


As the COVID-19 epidemic recedes and the social economy gradually returns to normal, the number of tourists coming to Macau has increased significantly. Strangely, however, the stock price of Macau gaming stocks fell to a new low for the year in December 2023, so everyone began to worry about Macau's gaming revenue in 2024. Whether it will decrease or not, today, MICKEY HUNG uses Chinese eight-character and five-element magic numbers to predict Macau's gaming revenue next year.


The five elements in 2023 belong to wood, the zodiac sign belongs to rabbit, and the gaming industry belongs to water. The element of wood does not help water but weakens water. Therefore, as of 4 December, the stock price of Galaxy Entertainment Group Limited has declined compared with 1 January this year. 21%, the stock price of Sands China Limited fell 22%. The stock prices of all the other three gambling companies have been even worse, with Wynn Macau down 32%, Melco International Development Limited down 38%, and SJM Holdings Limited down 48%.

The beginning of spring in 2024 is 4 February. Judging from this date, the wood element in the east and the gold element in the west are subtly opposed, but overtly, they are conjunct. This is a mess, indicating that the casino licensees comply with the government's regulations and, on the other hand, violate the code of practice. Therefore, the government puts a lot of effort into communication, which is inefficient.


From a Feng Shui perspective, the north is the financial position in 2024, and Macao is located from north to south. Next year, more tourists will enter Macao from the north. As Macao introduces more new tourism elements and further explores the source of tourists from the mainland and international markets, The number of tourists visiting Macau is expected to continue to rise.


Macau's gaming revenue has been less than 100 billion in the three years since the epidemic. In 2020 (60.4 billion patacas), 2021 (86.8 billion patacas), and 2022 (42.2 billion patacas), this year we combined the Chinese horoscope. I Ching analyzed that gaming revenue will be the primary financial revenue of the Macau government in 2024. The total gaming revenue for the year is expected to be between 2,000 and 220 billion patacas.


In the economic downturn, the continuation of Jockey Clube de Macau is also worrying. It has been rumored several times that Jockey Clube de Macau will close in 2024. Because it is located in the west of Taipa, the west in 2024 is a bad luck position in Feng Shui. It indicates unrest, horses are prone to injury, and owners stop ordering new horses.


Next year's chief executive election of the Macau Special Administrative Region will see the East and West stars attacking each other, causing chaos. All Macau citizens and business people hope for stability, and the Financial Secretary will also take good care of it and bring up the dying real estate industry. There is a saying in Chinese astrology. As the saying goes, "Land comes with gold," the relationship between real estate and people's livelihood is relatively direct, and the economy derived from real estate is very serious. It is unwise to focus only on the gambling economy and ignore real estate. In that case, it is inconsistent with the "wǔxíng" law of Chinese philosophy. The doctrine of five phases describes two Cycles of Balance, a generating or creation (生, shēng) cycle and an overcoming or destruction (克, kè) cycle of interactions between the phases. "land comes with gold" means that when the real estate industry is prosperous, people live and work in peace and contentment, and economic improvement will drive consumption.


 In the East-West competition in 2024, everyone is worried about China's economic slowdown, especially concerns related to non-essential consumption, such as luxury goods, gaming and leisure. Therefore, the revenue of the six gaming companies can only grow steadily, and no breakthrough performance is expected.



    熊神進師傅,生於澳門,南洋長大,少承祖命,傳授易經、風水、八字術數,後經名師指導西洋占卜術、體相學。1986年回澳開設命相館,是澳門開埠五百年來第一位擁有「心理學碩士」、「行政管理學士」的最年輕政府註册風水學家。現在經常為報章離誌、電台及電視台做節目,是七百多間機構、社母、賭廳、上市公司顧問,曾接受超過五百個傳媒機構訪問,連續十年代表澳門政府出席葡萄牙及西班牙旅遊博覽,並獲得澳門政府承認 “澳門中國風水掌相學會”會長。近年影響力渗透内地,經常往内地教學、講座,結緣演藝界,被稱為明星算命師。