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【中國。重慶】※景點※ 天生三橋 武隆天坑地縫國家地質公園 ~ 當《變形金剛》遇上《滿城盡帶黃金甲》

Global Walker

「天生三橋」位於重慶武隆區仙女山鎮,是典型的喀斯特地貌,被列入聯合國世界自然遺產,也是中國國家5A級旅遊景區。 「天生三橋」是重慶武隆岩溶國家地質公園的一部分,一般都會與另一個景點「龍水峽地縫」安排在同一天遊覽。 被列入聯合國世界自然遺產 「天生三橋」是電影《變形金剛4》 的其中一個場景,所以遠遠的就看到一隻「大黃蜂」在景區門口迎接你~ 在景區門口會看到這個指示牌,一般都會選擇直接坐電梯到山腳,要留力之後的行程啊 「天生三橋」景區路線單一,從入口到出口是一條直線,不走回頭路。 從入口處要往山下走一點路才到電梯的位置 我們來的時間是淡季的平日,排隊坐電梯都要排隊,不過排得很快,印象中我們只排了20分鐘左右。 聽說旺季那隊尾都找不到,一等要等一兩個小時,那時候可能真的要選擇徒步下山了! 電梯一出來後就已經有很多轎夫等著你,如果不想走路的話可以選擇坐這個來遊覽。 或者是長者,或行動不便的人也可以坐上這個,因為接下來都有一連串的梯級。 沿路都會看到有人會坐這種轎子(這裡的官方名稱叫滑桿), 有公告牌寫著遊覽全程需要RMB368- ,但也可以自行與轎夫相議價錢。 出電梯走下來就會看到第一個地貌,第一眼看到已經覺得很宏偉! 這裡是之後會看到的第一座「天龍橋」的橋底,很喜歡這種從洞穴看出去,別有洞天的感覺! 回頭看就是剛剛坐下來的電梯 這部觀光電梯是在2004年10月建成並投入使用,垂直高度達80米。 「聖象迎賓」 再來就見到「天福官驛」,這是張藝謀電影《滿城盡帶黃金甲》的唯一外景地。 「天福官驛」位於「天龍天坑」谷地裡,自古以來就是一條官道上的著名郵遞驛站;直到現在,它還是遠近村落相互聯繫的必經之路。 張藝謀電影《滿城盡帶黃金甲》唯一外景 (網路圖片) 「天生三橋」內一樣比較大的景點都會有攝影師駐場幫大家拍照,如果是兩個人出遊的話是一個拍合照的好機會。 照片在出口可以取回,有免費跟付費的!所有拍過的照片都會有一張小小的相片配上鑰匙扣免費送出; 而大張的3R/4R 尺寸的就需要買的,RMB20/一張左右。 在出口處完全沒有強逼消費,自助拿完免費的鑰匙扣照片就走了~ 從山上走下來,就更近距離看到「天福官驛」 「天福官驛」與背後的「天龍橋」 從「天福官驛」回頭看,就能更清楚的看「天龍橋」。 「天龍橋」是三座橋中最形象的,是天生三橋中跨度最大的一座橋。 也是三座橋中唯一一座雙拱橋,由一個橋墩、兩個橋孔構成。 橋高235米,橋厚150米,橋寬147米,平均拱高96米,平均跨度34米。 「神龍噴泉」 除了《滿城盡帶黃金甲》,「天生三橋」也是《變形金剛 4》的拍攝地點,剛剛在景區大門外已經有一隻「大黃蜂」迎接大家。 這裡是柯柏文(Optimus Prime)與遠古鐵騎的恐龍金剛打架的地方。 遠古鐵騎恐龍與背後的「天龍橋」 《變形金剛 4》電影情節 (Discover China Tours 網站圖片) 「岩溶瀑布」 走著走著,終於來到「天生三橋」的第二道橋 — 「青龍橋」 「青龍橋」是天生三橋中最宏偉險峻的一座,它橋高281米,橋厚168米,橋寬124米,平均拱高103米,平均跨度31米。 有別於「天龍橋」,「青龍橋」的橋孔就像洞開的天門,在陽光的照耀下天門中會有七色的彩虹出現,就好像一條青龍,所以得名。 「金城石室」 在「青龍橋」對面的山崖壁立千仞,彷彿是一座堅不可摧的城堡,所以被命名為「金城石室」。 走過了「青龍橋」後會見到有指示牌提醒你往回看,此時的「青龍橋」就像是一條鯉魚。 成為了「鯉魚躍龍門」 來到了「天生三橋」的中段,會看到「神鷹天坑」 一塊位於懸崖上突起的石塊,狀如展翅欲飛的雄鷹而得名。 走著走著就來「天生三橋」的最後一橋 — 「黑龍橋」 「黑龍橋」橋高223米,橋厚107米,橋寬193米,平均拱高116米,平均跨度28米。 在橋寬和平均拱高兩個方面居世界第一位,比青龍橋和天龍橋都寬、都高。 橋洞高而狹長,洞內光線昏暗,就像一條黑龍盤旋洞頂,所以得名「黑龍橋」。 穿過「黑龍橋」橋底會陸續看到「黑龍橋四泉」 「黑龍橋」下水源充足,洞壁北側發育有霧泉、珍珠泉、一線泉、三迭泉共四處懸掛泉,它們形態各異,姿態萬千。 第二泉「霧泉」就像輕煙,似霧非霧。 第三泉「一線泉」泉水涓流細出,水流一線。 走出「黑龍橋」橋底後,又會看到需要想像力的景點「大猩猩」 「龍泉洞」 「龍泉洞」的水是從7公里之外的中石院天坑底部漏坑過來的。 「夫妻石」 這個「夫妻石」目前我還沒有看出來,如果有看得出來的朋友歡迎留言告我啊! 遊覽完整個「天生三橋」景區後,會有坐電瓶車的地方。建議大家走完全程之後一定要坐這個觀光車回到出口! RMB15/人,這個錢不要省,路程是要上山而且還蠻遠的,沿途也沒有其他景點, 所以十分建議坐觀光車回出口。 天生三橋 天生三橋:重慶市武隆縣仙女山鎮 +86 023-77721248 9:00~16:30 3月1日-10月31日 RMB 125 11月1日-次年2月28日 RMB 95 檢視較大的地圖

Get Eat Ready呈獻:【《我老婆日日唔煮飯》第四集:射鵰英雄傳】菠菜杞子豬膶湯 |電飯煲鹽焗乞衣雞

Global Food
Get Eat Ready・2018-12-19

【《我老婆日日唔煮飯》第四集:射鵰英雄傳】 金庸先生係好多讀者心目中嘅大俠,今日就等Poyee變身為佢筆下嘅角色,煮出兩道住家菜,向一代文豪致敬!菜單黃蓉君子好逑湯食譜七公荷香叫化雞食譜 Poyee(寶兒)係食譜作者、烹飪導師、專欄作者同美食愛好者。佢曾經喺2013年參加咗法國工作假期(Working Holiday),周圍學整法式地道菜,佢嘅文章刊登喺香港嘅報章雜誌。出版著作有《出走,走進法國人家廚房》及《法國咬一口——61道在家也能做的法式料理》;專欄有《明報》每月「歐陸煮意」教授西式料理;以及「另一個胃」教授西式甜品。佢同時鍾意涉獵各種菜式嘅烹調方法,包括中西日韓等,務求親手炮製出天下美食! Get Eat Ready Facebook專頁Instagram: geteatreadyYouTube: Get Eat Ready Poyee嘅Facebook專頁 : 煮事:屋邨女孩的法國廚房Poyee嘅IG : cookstuffs.poyee 睇返【《我老婆日日唔煮飯》第一集:家有鱷妻】鱷魚肉海底椰湯|豆豉水汁蒸鱷魚(豉汁苦瓜蒸釀鯪魚肉)|蒜香半煎炸排骨 睇返【《我老婆日日唔煮飯》第二集:萬聖節惡妻便當】蕃茄醬焗漢堡扒意粉|南瓜牛奶濃湯|日式咖哩肥牛飯 睇返【《我老婆日日唔煮飯》第三集:黯然銷魂飯】(叉燒煎蛋飯)| 五指毛桃排骨核桃湯|郊外油菜

LUSH sends out an SOS for Sumatran Wildlife and Rainforests #SOSsumatra

LifeMag Editor・2018-04-08

Credit:Ernest Zacharevic After the success of the first #SOSsumatra campaign in Europe in November 2017, campaigning cosmetics company Lush are teaming up again with conservation charity Sumatran Orangutan Society (SOS) to raise enough money to purchase another 50 hectares of land, right next to the new forest restoration site. Every penny from Lush’s new limited edition SOS Sumatra shampoo bar (MOP125) will go to SOS and their local partners on the ground in Sumatra to purchase this disused oil palm plantation and turn it into a permaculture demonstration site and conservation training hub. SOS Sumatra shampoo bar has a brand new base, that’s completely palm oil and SLS free - containing extra virgin coconut oil from Nias (an island off of mainland Sumatra), sodium coco- sulfate and water purifying moringa seed powder. Hair will be left soft, moisturised and delicately scented with uplifting patchouli and orange oils. The design was inspired by a giant SOS distress call that had been carved into the landscape by artist Ernest Zacharevic as part of Splash and Burn, a campaign drawing attention to Sumatra’s dwindling forests and the demise of iconic species such as the Sumatran orangutan at the hands of the palm oil industry. Helen Buckland, Director of the Sumatran Orangutan Society, said “Although often the cause of deforestation, agriculture can have a role to play in supporting conservation. This phase of the project aims to support the community at Bukit Mas to increase the productivity and profitability of their farmlands, reducing the drive to expand into forests, and providing greater security for orangutans and many other species. These are the people who are most severely affected by the choking haze from forest fires, from flooding and drought when the fragile balance of the ecosystem is destroyed by forest clearance. This project will demonstrate a ‘greenprint’ for breaking the link between development and deforestation.” Simon Constantine, Head of Ethical Buying at Lush: "We've fought to remove palm oil from our products for over a decade at Lush. Now, with the help of Sumatran Orangutan Society and their partners we are doing the same on the ground in Sumatra. Lush is committed to going beyond sustainability and by returning native habitat to Sumatra we hope this SOS message inspires others to take action. We understand that people still need to live and so it's with pleasure that we will follow up our European campaign by raising funds throughout Asia for a further 50 hectares of adjoining land. This will be dedicated to natural agroforestry, providing income and benefitting nature. We believe this is the future of farming." #SOSsumatra phase 1 At the end of 2017, Lush partnered with Sumatran Orangutan Society (SOS) to support the protection of orangutans and their rainforest home, with the launch of the #SOSsumatra campaign and a limited edition Orangutan Soap across Europe. There are only 14,600 orangutans remaining in the wild in Sumatra. In tribute to them, Lush made 14,600 soaps, which flew off the shelves, selling out in many countries in a matter of days and raising £126,014. The proceeds enabled the charity’s Indonesian partners, the Orangutan Information Centre, to buy 50 hectares of oil palm plantation land, to reclaim and restore native forest to an area on the edge of the Leuser Ecosystem in Bukit Mas, Sumatra. Helen Buckland said “The Leuser Ecosystem is the only place in the world where orangutans, tigers, elephants and rhinos co-exist. This part of the forest was under attack, with more and more orangutan habitat being lost every week as illegal agriculture encroached into the protected area. By supporting us to buy this land on the buffer zone of the national park, Lush and their customers are enabling us to hold back, and reverse, the tide of forest loss.” The limited edition SOS Sumatra shampoo bar is available online and across all Asian and Pacific shops while stocks last. Find out more about SOS and their work, and sign up to regular updates here.

Melco organizes Vendor Experience Tour and Business Matching Session for Local Small and Medium Enterprises

LifeMag Editor・2018-04-07

Mr. Osward Tang, Director of Property Services, Melco Resorts & Entertainment, shares with local SMEs Melco’s sourcing needs, standards and expectations Melco Resorts & Entertainment Limited (Nasdaq: MLCO), a developer, owner and operator of gaming and entertainment resort facilities in Asia, is firmly committed to supporting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Macau. Today at Studio City, the Company organized a vendor experience tour for over 40 local SMEs from various industries such as Marketing; Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment; Hospitality Operating Supplies and Equipment; Maintenance Services, Parts & Entertainment Equipment, together with a business matching session. Representatives from local SMEs at Studio City’s receiving dock, learning about loading and receiving processes The event, attended by more than 60 SME representatives, began with a sharing session from Melco’s Property Services team on the Company’s sourcing needs and standards, followed by an experience tour of Studio City, with participants visiting the receiving dock for insight into loading and receiving processes. The tour continued with visits to the integrated resort’s various food outlets, including Food Studio, Spotlight, and renowned Michelin-starred Chinese restaurant, Pearl Dragon; each stop providing valuable knowledge for local SMEs to learn about Melco’s sourcing needs. The event concluded with a business matching session, where SMEs presented products and proposals to Melco’s Supply Chain department for further discussions in becoming one of Melco’s approved vendors. SME representatives at renowned Chinese restaurant, Pearl Dragon, understanding Melco’s sourcing needs and standards Mr. Sam Liu, CEO of eNovation Technologies Ltd., whose environmental technology company has joined the list of Melco vendors, commented, “The experience tour and business matching event is extremely useful to local SMEs such as ourselves; providing an opportunity not only to showcase our new products and technologies, but also the chance to receive the latest information about Melco’s upcoming projects and sourcing needs. It provides SMEs insight into how products may be upgraded to more effectively meet future demands, and therefore increase business opportunities.” The event concluded with a business matching session, where SMEs presented their company products and registered for further approval in becoming a vendor

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LUSH sends out an SOS for Sumatran Wildlife and Rainforests #SOSsumatra

LifeMag Editor・2018-04-08

Credit:Ernest Zacharevic After the success of the first #SOSsumatra campaign in Europe in November 2017, campaigning cosmetics company Lush are teaming up again with conservation charity Sumatran Orangutan Society (SOS) to raise enough money to purchase another 50 hectares of land, right next to the new forest restoration site. Every penny from Lush’s new limited edition SOS Sumatra shampoo bar (MOP125) will go to SOS and their local partners on the ground in Sumatra to purchase this disused oil palm plantation and turn it into a permaculture demonstration site and conservation training hub. SOS Sumatra shampoo bar has a brand new base, that’s completely palm oil and SLS free - containing extra virgin coconut oil from Nias (an island off of mainland Sumatra), sodium coco- sulfate and water purifying moringa seed powder. Hair will be left soft, moisturised and delicately scented with uplifting patchouli and orange oils. The design was inspired by a giant SOS distress call that had been carved into the landscape by artist Ernest Zacharevic as part of Splash and Burn, a campaign drawing attention to Sumatra’s dwindling forests and the demise of iconic species such as the Sumatran orangutan at the hands of the palm oil industry. Helen Buckland, Director of the Sumatran Orangutan Society, said “Although often the cause of deforestation, agriculture can have a role to play in supporting conservation. This phase of the project aims to support the community at Bukit Mas to increase the productivity and profitability of their farmlands, reducing the drive to expand into forests, and providing greater security for orangutans and many other species. These are the people who are most severely affected by the choking haze from forest fires, from flooding and drought when the fragile balance of the ecosystem is destroyed by forest clearance. This project will demonstrate a ‘greenprint’ for breaking the link between development and deforestation.” Simon Constantine, Head of Ethical Buying at Lush: "We've fought to remove palm oil from our products for over a decade at Lush. Now, with the help of Sumatran Orangutan Society and their partners we are doing the same on the ground in Sumatra. Lush is committed to going beyond sustainability and by returning native habitat to Sumatra we hope this SOS message inspires others to take action. We understand that people still need to live and so it's with pleasure that we will follow up our European campaign by raising funds throughout Asia for a further 50 hectares of adjoining land. This will be dedicated to natural agroforestry, providing income and benefitting nature. We believe this is the future of farming." #SOSsumatra phase 1 At the end of 2017, Lush partnered with Sumatran Orangutan Society (SOS) to support the protection of orangutans and their rainforest home, with the launch of the #SOSsumatra campaign and a limited edition Orangutan Soap across Europe. There are only 14,600 orangutans remaining in the wild in Sumatra. In tribute to them, Lush made 14,600 soaps, which flew off the shelves, selling out in many countries in a matter of days and raising £126,014. The proceeds enabled the charity’s Indonesian partners, the Orangutan Information Centre, to buy 50 hectares of oil palm plantation land, to reclaim and restore native forest to an area on the edge of the Leuser Ecosystem in Bukit Mas, Sumatra. Helen Buckland said “The Leuser Ecosystem is the only place in the world where orangutans, tigers, elephants and rhinos co-exist. This part of the forest was under attack, with more and more orangutan habitat being lost every week as illegal agriculture encroached into the protected area. By supporting us to buy this land on the buffer zone of the national park, Lush and their customers are enabling us to hold back, and reverse, the tide of forest loss.” The limited edition SOS Sumatra shampoo bar is available online and across all Asian and Pacific shops while stocks last. Find out more about SOS and their work, and sign up to regular updates here.

Melco organizes Vendor Experience Tour and Business Matching Session for Local Small and Medium Enterprises

LifeMag Editor・2018-04-07

Mr. Osward Tang, Director of Property Services, Melco Resorts & Entertainment, shares with local SMEs Melco’s sourcing needs, standards and expectations Melco Resorts & Entertainment Limited (Nasdaq: MLCO), a developer, owner and operator of gaming and entertainment resort facilities in Asia, is firmly committed to supporting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Macau. Today at Studio City, the Company organized a vendor experience tour for over 40 local SMEs from various industries such as Marketing; Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment; Hospitality Operating Supplies and Equipment; Maintenance Services, Parts & Entertainment Equipment, together with a business matching session. Representatives from local SMEs at Studio City’s receiving dock, learning about loading and receiving processes The event, attended by more than 60 SME representatives, began with a sharing session from Melco’s Property Services team on the Company’s sourcing needs and standards, followed by an experience tour of Studio City, with participants visiting the receiving dock for insight into loading and receiving processes. The tour continued with visits to the integrated resort’s various food outlets, including Food Studio, Spotlight, and renowned Michelin-starred Chinese restaurant, Pearl Dragon; each stop providing valuable knowledge for local SMEs to learn about Melco’s sourcing needs. The event concluded with a business matching session, where SMEs presented products and proposals to Melco’s Supply Chain department for further discussions in becoming one of Melco’s approved vendors. SME representatives at renowned Chinese restaurant, Pearl Dragon, understanding Melco’s sourcing needs and standards Mr. Sam Liu, CEO of eNovation Technologies Ltd., whose environmental technology company has joined the list of Melco vendors, commented, “The experience tour and business matching event is extremely useful to local SMEs such as ourselves; providing an opportunity not only to showcase our new products and technologies, but also the chance to receive the latest information about Melco’s upcoming projects and sourcing needs. It provides SMEs insight into how products may be upgraded to more effectively meet future demands, and therefore increase business opportunities.” The event concluded with a business matching session, where SMEs presented their company products and registered for further approval in becoming a vendor

Ring in the Chinese New Year in Style with Celebrated Actress Lynn Xiong

LifeMag Editor・2016-01-20

Since its debut on October 27, 2015, the Hollywood-inspired entertainment resort, Studio City, has established itself as a new landmark in Macau, featuring a host of exciting, “world’s first” non-gaming attractions in partnership with some of the biggest names in entertainment. With the Chinese New Year approaching, the new entertainment hot spot enticed celebrated actress Ms. Lynn Xiong, the star of several recent Chinese blockbusters, to drop by as its Star Ambassador. While visiting the thrilling cinematically-themed leisure destination, Lynn took a spectacular journey through theThe House of Magic, and was captivated by an enchanting sunset on the Golden Reel figure-8 Ferris wheel, 130 meters above ground, rounding up a truly remarkable experience at Asia’s Entertainment Capital. Studio City’s stunning Art Deco façade greets visitors with the imposing 30-meter Heroes of Steel statues flanking the iconic Golden Reel, itself straddling the twin hotel towers. The integrated resort combines electrifying entertainment with an exciting cinematically-inspired environment and an array of accommodation, regional and international dining and designer brand shopping. With the movie Ip Man 3 outgrossing its competitors at the China, Hong Kong and Taiwan box offices (in particular, making a record-breaking TWD130 million dollars at the box office in Taiwan), Lynn, who plays the wife of Ip Man in the trilogy, made her appearance at Studio City today to experience its many wonders. Besides the exquisite gastronomic experience created by Michelin-starred Chef Tam Kwok Fung’s Chinese restaurant Pearl Dragon with an auspicious Chinese New Year menu, Lynn also made a surprise guest appearance at the one-of-a-kind multi-theater attraction, The House of Magic, where she was “teleported” onto the stage atop a blazing red Ferrari, to help bring the 90-minute, three-show performance to its climax. Lynn commented on her journey through the themed resort: “I was thrilled by such a new and exciting experience presented by Studio City. As a professional actress, I dedicate myself to the art of movie-making, but it never dawned on me that there could be such a spectacular cinematically-inspiredintegrated resort right here in Asia. Its marvelous entertainment-oriented ambiance and attractions put me in a seemingly real Hollywood movie scene, which was a very exciting surprise. “During my exploration of Studio City, what impressed me most was that I was able to be part of an international magic show at The House of Magic. I had the honor to perform with one of the world’s greatest magicians for the first time, so I was extra careful when we were rehearsing, hoping that together we would put on an amazing show. Through the whole act I was very nervous, but the magical feelings it brought me are unforgettable. I am fascinated by the mysterious charm that The House of Magic offers!” The House of Magic is a one-of-a-kind multi-theater attraction housing performances never seen before in Asia. Designed, curated and hosted by acclaimed illusionist, Franz Harary, The House of Magic is the premier performance venue for magicians globally. Featuring rotating live magicians in a three-theater complex, it amazes visitors with an array of mind-bending shows including Franz’s signature resident show, Mega Magic. As the perfect finale to her visit trip, Lynn took a ride on the world’s highest figure-8 Ferris wheel – Golden Reel- enjoying the stunning sunset at a dizzying height of 130 meters. Upon her arrival at Golden Reel, Lynn said: “I’m finally here at this amazing Ferris wheel! I have read so much about this new landmark and am planning to visit here with my family, so I’m very happy that I have this opportunity to preview the ride and prepare for my next visit. It’s a bit scary to be 130 meters above the ground, but as we are rising up slowly, I could look out over the landscape of Macau and the China Sea. It’s definitely a must-see location to take a photo in memory of your visit to Macau. For couples especially, I think this would be a wonderful place for an unforgettable romantic sunset moment. ” Experiential dining is on the menu at Studio City with a stellar range of over 30 signature restaurants, themed food court and entertainment-inspired eateries, including Studio City’s premium Chinese restaurant Pearl Dragon, helmed by acclaimed Michelin-starred chef Tam Kwok Fung; Shanghai Magic, offering an immersive experience that brings together modern Shanghainese dining and close-up magic. Further venues showcasing of the art of gastronomy, created by multiple Michelin-starred chef Alain Ducasse and Hawaiian celebrity chef Alan Wong, will also soon be unveiled at Studio City. Mr. JD Clayton, President of Studio City said: “As Asia’s Entertainment Capital, Studio City is dedicated to presenting world-class entertainment, dining, accommodation and lifestyle experience to its guests. With our motto ‘This is Entertainment’, we are a major factor in Macau’s aspirations to build a diversified and in-depth development of its tourism industry, thus enhancing its position as Asia’s leading tourist destination. Studio City has many exciting promotions for the Chinese New Year holiday in store, with the aim of providing visitors to Macau an unparalleled resort experience and to ring in the Year of the Monkey on a very exciting, memorable and, above all, fortune-filled note.”

Global Comedy Star Russell Peters to Make First Macau Appearance at Studio City with ‘Almost Famous World Tour’

LifeMag Editor・2016-01-11

After setting attendance records around the world and completing one of the biggest comedy tours ever with his Notorious World Tour in 2012, global comedy star Russell Peters, Studio City and Live Nation Lushington proudly announce Russell Peters’ first ever visit to Macau with his new ALMOST FAMOUS WORLD TOUR on February 26 at the acclaimed Hollywood-inspired, cinematically-themed entertainment and leisure destination, Studio City. The show will be the first comedic performance at the Studio City Event Center (“SCEC”), which has already seen the likes of Asia’s king of dance, Aaron Kwok, a series of top Taiwan artistes, Cantonese crooner, Andy Hui, and will have hosted the Queen of Pop, Madonna, just the week before Peters makes his grand appearance. “The Russell Peters Almost Famous World Tour” features all new material, plus Peters’ lightning fast improv. “I like to interact with the audience,” says Peters of his signature back and forth with his fans. “I use the interaction to take me from bit to bit. Some guys go on-stage with a script and don’t deviate from it. That’s not my style. I have my set and know what I want to cover; I just use the audience to move me in certain directions. It’s very collaborative and each show is unique.” “After touring around the globe, I’m excited to be performing at The Studio City Event Center. It looks like a perfect setting for my style – to get up close and personal with the audience – and with its top-notch theater-quality acoustics and skillfully designed space providing an unmatched atmosphere of intimacy with the audience, I think it will be one of the highlights of my tour. I am definitely looking to treat some of my current fans to some great comedy and establish a connection with a whole new set of supporters when I make my first visit to Macau.” Peters says. Not only is Studio City Event Center designed to allow people to feel they are part of the show, but the Center also provides a series of VIP suites and Club Lounges, unprecedented in this part of the world, which allow groups of friends, families or corporates to enjoy the show in a more private setting. This tour will bring Peters to Macau for the first time ever and is expected to draw adoring fans from around the region who have longed to see his fiery brand of cultural comedy live. Peters is the first South Asian to sell-out Harlem’s Apollo Theatre, and was the first comedian to sell-out Brooklyn’s Barclays Arena in 2012 – that show becoming the largest comedy show in Brooklyn history. The Almost Famous World Tour has already sold over 150,000 tickets in Canada, where Peters will become the first comedian to sell-out Toronto’s Air Canada Centre for a sixth time. In 2015, Peters took the ALMOST FAMOUS WORLD TOUR to Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, the UK, Europe and Asia. His last tour took Peters to 26 countries and over 200 performances, with over 300,000 fans attending his shows globally. SCEC is a 5,000-seat multi-purpose entertainment complex, with state-of-the-art infrastructure designed to host exciting world-class live concerts, theatrical and top sports events, in addition to award shows and other special gatherings. It represents just one facet of a host of world-class entertainment offerings to be found at Hollywood-inspired Studio City, which is primed to establish itself as Asia’s Entertainment Capital and take Macau’s entertainment destination proposition to unprecedented new levels. “The audience left the venue with smiles on their faces and tears in their eyes, as Peters managed to nail them with his witty observatory comedic style and jokes about ethnic and cultural stereotypes.” - The Nation “Peters is constantly thinking up new material. He says his newest bits for the Almost Famous tour are less about lampooning cultural differences and more about "the culture of being Russell." - LA Times “ exceptional comedian. He’s obviously a natural performer…” The Guardian GET YOUR TICKETS EARLY; THIS SHOW WILL SELL OUT. Russell Peters Almost Famous World Tour on sale Monday January 11, 2016 at 10am and will be available online at or by phone +853 8885 3333 / 800 906 282 (Hong Kong Toll Free). Tickets are also available at hotline +852 3128 8288 and HK Ticketing outlets, K11 Select and Tom Lee Music Stores. Ticket pricing (MOP/HKD): VIP Suite: $50,000 (24 seats) & $25,000 (12 seats) Club Seat:* $ 1,580 A Reserve: $ 1,280 B Reserve: $ 1,080 C Reserve: $ 880 D Reserve: $ 680 *Club Seat tickets include exclusive access to the Club Lounge and enjoy a free flow of selected beverage. A wide array of food selections are also available (charges apply). To inquire or to book a VIP Suite (12 seats or 24 seats), please email to or contact Ms. Karen Cheong at +853 8865 3154.

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【中國。重慶】※景點※ 天生三橋 武隆天坑地縫國家地質公園 ~ 當《變形金剛》遇上《滿城盡帶黃金甲》

Global Walker

「天生三橋」位於重慶武隆區仙女山鎮,是典型的喀斯特地貌,被列入聯合國世界自然遺產,也是中國國家5A級旅遊景區。 「天生三橋」是重慶武隆岩溶國家地質公園的一部分,一般都會與另一個景點「龍水峽地縫」安排在同一天遊覽。 被列入聯合國世界自然遺產 「天生三橋」是電影《變形金剛4》 的其中一個場景,所以遠遠的就看到一隻「大黃蜂」在景區門口迎接你~ 在景區門口會看到這個指示牌,一般都會選擇直接坐電梯到山腳,要留力之後的行程啊 「天生三橋」景區路線單一,從入口到出口是一條直線,不走回頭路。 從入口處要往山下走一點路才到電梯的位置 我們來的時間是淡季的平日,排隊坐電梯都要排隊,不過排得很快,印象中我們只排了20分鐘左右。 聽說旺季那隊尾都找不到,一等要等一兩個小時,那時候可能真的要選擇徒步下山了! 電梯一出來後就已經有很多轎夫等著你,如果不想走路的話可以選擇坐這個來遊覽。 或者是長者,或行動不便的人也可以坐上這個,因為接下來都有一連串的梯級。 沿路都會看到有人會坐這種轎子(這裡的官方名稱叫滑桿), 有公告牌寫著遊覽全程需要RMB368- ,但也可以自行與轎夫相議價錢。 出電梯走下來就會看到第一個地貌,第一眼看到已經覺得很宏偉! 這裡是之後會看到的第一座「天龍橋」的橋底,很喜歡這種從洞穴看出去,別有洞天的感覺! 回頭看就是剛剛坐下來的電梯 這部觀光電梯是在2004年10月建成並投入使用,垂直高度達80米。 「聖象迎賓」 再來就見到「天福官驛」,這是張藝謀電影《滿城盡帶黃金甲》的唯一外景地。 「天福官驛」位於「天龍天坑」谷地裡,自古以來就是一條官道上的著名郵遞驛站;直到現在,它還是遠近村落相互聯繫的必經之路。 張藝謀電影《滿城盡帶黃金甲》唯一外景 (網路圖片) 「天生三橋」內一樣比較大的景點都會有攝影師駐場幫大家拍照,如果是兩個人出遊的話是一個拍合照的好機會。 照片在出口可以取回,有免費跟付費的!所有拍過的照片都會有一張小小的相片配上鑰匙扣免費送出; 而大張的3R/4R 尺寸的就需要買的,RMB20/一張左右。 在出口處完全沒有強逼消費,自助拿完免費的鑰匙扣照片就走了~ 從山上走下來,就更近距離看到「天福官驛」 「天福官驛」與背後的「天龍橋」 從「天福官驛」回頭看,就能更清楚的看「天龍橋」。 「天龍橋」是三座橋中最形象的,是天生三橋中跨度最大的一座橋。 也是三座橋中唯一一座雙拱橋,由一個橋墩、兩個橋孔構成。 橋高235米,橋厚150米,橋寬147米,平均拱高96米,平均跨度34米。 「神龍噴泉」 除了《滿城盡帶黃金甲》,「天生三橋」也是《變形金剛 4》的拍攝地點,剛剛在景區大門外已經有一隻「大黃蜂」迎接大家。 這裡是柯柏文(Optimus Prime)與遠古鐵騎的恐龍金剛打架的地方。 遠古鐵騎恐龍與背後的「天龍橋」 《變形金剛 4》電影情節 (Discover China Tours 網站圖片) 「岩溶瀑布」 走著走著,終於來到「天生三橋」的第二道橋 — 「青龍橋」 「青龍橋」是天生三橋中最宏偉險峻的一座,它橋高281米,橋厚168米,橋寬124米,平均拱高103米,平均跨度31米。 有別於「天龍橋」,「青龍橋」的橋孔就像洞開的天門,在陽光的照耀下天門中會有七色的彩虹出現,就好像一條青龍,所以得名。 「金城石室」 在「青龍橋」對面的山崖壁立千仞,彷彿是一座堅不可摧的城堡,所以被命名為「金城石室」。 走過了「青龍橋」後會見到有指示牌提醒你往回看,此時的「青龍橋」就像是一條鯉魚。 成為了「鯉魚躍龍門」 來到了「天生三橋」的中段,會看到「神鷹天坑」 一塊位於懸崖上突起的石塊,狀如展翅欲飛的雄鷹而得名。 走著走著就來「天生三橋」的最後一橋 — 「黑龍橋」 「黑龍橋」橋高223米,橋厚107米,橋寬193米,平均拱高116米,平均跨度28米。 在橋寬和平均拱高兩個方面居世界第一位,比青龍橋和天龍橋都寬、都高。 橋洞高而狹長,洞內光線昏暗,就像一條黑龍盤旋洞頂,所以得名「黑龍橋」。 穿過「黑龍橋」橋底會陸續看到「黑龍橋四泉」 「黑龍橋」下水源充足,洞壁北側發育有霧泉、珍珠泉、一線泉、三迭泉共四處懸掛泉,它們形態各異,姿態萬千。 第二泉「霧泉」就像輕煙,似霧非霧。 第三泉「一線泉」泉水涓流細出,水流一線。 走出「黑龍橋」橋底後,又會看到需要想像力的景點「大猩猩」 「龍泉洞」 「龍泉洞」的水是從7公里之外的中石院天坑底部漏坑過來的。 「夫妻石」 這個「夫妻石」目前我還沒有看出來,如果有看得出來的朋友歡迎留言告我啊! 遊覽完整個「天生三橋」景區後,會有坐電瓶車的地方。建議大家走完全程之後一定要坐這個觀光車回到出口! RMB15/人,這個錢不要省,路程是要上山而且還蠻遠的,沿途也沒有其他景點, 所以十分建議坐觀光車回出口。 天生三橋 天生三橋:重慶市武隆縣仙女山鎮 +86 023-77721248 9:00~16:30 3月1日-10月31日 RMB 125 11月1日-次年2月28日 RMB 95 檢視較大的地圖

Pacha Macau Opens at Studio City

City Corner
LifeMag Editor・2016-01-20

In celebration of Pacha’s opening in Macau, the legendary Ibizan-style club, hosted an exclusive Grand Opening Special event featuring an electrifying performance by world-famous Columbian-American producer and record label owner DJ Erick Morillo as well as special acts to wow party-goers. The brand new Pacha venue located at Studio City, Macau’s first cinematically-themed integrated entertainment, retail, and gaming resort, welcomed over 2000 guests to its Balearic themed mega-party, including Hong Kong and Macau’s movers and shakers as well as those flown in specially for the occasion from New York and Ibiza including Eddie Dean, Pacha NYC President & CEO and Managing Director for Pacha Macau, Marta Planells Lucendo, Pacha Franchises Director, and Francisco Ferrer, Managing Director Pacha Ibiza. Prominent guests from Hong Kong and Macau were also in attendance including JD Clayton, Property President, Studio City as well as the party crowd, all coming together in support of the arrival of Pacha’s first club in Greater China. Set to make its mark as the first mega-club of its kind in the region and as the world’s largest global nightclub brand, Pacha Macau kick-started the weekend’s celebrations with a “Welcome to Macau” party on Friday (15th January 2016), featuring a special performance by Ibiza veteran and Pacha resident DJ, Sebastian Gamboa, treating guests to his signature house tunes to dance the night away. The warm-up event was followed by the grand celebration on Saturday (16th January 2016), with a much anticipated performance by DJ Erick Morillo, three-time winner of DJ Awards "Best House DJ" as well as three-time winner of "Best International DJ", who performed specially for the evening to a full house. With a capacity to host 3,000 partygoers, Pacha Macau will bring the ultimate clubbing experience to Studio City, raising the competitive stakes even higher in the dynamic Asian entertainment industry. State-of-the-art audio/visual facilities including digital mapping and specialized lighting systems bring incredible energy to the 1,000-square-foot dance floor. Other unique features include four private luxury KTV VIP suites, and a spacious outdoor patio that transports the iconic brand’s renowned style, sound and top notch service to the Cotai strip. Eddie Dean, Pacha NYC President & CEO and Managing Director for Pacha Macau, commented, “We are thrilled by the response and feedback from guests on the new Pacha Macau club – it’s long been a dream of mine to bring Pacha to Macau, so to see everyone enjoying themselves at the Grand Opening Special event was amazing and a reminder of why we are here – to offer the best nightlife experiences to party-goers in Asia with that unique Pacha flare and spirit. This is just the beginning of many more incredible parties to come!” DJ Erick Morillo commented, “I am completely blown away by the stunning new Pacha Macau club and am thrilled to have played at the mega party of all parties to kick-start 2016. It’s been an epic experience to be in Asia and I hope to return soon – you guys certainly know how to party!”

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Get Eat Ready呈獻:【《我老婆日日唔煮飯》第四集:射鵰英雄傳】菠菜杞子豬膶湯 |電飯煲鹽焗乞衣雞

Global Food
Get Eat Ready・2018-12-19

【《我老婆日日唔煮飯》第四集:射鵰英雄傳】 金庸先生係好多讀者心目中嘅大俠,今日就等Poyee變身為佢筆下嘅角色,煮出兩道住家菜,向一代文豪致敬!菜單黃蓉君子好逑湯食譜七公荷香叫化雞食譜 Poyee(寶兒)係食譜作者、烹飪導師、專欄作者同美食愛好者。佢曾經喺2013年參加咗法國工作假期(Working Holiday),周圍學整法式地道菜,佢嘅文章刊登喺香港嘅報章雜誌。出版著作有《出走,走進法國人家廚房》及《法國咬一口——61道在家也能做的法式料理》;專欄有《明報》每月「歐陸煮意」教授西式料理;以及「另一個胃」教授西式甜品。佢同時鍾意涉獵各種菜式嘅烹調方法,包括中西日韓等,務求親手炮製出天下美食! Get Eat Ready Facebook專頁Instagram: geteatreadyYouTube: Get Eat Ready Poyee嘅Facebook專頁 : 煮事:屋邨女孩的法國廚房Poyee嘅IG : cookstuffs.poyee 睇返【《我老婆日日唔煮飯》第一集:家有鱷妻】鱷魚肉海底椰湯|豆豉水汁蒸鱷魚(豉汁苦瓜蒸釀鯪魚肉)|蒜香半煎炸排骨 睇返【《我老婆日日唔煮飯》第二集:萬聖節惡妻便當】蕃茄醬焗漢堡扒意粉|南瓜牛奶濃湯|日式咖哩肥牛飯 睇返【《我老婆日日唔煮飯》第三集:黯然銷魂飯】(叉燒煎蛋飯)| 五指毛桃排骨核桃湯|郊外油菜

City of Dreams’ Jade Dragon Named Macau’s Premier Dining Destination as the City’s Only Entry on the 2018 Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants List

LifeMag Editor・2018-03-29

City of Dreams’ renowned Cantonese culinary masterpiece Jade Dragon has reaffirmed its status as one of the world’s finest dining destinations, being named among Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants 2018 at the awards ceremony held on March 27. This is the second consecutive year that Jade Dragon has been honored at the prestigious awards, and this year sees it gain the additional distinction of being the only Macau restaurant to be featured. Chef Tam Kwok Fung of Jade Dragon, City of Dreams received the prestigious recognition from Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants in Macau on Tuesday. The restaurant distinguished itself as the only Macau entry on the 2018 list. Famed for serving up exquisitely presented Cantonese specialties crafted from the best organic and farm-fresh ingredients by a talented culinary team headed by veteran chef Tam Kwok Fung, Jade Dragon has also been widely lauded for its stunning décor and superlative service. Having also earned two Michelin stars for the past three years and a Forbes Five-Star rating five years in a row, this latest recognition means that Jade Dragon retains a rare trio of prestigious accolades, and scores a unique achievement for a homegrown Macau restaurant brand. “From the start, our mission at Jade Dragon has been to create one-of-a-kind experiences that can’t be found anywhere else in the world, experiences that will continue to raise the fine-dining bar in Macau to ever-greater heights. Today, we are truly honored to see another milestone when it was recognised as the premier dining destination in Macau as the city’s only entry in Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants,” said Mr. Jarlath Lynch, Senior Vice President of Hotels and Food & Beverage, Melco Resorts & Entertainment Limited. “It is particularly meaningful to be given this award in 2018 following Macau’s designation as a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy. Through Jade Dragon, as well as through our other award-winning restaurants, we will continue to help drive the ongoing transformation of the city into the top gastronomic destination in the region.” With its eclectic collection of world-class restaurants, which also includes two-Michelin-starred French chef-d’oeuvre The Tasting Room and one-Michelin-starred sushi restaurant Shinji by Kanesaka, City of Dreams has been at the forefront of raising Macau’s profile in the Asian dining scene and establishing the city as a global culinary hub in recent years. Drawing on a rich gastronomic heritage and a stellar array of international culinary talent, Macau has evolved into one of the world’s great foodie cities, a fact that was recognized by UNESCO in November 2017 when it designated Macau as a UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy. With two Michelin stars, a Forbes Five-Star rating and the Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants recognition under its belt, City of Dreams’ Jade Dragon retains a rare trio of prestigious accolades, and scores a unique achievement for a homegrown Macau restaurant brand. Founded in 2013 and known as the “Oscars of the culinary world”, Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants is a widely respected gastronomic guide to the region’s ever-evolving dining scene judged by the Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants Academy, an influential group of more than 300 leading figures from the restaurant industry across Asia. The 2018 list once again highlights the incredible depth and diversity of dining experiences in the region with 12 countries and regions represented, including restaurants from Thailand, Japan, Singapore, mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, India, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, the Philippines and Indonesia.

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#JustSayYes Fight for Marriage Equality

LifeMag Editor・2017-02-09

Many people fall in love, want to get married and start a family at some point. However, the LGBTQI community is still fighting for this basic right. Couples wish to marry to provide greater legal protection for their family and children, to publicly celebrate their commitment, or simply because they are in love. Regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Globally we are moving toward acceptance of Marriage Equality. However, currently there is no law in Hong Kong to protect the rights of the LGBTQI population against discrimination. We believe, every person should have the right to get married. Not recognizing the relationship of LGBTQI couples and not allowing them to marry legally, denies them of their identity; the legal equality of their families and it is clearly a form of unfairness, discrimination and prejudice. This February, LUSH stands together with our LGBTQI friends to urge the Hong Kong government to Just Say YES to equal marriage rights for LGBTQI groups. We would like to invite you to join this cause. Here’s how you can get involved: From 1stto 28th February, we will donate 100% proceeds from purchases of the special edition Layer Cake soap (without deducting the cost) to 11 local LGBTQI groups, supporting their movement to fight against LGBTQI inequality and the violation of human rights issue in Hong Kong Visit any of our 10 shops in Hong Kong and Macau from 1stto 28th February, to sign the joint-petition or sign our online petition. We call on the Hong Kong government to confront this discrimination issue and remove the unfairness to the LGBTQI community. – Review and revise the current Marriage Ordinance and Just Say YES to equal marriage rights. Online petition: Use the hashtag#JustSayYes and help build the buzz

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