
Tag: 咖喱

Introducing Goa Nights - a Modern Indian Tapas Style Restaurant and Craft Cocktail bar in Taipa Village Macau

LifeMag Editor ・2018-03-24

Embark on an Indian culinary journey with an innovative bar expreince Taipa Village Macau takes great pleasure in announcing the opening of Goa Nights, a new Indian tapas style restaurant and cocktail bar that offers an exceptional mix of classic and modern Indian cuisine, and cocktails with a distinctive twist. True to its name, Goa Nights presents a menu that boasts a vibrantly complex of Indian and Goan traditional flavors in a modern style, complemented by an innovative cocktail list that celebrates the exotic flavours. At its bohemian-style bar, Goa Nights offers a variety of energizing craft cocktails designed by renowned bartender and mixologist Chetan Gangan, who brings over four years of bartending experience to this fine establishment. Chetan was the first-runner up in the Bacardi Legacy 2017 and winner of the Belvedere Vodka Relearn Natural cocktail competition the same year. The delectable Indian-flavoured menu is created by a team of experienced chefs from India. The dishes are styled and plated by Chef Andre Correia, a foremost Portuguese chef in Macau who has served a number of refined restaurants in Macau, including T for Tapas Restaurant at Soho, City of Dreams, and The Apron Oyster and Grill at Galaxy Macau. Bartender and mixologist Chetan Gangan “We are delighted to welcome Goa Nights, which brings unique Indian flavours to Taipa Village,” says Pamela Chan, Head of Marketing at Taipa Village Destination Limited. “The establishment of Goa Nights is a great addition to the restaurant scene in Taipa Village, offering locals and international visitors alike an innovative dining experience. The diverse culinary offerings in the area also complement Macau’s designation as a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy, and bring international gastronomic options for diners.” Conveniently located in a traditional-style Portuguese building in the heart of old Taipa Village, the three-storey restaurant offers visitors an impressive dining experience with a generous selection of traditional Goan delicacies and bar bites, complemented by a magnificent cocktail list. Signature bar snacks include Goa Nights Chicken Tikka Nachos, Chicken Tikka Sliders and the Rava Fish Fry, alongside tempting larger-plate dishes such as Railway Lamb Curry and Pork Vindaloo. These superb dishes pair with signature cocktails proudly crafted by Gangan, such as the Lisbon, Calicut, Mozambique and Mombasa, all packed with unique spices, fruit and spirits that transfer visitors back to the days of Portuguese voyager Vasco da Gama and the journey of discovery that led him to Goa. “We are very excited to expand our business to Taipa Village after the successful establishment of our restaurant Indian Spice on the Macau peninsula,” says Gagan Sethi, owner of Indian Spice Group. “By introducing a modern Indian tapas style restaurant and cocktail bar inspired by the former Portuguese colony of Goa, we trust it will take Taipa Village to the next level.” With the opening of Goa Nights, Taipa Village will continue its revitalization as Macau’s leading gastronomic destination, with a diverse range of local and international cuisines to suit every budget. This new opening further demonstrates Taipa Village’s dedication to promoting gastronomy in Macau, and contributes greatly to the sustainable development of the territory’s non-gaming tourism. Goa Nights Address: 118 Rua Correia Da Silva, Taipa Village, Macau Operating hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 06:00 pm – 01:00am Reservations: + 853 2856 7819 Email: contact@goanights.com


LifeMag Editor ・2018-03-14

「奧旋自助餐」與大堂酒廊將推出復活主題美饌, 「菩提水療」則帶來春季限定水療體驗 屢獲殊榮的澳門金沙城中心康萊德酒店將於復活節期間推出一系列的復活主題美饌及獨特水療體驗,讓賓客享受一個繽紛愜意的假期。不論是想與親朋摯友一同享用城中聞名的豐盛自助餐、於奢華水晶吊燈下細嚐復活節主題下午茶、又或是想逃離煩囂讓身心沈浸於水療體驗中,此五星級酒店皆能滿足您的期望。 「奧旋自助餐」 澳門最出色自助餐美食之一的「奧旋自助餐」將於3月30日至4月2日復活節期間增添多款應節美饌。午市自助餐將提供現烤薄餅及各式意大利麵、韓式泡菜海鮮煲、香草蒜蓉焗鱸魚配炒時蔬、各式中菜燒味及地道印度咖哩。而晚市菜餚則有冰上海鮮、煎龍蝦檔,即場烤肉區更提供烤美國肉眼扒以及烤豬肋骨。「奧旋自助餐」位於金沙城中心地面樓層,自助午餐於每天中午12時至下午3時供應,而自助晚餐分別於每天下午5時30分至晚上10時間供應。自助午餐價格為澳門幣268元+(成人)及澳門幣134元+(小童);而自助晚餐價格為澳門幣488元+(成人)及澳門幣244元+(小童),預約請致電+853 8113 8910或電郵至macau.grandorbit.reservation@conradhotels.com。 大堂酒廊 典雅的澳門康萊德酒店大堂酒廊將於3月30日至4月2日期間提供復活節經典下午茶套餐,當中的鹹點包括三文魚子撻、蕃茄油封火腿三文治、吞拿魚三文治以及純素越南米卷。另外更有多款甜品,包括朱古力鳥巢蛋榚、春花綠茶蛋榚、雜莓撻及熱騰騰的十字包。下午茶套餐亦包含咖啡、茶、或復活節特調雞尾酒或無酒精雞尾酒供選擇。尊貴下午茶套餐價格為澳門幣268元*;而豪華下午茶套餐價格為澳門幣298元*,包括康萊德獨神秘限量小熊一隻。大堂酒廊位於康萊德酒店大堂,下午茶供應時間為每天下午3時至6時,預約可致電+853 8113 8973。 澳門康萊德酒店大堂酒廊亦將推出一系列的復活節特調雞尾酒,每杯價格為澳門幣68元*。 Crack the Egg – 皇冠伏特加 、榛子酒、可可布朗酒、鮮奶 Easter Sundae – 木梅糖漿、菠蘿汁、原味乳酪 Easter Bunny – 芒果汁、菠蘿汁、原味乳酪、蜜糖、無酒精柑桂酒 菩提水療 為迎接春天來臨,現在是透過水療療程洗滌身心的最佳時機。由現在至2018年5月31日期間,位於澳門康萊德酒店的菩提水療推出多款春季限定水療體驗,包括「金燦煥彩面部護理」,此護理特別針對個人肌膚類型,為賓客選擇出合適的面部護理,透過結合最優質的純精油、植物萃取精華,利用理療師特定深度放鬆的按摩手法來修復肌膚,再配合奢華的黃金及蜂蜜面膜,為肌膚補充所需的營養,散發透亮肌膚光彩。「金燦煥彩面部護理」平日價格為澳門幣1,300元#,週末價格則為澳門幣1,400元#。除此之外,賓客若想尋找煥然一新的感覺,菩提水療亦提供「紅石榴黃杏身體磨砂療程」供賓客選擇,此療程使用含紅石榴成份的去角質磨砂產品以及具美容功效的黃杏,能幫助肌膚淨化排毒、抗氧及提升光澤。「紅石榴黃杏身體磨砂療程」平日價格為澳門幣500元#,週末價格則為澳門幣550元#。預約請致電+853 8113 6188。 位於金沙城中心内的康萊德酒店為世界各地旅客提供頂級奢華酒店住宿體驗,以及世界一流的美食佳餚。此外,賓客亦可於金沙廣場超過 150間集世界頂級品牌、生活時尚,以及專為家庭賓客而設的零售商舖為即將來臨的佳節盡情購物。 如欲了解有關澳門康萊德酒店於復活節的各項最新資訊,請瀏覽facebook.com/conradmacao、instagram.com/conradmacao或 澳門康萊德酒店網頁。 + 須另加10%服務費。 * 須另加10%服務費及5%政府稅。 # 須另加5%政府稅。平日為星期一至星期四;週末為星期五至星期日及公眾假期。受條款及細則約束。 # 須另加5%政府稅。平日為星期一至星期四;週末為星期五至星期日及公眾假期。受條款及細則約束。