
Tag: 印尼


OHChance 旅遊誌 ・2019-12-18

下載 OHChance 手機 APP, 特價資訊直送你手!   印尼航空推出香港出發直飛峇里島的優惠,直飛唔使2500來回非常抵玩,加上連復活節都有(踩到正要3000,遲一日返就2500),非常值得推薦。 《優惠價錢(來回連稅)》*峇里島:HKD2,486(直飛)  《出發日期及最長停留》.出發日期:1月4日至17日      1月29日至5月15日      5月28日至6月30日.最長停留:1個月  《購票日期及方法》.購票日期:12月31日23:59前.預訂方法:印尼航空官網.預訂網址:https://www.garuda-indonesia.com/hk/tw/index.page  【行李資訊】.印尼航空票價已包括30KG托運行李  附註:上述最低價錢為航空公司公告之最優惠價格,或本站能找到的最低價格;每一航班有否優惠票價及所存票量由航空公司決定,優惠票量有限售完即止。  [價錢 Sample – 香港飛峇里島來回連稅HKD2,486] === 想搵平機票去玩,即上 OH!Chance!澳燦旅行資訊 https://ohchance.info/ 去日本旅行買咩 JR Pass好?即上 OH!Note!小燦的旅行筆記做功課 https://ohnote.info/ 唔知間航空公司好唔好坐?馬上 Subscribe OH Chance Youtube 睇睇佢:https://youtube.com/c/OHChanceTravel 睇埋 Facebook 專頁 https://fb.com/ohchance 第一時間獲得最新旅遊資訊!


行走世界記錄 ・2019-04-14

越捷正式開售連接越南最大城市胡志明市至峇里島(印尼)新國際航線的機票。胡志明市至峇里島航線將於2019年5月29日起運營,每周設五班來回航班,逢周一、三、四、五及日。飛行時間約為4小時,航班於08:05從胡志明市出發,於13:05抵達峇里島。回程航班於14:05從峇里島起飛,於17:05降落在胡志明市。 峇里島是印尼和亞洲的熱門旅遊島嶼,被稱為「神之島」、「熱帶天堂」或「世界的黎明」。峇里島被譽為世界上最佳的旅遊島嶼,擁有原始、美麗的景觀與當地文化、藝術和宗教完美結合。除了參觀烏布皇宮(Ubud Palace),遊覽著名的貝都古鎮(Bedugul)和布拉坦湖(Bratan lake),遊客還可以滑浪、浮潛、潛水或欣賞一望無際的梯田。 而越南是一個擁有千年文化的國家,一直備受國際遊客的最愛。其中河內首都是古代文明的代表;順化古都是夢想之地;而峴港、廣平擁有令人印象深刻的奇觀;胡志明市則是越南最大的經濟、金融中心,是充滿活力和現代化的旅遊地點,文化薈萃和保留歷史形象,使其成為越南最具活力的城市之一。 新航線機票現可於所有銷售渠道購買,大家可於每天下午一時至三時登入越捷網站www.vietjetair.com或透過智能電話登入http://m.vietjetair.com選擇「訂票」購買推廣機票。付款方法包括以下各種提款卡或信用卡:Visa、萬事達卡、美國運通卡、JCB、KCP及銀聯。

亞航BIG SALE 500萬張機票$152起(連稅)

行走世界記錄 ・2018-11-11

AirAsia年底最後一輪 BIG SALE由雙11開始至2018年11月18日止,推出五百萬張優惠機票*帶您遊盡東南亞。 (更多在 行走世界記錄) 由澳門/香港出發,到芭堤雅、清邁、布吉、喀比、曼谷、亞庇(沙巴)、吉隆坡、宿霧、馬尼拉等熱門目的地,會員單程連稅價僅由MOP152*/HKD385*起 。 由澳門/香港出發,經吉隆坡/曼谷/亞庇(沙巴)轉飛到檳城、浮羅交怡、金邊、山打根、龍目島、斗湖、日惹、峇里島、新山及悉尼的旅客亦可享會員單程連稅價MOP573*/HKD663*起。 優惠適用於出發日期為2019年5月6日至2020年2月4日**(部分目的地除外)的機票,登入airasia.com或透過AirAsia手機APP即可預訂 。 提前預訂超值套餐(Value Pack)能節省更多。這個物超所值的套餐包括20kg寄艙行李限額,一份機上Santan熱食,一次標準座位選擇和包含一小時準時保障及行李延遲的Tune Protect旅行保險。 憑BigPay卡支付預訂機上餐飲和寄艙行李限額將可享受$0處理費優惠,使用AirAsia白金信用卡支持更可獲得AirAsia BIG積分獎勵。 使用BigClick支付功能,可以避免每次重新輸入卡詳細信息的麻煩。BigClick允許會員安全地存儲他們的信用卡和借記卡詳細信息。立即保存您的信用卡詳細信息並獲得100 AirAsia BIG積分。 *以上優惠票價為BIG會員優惠價及已包含稅項。座位有限,並可能不適用於所有航班和目的地、公眾假期、學校假期及周末。使用借記卡或信用卡進行的任何支付均需另加收處理費。優惠活動受其他條款和細則約束。 **澳門至亞庇(沙巴)出發日期:2018年11月19日至2019年3月29日;澳門至宿霧出發日期:2019年2月8日至3月30日;香港至喀比出發日期:2018年12月2日至2019年5月5日。

LUSH sends out an SOS for Sumatran Wildlife and Rainforests #SOSsumatra

LifeMag Editor ・2018-04-08

Credit:Ernest Zacharevic After the success of the first #SOSsumatra campaign in Europe in November 2017, campaigning cosmetics company Lush are teaming up again with conservation charity Sumatran Orangutan Society (SOS) to raise enough money to purchase another 50 hectares of land, right next to the new forest restoration site. Every penny from Lush’s new limited edition SOS Sumatra shampoo bar (MOP125) will go to SOS and their local partners on the ground in Sumatra to purchase this disused oil palm plantation and turn it into a permaculture demonstration site and conservation training hub. SOS Sumatra shampoo bar has a brand new base, that’s completely palm oil and SLS free - containing extra virgin coconut oil from Nias (an island off of mainland Sumatra), sodium coco- sulfate and water purifying moringa seed powder. Hair will be left soft, moisturised and delicately scented with uplifting patchouli and orange oils. The design was inspired by a giant SOS distress call that had been carved into the landscape by artist Ernest Zacharevic as part of Splash and Burn, a campaign drawing attention to Sumatra’s dwindling forests and the demise of iconic species such as the Sumatran orangutan at the hands of the palm oil industry. Helen Buckland, Director of the Sumatran Orangutan Society, said “Although often the cause of deforestation, agriculture can have a role to play in supporting conservation. This phase of the project aims to support the community at Bukit Mas to increase the productivity and profitability of their farmlands, reducing the drive to expand into forests, and providing greater security for orangutans and many other species. These are the people who are most severely affected by the choking haze from forest fires, from flooding and drought when the fragile balance of the ecosystem is destroyed by forest clearance. This project will demonstrate a ‘greenprint’ for breaking the link between development and deforestation.” Simon Constantine, Head of Ethical Buying at Lush: "We've fought to remove palm oil from our products for over a decade at Lush. Now, with the help of Sumatran Orangutan Society and their partners we are doing the same on the ground in Sumatra. Lush is committed to going beyond sustainability and by returning native habitat to Sumatra we hope this SOS message inspires others to take action. We understand that people still need to live and so it's with pleasure that we will follow up our European campaign by raising funds throughout Asia for a further 50 hectares of adjoining land. This will be dedicated to natural agroforestry, providing income and benefitting nature. We believe this is the future of farming." #SOSsumatra phase 1 At the end of 2017, Lush partnered with Sumatran Orangutan Society (SOS) to support the protection of orangutans and their rainforest home, with the launch of the #SOSsumatra campaign and a limited edition Orangutan Soap across Europe. There are only 14,600 orangutans remaining in the wild in Sumatra. In tribute to them, Lush made 14,600 soaps, which flew off the shelves, selling out in many countries in a matter of days and raising £126,014. The proceeds enabled the charity’s Indonesian partners, the Orangutan Information Centre, to buy 50 hectares of oil palm plantation land, to reclaim and restore native forest to an area on the edge of the Leuser Ecosystem in Bukit Mas, Sumatra. Helen Buckland said “The Leuser Ecosystem is the only place in the world where orangutans, tigers, elephants and rhinos co-exist. This part of the forest was under attack, with more and more orangutan habitat being lost every week as illegal agriculture encroached into the protected area. By supporting us to buy this land on the buffer zone of the national park, Lush and their customers are enabling us to hold back, and reverse, the tide of forest loss.” The limited edition SOS Sumatra shampoo bar is available online and across all Asian and Pacific shops while stocks last. Find out more about SOS and their work, and sign up to regular updates here.


Chrysalids 少爺 ・2017-09-27

禮拜日下晝悶悶地,筆者妹妹就買咗印尼特式糕點返黎食。 由於數量有限,所以筆者只能揀其中兩款試食。 最後揀咗薯仔馬介休球同埋豆撈黎試。 先講豆撈,睇落都幾大舊;獨立包裝,方便唔會整污糟隻手。 外皮都幾煙韌,嘅芋頭味稍為淡了些。 餡料係紅豆蓉,份量好少,可能因為要控制成本掛。 甜度剛剛好,紅豆蓉打得唔錯,只有些少紅豆粒,相信是用黎增加口感。 外皮同餡料比例大慨是 8.5:1.5, 所以同筆者喜歡食多餡少皮嘅朋友可能要揀另一款小食啦! 筆者試完之後都有些後悔,應該揀白皮春卷可能會仲好。 左上:芒果黑糯米;左下:薯仔馬介休球; 右上:豆撈(內有紅豆餡);右下:白皮春卷 另外試食咗薯仔馬介休球,都好大粒, 筆者嘅口比較大,都係僅僅能夠塞入一個球。 味道方面唔太鹹,薯仔味好突出,餡料都係比較少。 可能已經攤凍了一段時間,所以個心唔太熱。 圖片來源:http://www.medanmacao.com/ 坐標:22.201802, 113.543942 地點:美丹印尼餐廳 (小食店) (群隊街店),只限外賣糕點 地址:澳門柯利維喇街41號恆威大廈地下A座 巴士路線:M87 連勝馬路﹣7,17,18,18A,19 M110 渡船街/婦聯﹣8,8A 營業時間:9:30 a.m.至6:30 p.m. 每月23及24號休息 電話:2856 1602 圖片來源:Google Map