
Tag: 商機

Melco organizes Vendor Experience Tour and Business Matching Session for Local Small and Medium Enterprises

LifeMag Editor ・2018-04-07

Mr. Osward Tang, Director of Property Services, Melco Resorts & Entertainment, shares with local SMEs Melco’s sourcing needs, standards and expectations Melco Resorts & Entertainment Limited (Nasdaq: MLCO), a developer, owner and operator of gaming and entertainment resort facilities in Asia, is firmly committed to supporting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Macau. Today at Studio City, the Company organized a vendor experience tour for over 40 local SMEs from various industries such as Marketing; Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment; Hospitality Operating Supplies and Equipment; Maintenance Services, Parts & Entertainment Equipment, together with a business matching session. Representatives from local SMEs at Studio City’s receiving dock, learning about loading and receiving processes The event, attended by more than 60 SME representatives, began with a sharing session from Melco’s Property Services team on the Company’s sourcing needs and standards, followed by an experience tour of Studio City, with participants visiting the receiving dock for insight into loading and receiving processes. The tour continued with visits to the integrated resort’s various food outlets, including Food Studio, Spotlight, and renowned Michelin-starred Chinese restaurant, Pearl Dragon; each stop providing valuable knowledge for local SMEs to learn about Melco’s sourcing needs. The event concluded with a business matching session, where SMEs presented products and proposals to Melco’s Supply Chain department for further discussions in becoming one of Melco’s approved vendors. SME representatives at renowned Chinese restaurant, Pearl Dragon, understanding Melco’s sourcing needs and standards Mr. Sam Liu, CEO of eNovation Technologies Ltd., whose environmental technology company has joined the list of Melco vendors, commented, “The experience tour and business matching event is extremely useful to local SMEs such as ourselves; providing an opportunity not only to showcase our new products and technologies, but also the chance to receive the latest information about Melco’s upcoming projects and sourcing needs. It provides SMEs insight into how products may be upgraded to more effectively meet future demands, and therefore increase business opportunities.” The event concluded with a business matching session, where SMEs presented their company products and registered for further approval in becoming a vendor

企業創新覓錢途,科技應用創商機 - 2017管理培訓課程

LifeMag Editor ・2017-12-08

本澳中小企管理者應如何掌握國際市場及中國內地的經濟狀況發展及變化,為業務發展洞悉先機?中小企又應如何藉著新商業模式、新科技等創新元素,快速回應客戶需求,並開拓新商機?此外,中小企又如何能吸引外間資金,以推動企業創新及提升產品與服務的附加值? 澳門中小企業協進會即將開辦 “科技應用創商機” 管理課程。是一個難得的機會讓大家認識環球經濟新常態,數字科技的革命帶來中小企創新的契機,甚至因應政策的推出而進行升級轉型甚至再創業,尋找新商機、新錢途。整個培訓過程由香港生產力促進局專家顧問以實戰經驗及案例作深入淺出的分析與大家分享、並在輕鬆氣氛下進行討論及互動。 “科技應用創商機” -- 企業升級轉型之道 主旨︰因應現今市場變化急遽,科技創新一日千里,對中小企業有效維護競爭優勢力構成一定的壓力。透過正確的數碼心態與創新思維,善用科技管理工具,讓中小企了解如何調整及提升營運效率,甚至對現行的商業模式進行升級轉型,以提升企業的競爭優勢。 本課程的內容包括: 現今經濟環境下中小企業成長路上的“危”與“機” 中小企業升級轉型的契機 創新管理之道“科技、管理和設計創新的有機融合” 與中小企業息息相關的科技創新及其應用範疇 管理創新:「創新十型」顛覆產業規則的創新思維 設計創新:中小企業打造品牌故事的成功之道 中小企業創新驅動升級轉型路線圖 案例分享 -3D 打印 -物聯網 -互聯網+ -VR & AR 技術 “科技應用創商機” -- 企業升級轉型之道 盧威林博士 (Dr. William LO) 盧博士現任香港生產力促進局管理諮詢部顧問,擁有20年以上的專業管理顧問的經驗,負責為客戶提供多元化的顧問及培訓服務,範疇包括企業升級轉型、流程改進及管理、六西格瑪改進管理、精益生產、人才開發和培育、企業教練和生產力提升等。除企業客戶外,盧博士也提供服務協助珠三角地區政府進行產業調研,為當地產業的升級轉型提供意見。盧博士持有香港城市大學工程管理哲學博士、工程管理碩士、英文碩士及製造工程學士(榮譽)學位,擁有註冊管理顧問、國家企業培訓師、身心語言程式學﹝NLP﹞執行師、RCC企業教練、Action Learning Coach和註冊精益管理經理等資格;曾於多家港、美資製造廠擔任品質管制工作,工作範圍包括產品設計、製造過程、最終產品及供應商之品質管制。除生產流程改善顧問工作外,盧博士也擅長為企業設計及實施人才培育計畫,培訓課題包括標準管理體系、品質改善活動、品質工具、工廠管理、管理技巧、目標管理、六西格瑪、精益生產、優質服務等。 “科技應用創商機” -- 企業升級轉型之道 日期:2017年12月15 & 16日 (星期五、六) 時間:上午9時30分至下午5時30分 上課地點:澳門崗頂前地匯業銀行行政中心地下 →報名按這裡←