製成的高濃度潤膚膏,具有維生素E和有機羅馬洋甘菊的保濕舒緩效果。適合紅腫或濕疹性皮膚,也可作為乳頭滋潤膏和潤唇膏。 詳情: www.nestbeauty.com