
Tag: 大倉酒店


LifeMag Editor ・2017-08-29

行政总厨林彰先生及其烹饪团队将于澳门大仓酒店28楼「山里」寿司吧呈献厨师推荐菜单。“Omakase”(O-Ma-Ka-Se)在日本文化中是一种特别的用餐体验,由顶级寿司厨师凭着对传统日本料理的解读创作菜肴。厨师将不同的味道融合在每一道独特的料理中,但又围绕着同一个主题。用餐体验一般需要三个小时,厨师会挑选最新鲜时令的食材。Omakase是体验传统寿司文化最华丽的方式。 「山里」寿司吧厨师定会为您带来难忘的用餐体验,优雅的环境以及精致美味的厨师精选令人流连忘返。 如果想体验日本文化,享受 “Omakase” 的惊喜,「山里」是您最好的选择! 午餐为每人澳门币980元。包括前菜,汤,刺身,凌物,烧物,手握寿司8件,味噌汤和甜品。 晚餐为每人澳门币1,580元。包括前菜,汤,刺身,烧物,炸物,醋物,手握寿司8件,味噌汤和甜品。 晚餐为每人澳门币2,000元。包括前菜,汤,刺身,烧物,温物,醋物,手握寿司10件,味噌汤,甜品和抹茶。 订座或谘询请电: (853) 8883 5127邮箱: yamazato@hotelokuramacau.com营业时间: 12:00-15:00及17:30-22:00最后点餐时间为: 21:30逢星期一休息高达三小时钻石大堂正门免费代客泊车服务(受相关条款及细则约束) 座位:70人包房:1 间 – 每间最多可坐 12 人寿司吧-可容纳: 8 人 澳门大仓酒店 ▪ 二十八楼 ▪ 「山里」「澳門銀河™」综合渡假城 ▪ 澳门路氹城

米芝莲星级厨师为澳门打造京都美食新体验 Michelin Starred Chef to Create Kyoto Cuisine in Macau

LifeMag Editor ・2017-08-21

来自京都大仓饭店 - 粟田山庄的行政主厨臼井大辅将于9月15 至10月22 日到访澳门大仓酒店的日本餐厅「山里」。 期间,臼井大辅将会创作一系列以美味丰盛着称的京都菜式,美食爱好者可以品尝到如海鳝土瓶蒸汤,烧和牛配白味噌酱等的特别料理。 名厨臼井大辅的精湛厨艺已令粟田山庄获得许多殊荣,其中包括连续8 年获得米芝莲星级餐厅。他卓越的烹饪技巧以及精心的指导定会令澳门大仓酒店成为品尝京都美食的独特地方。每一道菜式的设计都蕴含一个故事,更能让宾客体会到其特别之处。臼井大辅先生将于9月15日至17日作客「山里」。 怀石料理包括特色午餐及晚餐,宾客可边享受美食边欣赏银河酒店的壮丽园景。京都美食节将持续至10月22 日,「山里」餐厅行政主厨林彰师傅将与他的团队继续为大家打造美食体验。 午市套餐每位澳门币 580 晚市套餐每位澳门币 1,580 另收10% 服务费 供应日期:2017 年 9 月 15日至 10 月22日 订位或谘询请电: (853) 8883 5127 邮箱: yamazato@hotelokuramacau.com 座位:70人 包房:1 间 – 每间最多可坐 12 人 寿司吧-可容纳: 8 人 营业时间: 12:00–15:00|17:30-22:00 星期一休息 高达三小时钻石大堂正门免费代客泊车服务(受相关条款及细则约束) 澳门大仓酒店 ▪ 二十八楼 ▪ 「山里」 「澳門銀河™」综合渡假城 ▪ 澳门路氹城 From September 15 to October 22, Yamazato, Hotel Okura Macau's Japanese signature restaurant, will bring Kyoto Cuisine to Macau. From 15-17 September, a very special guest, Mr. Daisuke Usui, Executive Chef of Kyoto Hotel Okura’s famed Awata Sanso restaurant, will join us and create a range of dishes from Kyoto, which is renowned for its abundance of delectable Japanese foods. Gourmets can savor delights such as Conger pike eel served in Dobin Tea Pot, Grilled Wagyu Beef with White Miso Sauce. Under Mr. Daisuke Usui, Awata Sanso has received awards including a Michelin star for eight consecutive years, and with his sublime skills and guidance Hotel Okura Macau will become a unique place for savoring Real Kyoto cuisine. Each dish has its very own story, to enthrall diners as they savor the exquisite textures and tastes. Kaiseki-Ryori set meals will be served for lunch and dinner, when visitors and guests of Hotel Okura Macau and Galaxy Macau can also enjoy stunning views over the expanded Galaxy Macau Resort. The Kyoto Cuisine promotion will be served continuously through October 22, with dishes prepared by Executive Chef Akira Hayashi and his culinary team. Kaiseki Set-Lunch is priced at MOP 580 per person. Kaiseki Set-Dinner is priced at MOP 1,580 per person Prices are subject to 10% service charge Available Date: September 15 to October 22, 2017 For reservations and enquiries: (853) 8883 5127 Email: yamazato@hotelokuramacau.com Opening Hours: 12:00-15:00 and 17:30-22:00 (Last order 21:30) Closed on Monday Seats: 70 Private Dining Room - Maximum capacity 12 Seats Sushi Bar – Maximum capacity 8 Seats Up to 3-hours valet parking (main entrance at Diamond lobby *Terms & conditions apply) 28/F • Hotel Okura Macau Galaxy Macau™ • COTAI • Macau www.hotelokuramacau.com

山里餐厅日本餐饮礼仪和烹饪示范 Japanese Dining Etiquette and cooking demonstration at Yamazato

LifeMag Editor ・2017-08-19

山里餐厅很高兴能为您提供日本餐饮礼仪和烹饪示范课程。在学习日本餐饮礼仪的同时也可以享用正宗的日本料理。 价格:每位澳门币 700须另收百分之十服务费 地点:澳门大仓酒店,二十八楼「山里」活动日期:每月第二个星期六(9月9日、10月14日等)供应时间:12:00预约:请提前2日预约报名人数:最多十位订座及查询: (853) 8883 5127电子邮箱: yamazato@hotelokuramacau.com 价格包括:由山里厨师烹饪示范及讲解食谱5道菜怀石料理午餐(先附,汤,刺身,煮物,山里特色主食,时令水果)。由工作人员详细介绍日式餐桌礼仪和筷子摆设。 澳门大仓酒店 ▪ 二十八楼 ▪ 「山里」「澳門銀河™」综合渡假城 ▪ 澳门路氹城 Yamazato is delighted to offer Japanese dining etiquette and Japanese cooking demonstration for you to learn about Japanese culture particularly in formal occasions and to enjoy an authentic Japanese cuisine. Price: MOP 700 per personSubject to 10% service chargeVenue: Yamazato, 28/F – Hotel Okura Macau Available Date: Every Saturday of 2nd week of the month (September 9, October 14)Available Time: 12:00Reservations: 2 days advance reservation is required.Participants: Maximum 10 persons.For reservations and enquiries: (853) 8883 5127Email: yamazato@hotelokuramacau.com Price is included:- Cooking demonstration by Yamazato’s Chef and handout recipe.- 5-Course Kaiseki Set-Lunch (Appetizer, Soup, Sashimi, Simmered Dish, Yamazato’s Special Rice and Seasonal fruit).- Japanese staff introduce step-by-step to Japanese table manners and chopstick etiquette throughout the meal. 28/F • Hotel Okura Macau Galaxy Macau™ • COTAI • Macau

月饼节 Mooncake Promotion

LifeMag Editor ・2017-08-17

藉此向家人、朋友和商业伙伴送上最真挚祝福。澳门大仓酒店以“诚意奉送,亲切关怀”的优质服务,为您选取上等食材打造,以传统手艺配上优雅设计的手工月饼。精致的月饼礼盒献上经典口味:蛋黄白莲蓉。 每盒:澳门币268 (4件装) 提前预购优惠: 于8月31日前,购买10盒月饼即享九折,26盒或以上即享八五折! 提货地点:柰和美 (澳门大仓酒店 。大堂) 提货地点:10:00-22:00 取货日期:2017 年 9月 15日 至10月 4 日 预购或购买,请联络:(853) 8883 5110/6368 4808 电邮:dining@hotelokuramacau.com 澳门大仓酒店‧「澳门银河™」综合渡假城‧澳门路氹城 When the full moon is at its roundest on the day of Mid-Autumn Festival, it symbolizes union. Friends and family will get together to enjoy eating the moon cakes and share moments together. At Hotel Okura Macau, we selected and sourced only the finest ingredients in creating these premium mooncakes. Elegantly designed, take this opportunity to “Delivering Moments of Kindness” with Hotel Okura Macau’s Mooncakes to express good wishes to families, friends and business associates. Traditional mooncake Lotus seed paste and egg yolk priced per box at MOP 268 (4 pcs) Pick-up Dates: September 15 to October 4, 2017 Early birds discount: Get 10% off when you buy 10 boxes or 15% off when you buy 26 boxes or more for before 31st August. Pick-up Location: Nagomi, Ground Floor Hotel Okura Macau main lobby Pick-up Times: 10:00 – 22:00 Pre-order is available now, please call: (853) 8883 5110/ (853) 6368 4808 Email: dining@hotelokuramacau.com Hotel Okura Macau ● Galaxy Macau™ ● COTAI ● Macau www.hotelokuramacau.com